
How much money?!

''100 billion yen?!'' ''Yes'' Tenma said trying to look calm, I looked into his eyes, he was shaking in excitement too, just trying to hide it, ''We split it 50/50 right?'' ''Yeah, our next fight is in 2 weeks, we better get you some training, I'll hire a pro-'' ''Nah, I'm too good for a professional to help me. I can do my own training, just have faith in me, I'll figure something out'' I know what I'm going to do already, at first I excluded the idea from my mind, but I did some research on the internet and there's been some rumors of a race of yeti's that reside in Mt. Yasha, I already know where I'm going.

[2 days later]

Right now I'm climbing up Mt. Yasha, wearing army attire, I chose these clothes because the material is especially tough, and designed to be used effectively in especially perilous environments, even climbing up this mountain was incredibly hard it's a couple meters taller than Everest and just like Everest the amount of oxygen up here compared to Everest is 1/3, my muscles are extremely sore, oh yeah, did I mention that there isn't any flat ground climbing up here? I've been sleeping on rock floors inside small crevices barely big enough to fit my body, and it's unfair how cold it is up here. I latch onto the last rock and put my right hand on the first piece of flat ground I found, propelling myself over, I rolled onto a patch of grass, forgetting where I was I lay on my back taking deep breathes, ''Finally, I can catch my breath'' then I realized, wait i can catch my breath? while climbing the mountain the lack of oxygen left me in a perpetual state of fatigue, where I couldn't take full breaths, I guess my hyper adaptive body is to thank for this miracle ''Err?'' I opened my eyes and to absolute surprise a 6'5 ape with snow like fur appeared above me lifting both it's arm up it brought them down with flashing quickness that even I couldn't anticipate, all I could do was hope to catch it's arms ''PAM!'' I managed to catch it's arms but, I couldn't restrain them for the life of me, I used the weight to bring my legs up and kick it's face which it shook off easily, but in that time I got up and jumped away, but something akin to a titanium wall ceased my movements, another one!? Jumping out of the way I was now faced with two raging abnormally strong apes trying to kill me, before I could even react, one was already running towards me ''I guess I have to use my trump card'' among my 15 years of living in this new life the skill I've practiced the most? Imaginary Fighting, forging another me from my imagination seemed to disorientate the ape, causing it to run towards my creation with the intention to kill, running to the second ape I threw an uppercut, which had more of an affect on me than the unaffected ape, the shock wave of my own punch reverberated through my forearm.

I looked around for a spot to escape to, but I soon realized, I was cornered, red eyes all around me, I think I might have attracted more of the Yasha apes, panic started to set it how am I gonna escape? But then I remembered my legs actually had an affect on the ape when I kicked it, I figured this out just in time for an ape to come from behind me in an attempt to tackle me, I jumped high into the air letting off the strongest kick I could muster to the back of the apes head, however it quickly got up and began charging at me once again, I can't kick it head on while it's running at me, it looks around 200kg? If I try to challenge that plus the extra weight created by the momentum with my leg I'll likely break it, so I came up with a plan, as soon as it reached close enough to try to grab me, I jumped to the left, and delivered a kick to it's chin, not enough to knock it out, but enough to send it tumbling towards a thick tree without time to stop ''Thud'' It's head collided with the tree knocking it out, how am I gonna keep this up? There's at least 5 more Yasha Apes ready to eat me alive? And I can't keep giving them such strong kicks all the time, the kick I did just now already has my leg throbbing! Before I could give it anymore thought I was hit from behind and sent flying, trying my best to get to my feet proved useless, coughing up blood as I slipped and fell, double vision making it all the more confusing, I rolled over onto my back to see another huge Ape flying down towards me, I dug through my memories hoping for something to help me when I remembered Yujiro Hanma, there was a day in Baki's memories where Yujiro taught him the demon Back, the memories we're blurry because most of it was Yujiro punching me around trying to make me mad enough to use it, but I remember, so god please, this is the second time I'm asking something of you, but please, save me one more time, and then I blacked out.

[3 hours later]

I woke up in a pool of blood, not my blood, I looked around me, and there were more Yasha Apes then I remembered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ''BLEURGH'' I spent the next few minutes vomiting up all the food I had eaten in the past few days I've never been the type to kill, even in this new life, it's the 1st time I've been in a blood bath, with my father it wasn't that bad, I didn't even know, and didn't really care, but what this is, I've just came up here, and murdered a group of living, breathing beings, for no good reason except my own benefit. That day something changed in me, but that change in mindset was all I needed, to become a better fighter...

Two chapters in a row tomorrow to make up for not uploading today.

szechuansaucecreators' thoughts