
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 23 - Josh And Liz In Trouble At The Same Time

Josh drove at maximum speed as he crosses the bridge and pass the cherry blossoms liz looked out the window and then to Josh who kisses her hand that he was holding ever since they got in the car. "So do you have to go to this meeting babe?" Liz asked turning her body on her seat to face him. He turns a corner and looks at her. "Of course I do...it's important...."I just wish I didn't have to...I don't like it when we have these meetings...it sometimes turns out bad." He said rubbing his thumb on her hand gently squeezing it. "So you have to carry your gun?" She asked as he releases her hand. "Yeah...but I don't use it unless it have too." He said as he pulled up at the mansion. He gets out of the car and takes liz's hand and leads her inside. "Dad we're here!"

Josh said out loud as they walked to the main hall where Everyone came out to meet them. Liz looked at Courtney and Hailey who waved at her. "I thought you were both busy with work?" She said hugging them. "We were but then Lance said we had to come here so we left work and here we are. Courtney said as Ace walked in with Natalie.

"Josh what took you so long?" Ace asked as they both walk over to him and the others. "We got tied up with something important." Josh said scratching the back of his head smiling as liz blushed. "I can see that...it's plastered all over liz's face...she can't stop blushing." Natalie said as she stood infront of liz locking eyes with her. Liz stared at her seriously as Natalie extends her hand to meet hers. "It's nice to finally meet you Natalie!" Liz said and shakes her hand. "Same here Elizabeth...listen about last night....i-

"It's fine don't worry about it...let's just start over okay." Liz said as Josh and Ace smiled. "I'd like that very much." Natalie said smiling. "Good then maybe we can have that drink when these guys leave!" She says as they all look at her. "Yes sure we can...afterall we are all condemned to this house until they return right." Natalie said looking at Courtney and Hailey who answered in unison.


The guys all laughed as Mr King walked into the hall. Smiling at them. "It's so wonderful to see all of you here." He said as he walks over to Josh and liz. " Elizabeth my child, how are you my dear...are you okay?" He asked with concern. Liz smiles and nods. "Yes I am!" she said looking at him and everyone around her. "Okay good...I'm happy to hear that." He said turning to josh and Ace. "We leave as soon as you both change....the girls will be safe here...I've surrounded the mansion with guards and I gave them specific orders to be carried out....Natalie dear,your sister is in the study...waiting for you...oh wait her she comes with Drake." He said as they all turned to look at the girl infront of them. "I'll be right back...Josh,Ace make it snappy." He said leaving the hall and goin to his office.

Liz stepped forward looking at the girl smiling at her. "Hello Elizabeth...it's nice to see you..it's been too long." She said walking over. "No freakin way...it's you." Liz pulled on Shayne's shoulder as he looks at the girl. "Did you know she was coming here?" Shayne scratches the back of his head chuckling. "Uuhh yeah... actually I'm the one who brought her here." He said as liz gave him a death stare. "Why...why would you do that...you know she tried to kill me!" Josh walks over to liz and places his hand on her shoulders. "It okay love...don't be upset." Liz turns too look at him as the girl stands next to shayne clinging to his arm.

"I'm not upset...you don't know what she did to me....you have no idea...if it wasn't for shayne I'd be dead rightnow." She yelled. "That's all in the past just let it go already...your such a child." The girl said as liz began to clench her fists turning to her. "Don't toy with me Ashley...I'm not in the mood...even if your Natalie's sister I won't hesitate to-

"To what?" Ashley teased. "Look I know we had our differences...and yes I did try to kill you...but you were at fault." She said as she removes her hand from Shayne's. "How the hell was I at fault?...you freakin cut the brake line in my car and I almost drove off a cliff...all because you thought I was inlove with Shayne and I stole him from you." Liz yell angrily as they all stared at her. "There is noway in hell I'm staying in this house with you...I'd rather get shot and die than-

"Oh will you stop being so dramatic...look I'm sorry...for everything...I'll never try to do something like that again I promise....the truth is I want us to be friends and also because....your a better dancer than me that's why I need your help...I want you to be my partner and help me with my dads club." Ashley says with a smile.

Liz walks over to the table and pours some whiskey drinking it down then pours another and was about to drink it when Josh walks over to her taking the glass. "I'll take that!" he said holding the glass in his hand. As he places his hand on her cheek. "You don't know how horrible she is...I can never forgive her Josh." She said angrily. Josh placed the glass on the table and cups her cheek looking into her eyes "Listen I know you've had your differences...I already know about all of this...shayne told me everything...i know Ashley can be a handful but please try to work it out...we all need you girls to be safe and together....and the only way that will work is if you guys patch things up...do it for me please my angel." He said kissing her forehead. Liz looked at him then to the others then to Ashley who smiles and clasps her hands together. Liz rolled her eyes at her an looks back at Josh sighing "fine....I guess if I can give Natalie a chance...then I can do the same with Ashley."

She said as Ashley holds Shayne's hand. "So is that a yes...you'll be my partner?" Ashley asks anxiously. Liz looked at Josh as he nods she then looks at Ashley again " okay fine it involves drinking...then I'm in." She said looking back at Josh. "I'm proud of you babe." He kisses her and hugs her then turns to Ace. "Lets go!" Ace nods and turns to Natalie kissing her cheek "I'll be right back." She nods as he joins Josh. They both walk up the steps heading to their rooms to get ready.

Liz poured another drink and sat on the sofa as the other guys left the hall. The girls all sit and chat. Ashley walks over and sits next to liz staring at her. "What...why are you staring at me?" Liz asked sipping the drink. "Nothing you just seem different...your more cocky!" Liz looked at her with her brows raised "cocky?"

"Yea...no...I mean gutsy...more tough than the last time I saw you....I like it." She said smiling. "Uuuhh...thank you!" Liz says taking a sip from her glass. "Do you want some?" Liz asked holding up her glass. Ashley tilts her head "Sure...why not...we've nothing to do...why not drink."

They both got up and walk to the table as the other girl joins them. "Make me one lizzy."

Natalie said.

"Us too!" Hailey and Courtney said as liz poured whiskey in the five glasses handing one to each girl. "Here's to all of us...I agree we are different...and we had our differences but here's to a new start...cheers!" They all said clinking their glasses and drinking down the whiskey. Liz pours another holding up the bottle "who wants another?" She asked as they all put their glasses forward as she pours some again. "May we all be good friends from now on and have no secrets...agreed!" Liz said looking at the girls who smiles and answered in unison

"AGREED!!!" They all drank it down and placed their glasses on the table As the guys joined them they were all dressed in black suits and ties. They all walk over to their boyfriends except for liz. Josh pulls her away to the study and shuts the door pinning her against it. "Listen my love if you end up in any trouble there's another gun in the drawer in my nightstand...Ace keeps one in his room to...I'm telling you this just in case okay."

Liz nods as he cups her cheek. "I love you Elizabeth Morgan." He said kissing her roughly as she kisses him back. He breaks the kiss and smiles at her as she wraps her hands around his neck. "Please be safe and don't get hurt...come back to me okay...I love you so so so much Joshua King." She said kissing him again as Mr King calls out to him. "Josh where are you?" Josh breaks the kiss and looks at her. Holding her hands up kissing them "I promise my love I will come back to you....come on its time for me to go." He said opening the door holding her hand as they walk out of the study. Everyone looked at them as liz let's go of his hand and blushes. "Sorry dad...I'm ready...shall we go?" He asked as Mr King laughs "you girls don't worry everything will be okay...this is your house to so make yourselves at home...alright we're off." He said walking out the door as Josh and the others follow him.

The guards lock the front door and stands outside. Liz turns to the girls who were looking at her. "Alright what do you guys wanna do?" She asked as she took her phone from the table and puts on her playlist. "I love this song...comeon let's play it on the stereo." Natalie said taking liz's phone and paring it with the stereo.

Ashley turns up the volume and begins to dance. "Come on Liz...show them what you got." She pulls liz in the middle of the hall as liz begins to dance pulling Courtney in...as they began to sing. "I'm you biggest fan,I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi."

three of them were in sync with the dance moves as Natalie and Hailey claps and cheers them on. "I'm hungry!" Hailey said looking at Natalie clapping her hands. "Me too...let's go cook something." She said turning down the volume. As the girls looked at her. "Listen Hailey and I are both hungry so we're going to cook...are you guys hungry too?" She asked as Liz pours a drink and gives one to Ashley and Courtney. "I could eat." Ashley says drinking down her drink. "Mee too" says Courtney.

They all look at liz placing the glass on the table. "I want spaghetti...with meatballs." She said pouring another drink. "Great I'd eat that...how about the rest of you?" Natalie asks taking a drink from the bottle.

"SURE!!!" They all answered as they drank some more. Natalie smiles and turns up the music as she and Hailey heads to the kitchen. "how are you with a knife Hailey?" Natalie asked as they stood in the enormous kitchen near the counter. Hailey picks up a knife and sends it flying into the center of one of the wearplates that was placed up right on a shelf. The plate shatters as Hailey turns to Natalie who stood there shocked. "Impressive can you do this?" Natalie took up three knives and held them all together as she threw them on three apples that were in the fruit basket on the dining room table. "How the hell did you do that Natalie...teach me, teach me, teach me."

She screamed jumping and Clasping her hands together. "Calm down Hailey I'll teach you but first the food remember." She said turning to the fridge. "Right the food...let's see what we got."

Meanwhile Mr king and his men reached the place where the meeting was to take place

"Something dosent seem right dad." Josh said as they got out of the car and looked around the place was completely empty. "Becareful son...shayne, Ace, Lance stay with me the rest of you spread out. The men did as they were told and searched the entire warehouse but it was abandoned. 'They didn't show up" Shayne said looking around again. Mr king lights a ciggar as he walks to the door about to leave when he sees several cars approaching the building. "They are here...Hold your positions!" He said as he walks to Mr Cruz. "King it's good to see you again....sorry to keep you waiting."

He said as they shook hands. "No no that's quite alright I just arrived...it's good to see you...come let's go in side...I'm sure yo-

"Sorry king I know it's short notice but I changed the location of our meeting place to a more secure location....come with me." He said as they all got in their cars and follows him. They drive around for 10 minutes and then stops at a casino. Mr Cruz opens the door and gets out walking towards the building. Followed by Mr king who stops and looks at the building.

"this is-"

Mr Cruz cuts him off.

"Please come on in...this is the casino that Don and you were partners in...I thought you'd be more at home here..." he said as they all walked inside. Josh was about to open the door when he receives a message from Natalie. He stops and opens it.

Tex: - "hey so this is goin really well they are all getting along great. I sent you a vedio they didn't know I was recording them... have a look...oh yeah this is Natalie and tell Ace I'm not drunk...bye."

Josh opens the vedio and sees the girls drinking and dancing. They were all drunk. he looks at liz as she dances with Ashley and smiles. "Atleast she's happy." He says texting back Natalie and walks inside with Ace only to have someone pointing a guns to their heads. "What's goin on here?" Josh asked as one of the men hits him in the back of his head knocking him out. Ace was about to pull his gun when he was knocked out too. Mr Cruz turns to Mr king and smiles. "Like taking candy from a baby....comeon king we have alot to talk about." He said as he orders his men to surround Mr king and his men. " this isn't good" Lance said as he and Shayne get on their knees with their hands behind their heads. Drake was about to shoot Mr Cruz when he was knocked out.

Mr Cruz sits at a table and looks at Mr King. He then turns to his men. " tie them up and get me Donald San Antonio now!" He demanded as his men followed their orders. One of them brings the phone over and hands it to him. He takes it and answeres lighting a ciggar. "Hello Donald....I held up my end of the deal now you hold up your end...get me that girl!" He said slaming the phone down and puffing his ciggar. Mr king looked at him and questioned. "to whom are you referring to Alfonso....what girl?" He asked as his heartbeat increased only one person came to his mind although he didn't say it. He looked at Mr Cruz and then to Josh and Ace who were still unconscious as well as Lance and Shayne.

"Look whatever problem you have with me...it's between us..let the boys go." Mr king said.

Mr Cruz began to laugh as he got up and walks over to Mr king punching his face. "You think it's all about you don't you king....well it's not....it's about Don's offspring....I'm goin to get her and make her sign all these papers...all his casinos and warehouses and clubs ,everything...everything her father owns will be mine....and you know what I'll do next I will burn her alive." He said laughing like a maniac. "Get the cameras ready!" He said leaving the room and walking outside. Mr king looks at his sons and his men. "Josh, shayne...wake up Elizabeth's in trouble!" He said as he was knocked unconscious.