
Why are there so many cheaters?

Walking back to the changing rooms I was stuck in my train of thought. What is this lingering feeling? I feel like the real threat is yet to come, why is that? My thoughts are halted by me bumping into something akin to a brick wall, ''Ah my bad bro'' I said not really in the mood to start a fight, ''I'm gonna need to to step aside'' ''Look I'm not in the mood right now, just accept my apology and go on about your day. I continued walking not even glancing at his face when I felt a presence coming towards me. Ducking out of the way I found my sudden change in speed gave me too much momentum so using that momentum, I jumped towards the wall, making me look like I was stuck to it. Launching myself off the wall, I delivered a kick to the side of the large mans face ''Urgh'' he stumbled back but caught himself and began to get his bearings, once he collected his thoughts he assumed his fighting position ''A wrestler huh?'' rushing towards me at great speeds I just suddenly realized how big he actually was, he must be about... 7ft? Appearing right in front of me he throw his hands forwards in an attempt to pick me up, I jumped above his huge arms delivering a knee to his face dazing him, not giving any time to recover, I slapped both of his ears at unprecedented speeds rupturing his eardrums, he again tried to grab me but with his sense of balance and depth perception gone his arms flew right above my head and to finish it off, I threw a huge uppercut towards his chin. Despite the copious amounts of blood gushing from his ears and nose he again tried to tackle me, but this proved useless as I ducked to the side moving around to his back, I kicked his kneepit causing him to kneel onto the floor, making his head level with mine, finally giving me enough grounds to put him in a perfect rear naked choke.

He struggled and wriggled as the veins and all the windpipes in his neck appeared, the muscles in his face slowly relaxing and turning a blueish purple color due to the lack of oxygen, his unreasonably huge arms stopped flailing in an attempt to grab my face and just went limp, that's when I knew he was passed out for sure, setting him go his upper body fell towards the ground resulting in him laying on his stomach with his eyes rolled the the back of his head. Flipping him onto his back, I noticed the company logo embroiled into the fabric of his suit ''Kure Inc'' it read ''That fucking scheming old man'' Instinctively I jump into a triple backflip, only to find that I've only narrowly dodged a huge fist by literally the length of a hair follicle, ''Hm'' looking ahead of me I see a tall and stocky man with an unusually wide frame, nevertheless he was still shredded, I could see each individual muscle all of them looking like they were ready to bust through the fabric of his tight fitting clothing his unorthodox appearance being sharply contrasted by his neat hair which was gelled back ''Where have I seen this guy before?'' I think to myself, suddenly a picture flashes through my mind, Kure Inc, he was that Bodyguard who stood next to Tenma's grandfather, he doesn't even utter a word an just rushes towards me at untraceable speeds, well, untraceable to the average human, see I'm not average. I look for openings in his stance but see none, his tight stance and low posture while running made it so I couldn't do anything with his legs, but his hands were placed close to his face as if he were a boxer, I would've never thought of this, It's so unbelievably simple, but it makes it nearly impossible for me to penetrate his guard, but it's only nearly impossible and now I know what to do, using my impressive athleticism, I simply just lower myself beyond his torso, which was only maybe 15 inches above the ground (think Inosuke from demon slayer) and dash forwards crashing into him, he was relentless in his attempt to bulldoze me out of the way despite my firm grip on his legs, but this proved useless, utilizing my overpowering physical strength I lift him from the ground, we may be neck and neck in terms of physical strength, but that doesn't mean I can't lift you, I can squat your ass for at least 100 reps, he slams and punches my back to no end, but it's useless, you can;t generate any power if your feet aren't on the ground.

I slam him into the concrete floor and mount him, knowing whats about to occur he guards his face, but that does not prevent me from the onslaught of punches and hammer punches to his guard. My barrage continues for at least 1 minute until his arms give way, revealing his deadpan expression, he probably isn't even feeling this, but just because you can't feel it doesn't mean you're invincible, sooner or later your arms have to give whether you feel it or not, you're only human and humans have limitations. My center of gravity rockets to the bottom of my feet, as I'm sent flying by this mans hips, the strong muscles in his hips allowed him enough power to throw me with nothing more than a hip thrust, we both stand up staring intently into each others eyes until he does something that I've seen numerous fighters do when they're serious, he ruffled his hair, such a small actions represented so much, when a fighter ruffles their hair it represents them losing all of their mercy, all form and teachings go out the window and are replaced by pure murderous and animalistic thoughts enter their heads, it isn't just a sheltered fight anymore, it's life and death. His facial expression finally changes into to a comically large smile threatening to rip apart the muscles in his face, ''Shits about to go down''.

Hey guys! I finally found the time to update! I'll be able to upload for 1 chapter a day for 10 days straight since somebody at school caught covid and online school isn't an option right now, thanks for all the support I'm seeing especially since I haven't uploaded in 16 days, I was expecting everybody to leave because of such a long hiatus but even more people found out about this, thanks a lot!

szechuansaucecreators' thoughts