
20. A Party

That night, Loma has gathered the troops to decorated Baron's house with lots of little colorful lampions, just like Christmas lamps in the human world. There were so many foods prepared at the dining table.

A huge tend was built in the backyard of Baron's house. The wooden chairs were standing there and filled with so many people. The cheerful music was field the air. There was a musical instrument like flute and drum which is made from preserved Mamesein's leaf and let out a nice voice.

The dancers were moving their bodies in beauty and tenderness. It was a traditional dance from West Emporion. The face of the dancers was so beautiful. They were smiling while they tilted their head. Their fingers are so tapered, bend in the air, made some complicated movements.

Everybody clapped their hands with cheerful. This is the most popular show in every land. When someone will get married, he must make this party. Nevertheless, Baron thinks that this is unnecessary.

His house was full of people. Baron as the host didn't feel the happy vibes. He was eating the violet sweet cake with green cream. The cake was so delicious. At least, he could taste the sweet thing in his mouth.

Majer was walking toward him, giving him a little sweet smile.

"What a great party," said Majer.

"Thank's for coming to my house." Baron raised his eyebrows. "Do you want some cake?"

"Sure," said Majer.

She took the yellow cake with red rose petals on its top. She nodded while she ate the cake. Baron took two glasses of lemon juice. One for him and one for Majer.

"By the way, I heard that you accept the matchmaking. I was glad to hear that. It was a good decision. I know that someday you will accept it. You don't want to die soon, do you?"

"You know, Majer," said Baron started. "I think my life will never be the same. I feel like I lose half of my heart. How can I marry Neyan if I never fell in love with her?"

Majer looked around, make sure that no one listens to them. "Maybe you feel like you hate to do this today, but maybe someday you will thank yourself for your decision. Marrying the princess is a blessing beyond measure."

Baron sighed. "Maybe, I have to forget about Victoria. I will never be able to go to the human world anymore in the future. It was the first and the last time I saw her."

Majer patted his shoulder lightly. "Be patient. Someday your love will grow up when you realize that Neyan is your true love."

"She is not my true lo—"

"Ssshhh! Don't say it," Majer cut off his words.

Baron drank the lemon juice. It felt so sour, but refreshing his mind. Loma was approaching him and Majer. His face looked so happy while he raised his glass and nodded once.

"For your happiness, Baron!" exclaimed Loma.

Three women were following him, raising their glass. "For Baron!"

Everybody does the same thing, Majer, too. She smirks before she drinks the lemon juice. Baron feels so bad. He doesn't deserve to have this party. He wonders what was Neyan do in the palace. Is she made the party like this or maybe more than this?

Well, she is a princess. She can do anything she wants. All the ladies will steady to prepared her wishes. If Baron married her, maybe he must learn how to make an order to his servant. He hates that.

He must control himself from being a jerk. He saw that Neyan was hoping for the best for him. Maybe he could try to be a good husband for her.

Sometimes, Baron remembered Victoria's smile and suddenly his heart was broken. He felt so sad because he couldn't fulfill his promise.

The beat of the music gets faster. Everyone celebrates this day with happiness. Majer grabs his hand and brings him to the center of the party. They were clapping and cheered happily.

Baron tries his best to move and smile widely. Loma is dancing with the cute girl in a yellow dress. Baron knows that she is a rabbit animagus. When the scorpion animagus meet the rabbit animagus, maybe there is love in the air.

After the party last night, Baron goes to the palace to measure his suit for the wedding. The tailor and her assistant sewing his suit immediately. They can finish the suit tonight with some magic tricks, so he can use it for his wedding tomorrow.

Baron can't imagine how the wedding will be. He can only surrender to all of the things and hopes the best for the wedding. His father can smile from heaven while looking at his son getting married to the royal princess of Emporion Land.

The wedding will be held in the main garden of the palace. Baron is walking around the garden and seeing the servant decorated the garden with beautiful flowers and build a beautiful gate made from the dry wooden twigs. They knotted each other with magic glue and decorated them with colorful flowers and leaves.

Majer is busy preparing the foodstuff for the palace, replace Baron's job. He trusts Majer to manage all of it properly.

The King made an open invitation to all the animagus to participate in celebrating Baron and Neyan's wedding. Tomorrow will be a super big day in history for the last hundred years.

Baron wants to hide from all of this, but he can't. He has to face this, the historical day of his one lifetime. It will take only a few hours to through this party. After that, he has to live his life being Neyan's husband forever.

Someone touches his shoulder. Baron turns his body and surprises when finds Neyan smile at him. She looks so beautiful. Her body is glowing like a firefly. She wears a white dress and looks so gorgeous.

"Greetings to the princess," said Baron while bowing down his head.

Neyan holds his hands softly. "Thank you, Baron."

"What for? You don't have to thank me."

"I'm glad that you will be my husband tomorrow. I promise that I will love you forever and ever like the bird couple, always together."

"I'm not a bird," Baron snapped.

Neyan chuckles. "You are so funny. It just an expression of my feelings."

"I think that we should not meet each other until the wedding," said Baron.

"You right. I miss you. Suddenly I saw you here. I couldn't think, so I just came here to see you."

"You must come into the palace before someone looking at you."

Neyan nodes. "OK then. I'll see you tomorrow."

She stands on tiptoe and kisses Baron's cheek.