

A story about Mia who has a hard time socializing and going on dates because she's an extreme type of an introvert who would rather stay in her own bubble than talk with real people. Basically she prefers fictional characters over real people anyday, everyday. She meets two guys and they share similar interests but in different fields which makes it difficult for her cause she does not know who she likes more!

Maryamee · Sports, voyage et activités
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1 Chs

First meeting

"You seriously had to make me go on a blind date knowing how bad I am at communicating with people and especially GUYS?" Mia says to her friend Sofie.

"Ahaha, that's exactly why I brought you here. So you can practice and bring a little confidence in yourself." Sofie nudges Mia in the shoulder.

They're both about to head inside a Cafe as Sofie has invited a blind date for Mia and her boyfriend as her own date.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Mia stops in her step as soon as she spots not only one but two boys sitting on a seat that's supposed to be infront of where Mia is about to sit.

Sofie has already gone to the seat where her boyfriend, Kyle is sitting and has started chatting up with him.

Mia gives a death glare to Sofie as she understands what's really going on.

Mia dashes towarda Sofie and grabs her arm and strides to the washroom.

"Ah! Hey what are you doing?!" Sofie says.

"Care to explain why there are TWO guys sitting in my seat? I thought there would be one blind date, not two! ? What were you thinking!!" Mia says abruptly and bonks on her head.

"Ouch! You'll ruin my hair! And besides isn't this better? You can choose whichever guy you think is compatible with you. You're not limited to one guy."

"That absolutely does not make me feel better. It makes it worse cause now I have two boys staring at the walls since I can't keep the conversation flow going." Mia paces in panic and Sofie takes a hold of her.

"You can do this Idiot. I know you will. Just be yourself." Sofie assures Mia.

"As if it was that easy." Mia thinks to herself but finally comes to a conclusion that she's going to give this a try.

"Fine." Mia says and looks in the mirror to check her face.

She made an effort to come here so it's better not to waste it is what she thinks and barges out the washroom and fixes her burgundy dress.

She takes a deep breath and clears her mind. Putting the best smile on her face as possible and walks towards her seat where the two boys are.

Mia slides across the chair and adjusts and the boys look at her in an instant as though they were caught off guard.

"I thought I was going to get stood up." The boy with jet black her and green eyes says.

"I was thinking kind of the same thing hehe." The other guy chuckles. He's got light brown hair and dark eyes and he's wearing a pair of specs.

Mia clears her throat and begins to speak.

"I'm sorry. I was not prepared to have this date with two guys at that same time you see." I say forcing my mouth to smile.

"No worries. It's my first time as well. I mean I've been on dates before but not with another guy who's sharing the same seat as mine." The brown haired boy explains.

He's got a soft and easy going vibe to him whereas the other guy is the complete opposite. He looks somewhat mysterious and not interested at all.

Mia can understand how the black haired boy feels in a way. She is also not very confident on how this is going to go.

"Uhh haha.." Mia laughs nervously.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves first?"



Both guys come to an agreement.

"I'm James. Nice to meet you. " The guy with the specs says and moves his right hand forward to shake Mia's which she reciprocates.

"I'm Kade." The guy on James' left says while waving his hand.

"You've got nice names. I'm Mia by the way." Mia says and looks at both of them.

"Your name is really cute too Mia!" James compliments her and she tilts her head in awe.

"Thank you!" Mia says.

Kade takes out his phone and starts to use it to keep himself busy. He's way too used to being a thirdwheel since 5th grade so this is the best thing that he can do while he's being ignored.

Although he wasn't being ignored at all, because Mia was trying her best to make both the guys feel included in her conversation.

"So uh James and Kade, are you both related?" This is the first thing Mia asks after their somewhat brief introduction.

"Haha actually we're not related. We're not even friends. Your friend Sofie.. Right? Well she is an acquaintance of mine at my workplace and Kade is Kyle's friend so they both probably decided to have us join you for this umm date." James says.

"Darn you Sofie and Kyle." Mia thought to herself and looked at Sofie who was laughing at something Kyle had said. They both look like they're having a time of their life while Mia was starting to feel really nervous. Her hands started to sweat profusely and she took a big dip of lemonade that was placed on the table.

"Hey.. That was mine but okay." Kade speaks as Mia almost finishes the drink.

Mia's eyes widen as she realizes that she didn't even bother to order and took a big sip of this dude's drink without his permission.

"OH I'm so sorry!! I didn't even ask. Wait let me order you another one and uh James what would you like to have? I'll buy you something too." She asks looking from one boy to another in panic.

"No need to worry Mia, I can pay for myself. But we should actually order something off this menu other than just lemonade don't you think, Kade?" James nudges Kade and he nods without giving much thought.

"okay sounds good. Let's see..." Mia quickly picks up the menu card and searches through it.

"I'll take a club sandwich with a sprite." Mia orders as the waiter comes to their table.

"I'll have this Alfredo pasta with this mint margarita please." James says.

"uh I'll just have a diet coke thanks." Kade says.

The waiter notes down their order and disappears back to the counter.

"You're not going to eat anything?" Mia asks Kade. She overthinks that she might have been the one who pissed Kade off with her drinking his lemonade.

"Kind of not in the mood actually. Don't worry though. I'm not annoyed with you. It's just my face." Kade explains.

Kade had a RBF which is short for "Resting bitch face" He couldn't do much about it aside from telling that he's not actually pissed at something or someone. It's just his face decides to have a mind of its own that makes people misunderstood.

Mia feels relieved and James and her both start talking about their interests. They both discuss about what they're into and from all the things they talk about, they finally find one thing that's similar among them which are.. Reading books!