
In the breeze of love

During a crucial meeting, Kao's focus was abruptly diverted as he received a call from Achara. Her distressed voice relayed an urgent message.

"Ouch, brother. I am hurt, please come to 'Kasayapi Hotel,' room number 634."

Astounded, Kao stood up, concern etched across his face. He questioned her frantically, "What happened? Are you alright?''

''Weren't you at the campaign? Wait for me; I am coming."

Without hesitation, he left the meeting, leaving behind puzzled colleagues. Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Nil and Techno engaged in a conversation that delved into the complexities of their situation.

Techno voiced his concern, "Nil, how can you be so cold-hearted?"

Nil responded introspectively, "Do you really think, Techno, that I'm the sole cause of what's happening?"

Techno clarified, "I never intended to say that, and you know it."