
This guy is good!

He shoots me a smile, I can't tell what it is, there's a sense of familiarity but I can't tell where I've seen this before. For the first time in my life, I'm scared, I'm scared but weirdly excited, one thing I'm sure about is he's fully intending to kill me. Allowing my body to go limp I begin falling, my butt must have been maybe 2 cm off the ground before I sprung into action I made this move myself, it's called the spring style, I came up with it after accidentally falling too hard onto my couch at home and being pushed up by the springs, the idea of it is to relax all your muscles at the same time, and then instantaneously forcing them to contract I even made a fighting style out of it. I appear in front of Kanoh with my guard completely down he begins to throw punches at me in quick succession which I manage to dodge *bump* I'm up against a wall, shit! I didn't plan for this dodging another one of his punches causing his fist to penetrate through the concrete wall taking this opportunity I jab my thumb into an intercostal space (the space between two ribs) but strangely enough he doesn't make a noise, I wrap my arm around the arm that's stuck in the wall to make sure he doesn't escape, and throw a straight right towards his face with my free hand causing him to close his eyes instinctively *SNAP* those couple of seconds between him closing his eyes was what I needed, I was so fast you'd think I'd done it all at the same time, ducking under the arm I had a hold of I threw my strongest elbow to date towards his ribcage, allowing my to hear an audible crunch, I sent an upward kick at seemingly point blank range to the elbow of his arm which was still stuck in the wall and this was the one I thought'd end it all, my kick caused an open fracture on his elbow the sound of the bone tearing through his skin resonated through my ears, *drip drip drip* that was the sound of the blood which collected itself on his bone as it ruined his arm but I did not get away from this unscathed, I cling onto my ribcage as my open wound bleeds over my hand.

Right before I jumped away, the fucking madman swung his broken elbow into me, it didn't go very deep as I jumped away but it was enough to slow me down. I sped towards him in mass hysteria as he dodged and weaved my flurry of messy and unorganized shots ''HEEHHAHEHAHAHAH'' we both cackled in unison at the joy of it all, I threw a right cross to the inside of his guard breaking it, without even allowing a millisecond of recovery I grabbed either side of his head with my hands, and shook violently, normally this would've took a normal fighter out instantaneously, but this man was no ordinary fighter *ahu* throwing up I looked down to see his fist planted in my stomach, we fell at the same time and that's all I remember after blacking.

I wake up and shut my eyes immediately, ''What is that fucking light?'' ''Oh you're awake?'' I leap out of my laying position jumping maybe 20-25 metres into the air, front flipping at least 8 times and landing ''You're fucking good! Pushing your whole bodyweight into the air with just a push from your hands and even launching yourself into the air high enough, to look all around the room and then landing in a position which allowed you to move in any direction with minimal movement, impressive, but unfortunately stupid, see when someone digs two fingers into your stomach there's going to be some complications, his fingers almost punctured your lungs'' just as he says this I go into a coughing fit and fall onto the ground ''Move carefully so you don't ruin your chances in the Kengan Matches'' just as I begin to let my guard down the strange man exclaimed ''FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!'' kicking the machine in a fit akin to a kid losing a videogame this causes me to jump ''Whats wrong with this dude? Why does he curse so often?

He turns to me with bulging eyes and Looking at him I notice something, he's got black eyes? He's handsome too, as in it's unsettling how handsome he is almost like he just isn't real, an uncanny valley type feeling, I go into another coughing fit when I try to take a deep breath, it isn't like I'm hurt really bad or anything, my throat just itches whenever I try to even take a half breath. Walking over to the water fountain I press my hand against the button and began drinking, this water is a bit warm isn't it?'' ''It's poison'' I looked at him to gauge his reaction but his expression didn't even change on bit ''So it was actually poison huh?'' ''Yes, this is a non fatal but fast acting poison, but nothing has happened to you, what a specimen you are'' He looks me up and down in desire, want, and with passion ''I can't wait to cut you open ''I see, so you are my next opponent'' I begin to make my way out the door in awkwardness and confusion, as soon as it shuts I stop holding my breath *gag* ''That man, he reeks, the stench of death is all over him, up and down inside and out, disgusting'' but whats this? The hairs on my neck stood my hair began to rise as if it was being pulled by a magnet my blood is reacting to him, his smell, I'll remember it, that man is a natural born killer.