

Suzy, a 22-year-old girl, was all alone in this cruel world. She is a student in one of the most reputed schools in London, Westminster. She works at a coffee shop, which pays her enough to pay her bills and fees. Suzy is very sharp and wants to be a doctor so that she can cure people, so no other child loses their parents due to lack of medication. Suzy has 3 friends-Jenna, Cazzie and Alena.

Jake, a 24-year-old billionaire who had everything in his life but was still alone. His parents died in a car accident. He missed them very much. He lived with 'Mary', who has taken care of him since childhood. She was like a mother to him. He has 3 friends-Marco, Brian and Joey. They were all well known as Group J4. Everyone feared them. The girls drool over them, but they don't even care to give a look to any girl.


Suzy was sitting with a locket in her hand, a heart-shaped locket which had her parent's photo in it. This was the last thing she had with herself, which her mother gave to her. Caressing their photo, her pearly tears dropped. I miss you a lot, mom and dad. Someone gently wrapped her hands around her. Yaah my cutie, don't cry again. See they must be very proud to see their daughter taking her responsibilities well. They'll not like seeing you crying like this! Jenna said while comforting her. Jenna i miss them a lot. I really wish I could hold them for atleast just once. Jenna was silent as she knew how it felt to live without her parents. Jenna's parent's live abroad. They left Jenna with her aunt. They visit her twice a year. Enough of this crying for today. Let's go for a cup of hot coffee. Suzie loved hot coffee so she nodded her head like a small kid. Jenna chuckled at seeing her happy face. 

They went to a nearby café and ordered a hot cup of coffee and started discussing the project they had recently done. Suddenly, someone hit their heads. They turned around to find Cazie and Alena. I guess you both forgot you have two more friends. Jenna and Suzie chuckled and told them to join in. Well, guys, we were discussing the project and this time our project needs to win the award. The winning amount is 'Fifty Thousand Pounds'. They were all busy discussing when suddenly the bustling café went silent. All four of them turned around and saw everyone looking at the entrance door in fear. They turned around and saw 4 men entering the café in their casual dresses. They were the J4 group; Jake, Marco, Brian and Joey. Suzie told everyone to focus on the project rather than looking at those boys. 

The J4 were discussing the deals. This deal is very important. If we get this deal, we will get at the top position in the world and no one can take over the companies' positions for the next 15 years. Jake said in his husky voice. Well Mr. Harris is trying really hard to get this deal. Yesterday, I saw him talking to the owner of Jones corporation. I think he is planning something against us. Joey told everyone with concern. Don't worry Joey, we will not let him succeed in his plans. Let's make a strong plan wisely. All of them agreed and decided to work on the plan. 

This side Suzie, Jenna, Cazzie and Alena decided to go back to their homes as it was getting late. Well, let's meet here again tomorrow with better project ideas. Whoever will give the best idea, I'll treat her with a cup of cold coffee and her favorite snacks, said Suzie. All three of their eyes shined, and they decided to leave the café. Suzie got a call so she left in a hurry with Jenna. Cazzie and Alena finished their coffee and were about to leave as well when Cazzie bumped into someone. Oh! I am extremely sorry. I was not looking in front. Hope I didn't hurt you by saying this, Cazzie left while apologizing. Everyone was shocked as the person she bumped into was Marco. Marco felt speechless. He was awestruck by her beauty. Her honey voice sounded like a melody. His friends approached him and understood everything. Want to know more about her? Joey asked with his sly smile. Marco made a normal face again. No need, let's go.

Everone sat in the car. Jake smirked seeing his friend blushing, remembering that moment. Seems like someone is blushing. Joey replied "Wait guys, I can smell something." Brian asked," What is it? Joey replied," Smell of love". Love is in the air. Marco gave a death stare to everyone and all three of them sat quietly like small kids. Enough of these teasings. Now let's start making a plan to get that deal. Everyone nodded their heads nd drove off.

On the other hand, Cazzie's heart was pumping hard. It felt like it would come out. Someone told her that the person she bumped into was a dangerous billionaire, and her luck was good that he hadn't done anything worse. It's okay cazzie, see you are perfectly fine. Stop getting worried and focus on the project. You remember what Suzie promised us, right? Alena comforted her and left for home. Cazzie remembered the promise Suzie made and started thinking about the idea for the project. But deep down Cazzie was feeling something unusual. She replayed everything that happened today and felt her heartfelt calm near him. She ignored that feeling, thinking maybe because at that time she didn't know how dangerous he was and what consequences she would face. She took a warm shower, still thinking about everything. While thinking about all of this she was smiling and maybe blushing too. Swiping away every thought, she decided to sleep so that she could meet everyone tomorrow with a better idea.