

Marianne Carolina was the only daughter of the mafia boss, Vivan who terrorized country A. His name was to be feared by not only Country A but also a few of the surrounding countries. It.was no secret he was not the best father. So after a argument with her father. She plans a amateur plan with her best friend, Katherine to escape. The amateur plan works and Mary runs away but only after being free for a while. She is entangled with King of the business world, Damon Tyson who makes her his wife.

offical_alex · Sports, voyage et activités
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25 Chs

I forgot

Mary woke up with excitement as she got dressed and packed her bag. Mary thought that the uniform was beautiful. She was a bit angry that her new college had a uniform. What kind of college has uniforms? The high school she attended didn't have one.

She decided to tie her long white hair in space buns.and added some flowers for fun. For accessories she added a green bow and a locket. Her uniform had a white jacket with green sleeves. It wasn't mandatory to wear it but she decided to wear it because it was extremely cold. The uniform also had long white stockings with a long green skirt. It was funny that she had dyed her hair white and had naturally green eyes matching her uniform.

Mary was a fair as milk and had naturally pink cheeks. When she was young she was a bit chubby although no one dared to bully her for it. She still felt insecure. So much that she barely ate and developed an eating disorder. When her father found out about it he ordered world-class chef to cook her meals. The meals were so delicious that Mary couldn't resist not eating them. Along with that her father made a rule that no one in the house from the chefs to the servants would use the word fat for anyone even themselves. Mary's best friend also helped her feel better. Mary although is not extremely underweight. She is still a little underweight because of it.

Mary went out to the living room and found Damon playing with Levi. It was extremely adorable so she took a picture of both father and son playing with each other. "Good morning, mama." Levi said rushing to her. "Good morning to you too. Aren't you going to go to school?" She asked. Mary smiled. "Yes but I haven't had breakfast papa said that we have to wait for you." Mary glared at Damon then held Levi's hand and went to the dining table. In the kitchen a tall lady of about 40 years greeted her with a smile. "Mrs Tyson, Good morning.I am Linda. I have made the breakfast let me serve it now." She said with a French accent. "Good morning to you too, Miss." Mary replied with a smile brighter than the lady's.

The lady put some plates and cutlery on the table and brought out the food.

"Mr Tyson, you certainly married a good girl. When you told me at first that you married. I was worried it would be one of those gold diggers but after meeting her I was relieved. She is a beautiful and polite girl." She said

Hearing her Mary felt happy but Damon on the other hand wanted to say polite my ass. She is nothing but polite to him. Because of her he had to sleep on the couch. Could anyone imagine him a guy who has been treated like royalty sleeping on a couch.

After reaching her college, Damon unlocked the door. "Give me your phone." He said. Mary handed him her phone. He did something and gave her the phone back. "I saved my number and assistant Ling's number. Call me if you need anything. If I am not responding call him. Also here." He said handing her a credit card. "Buy anything you want with it. I sended you my little brother's photo and number too. Ask him if you want notes or anything. I will be back to pick you up. Good bye and have a good day." He said kissing her forehead. "Have a good day too." She said getting out of the car.

She felt extremely touched that Damon cared so much about her. She entered the college and quickly grabbed the attention of her fellow students. None of them approached her but instead stared her. She felt strange because if people staring at her. She continued walking to the class.

She entered the class. It was clear she was late. The teacher looked at her. So did the class. "You are late. Go sit by Xavier, the guy with blue eyes." She said. Mary went by and sat by him. She felt a bit weird. What should she say to him? She couldn't just say that she was his sister in law. So she kept to herself. Xavier looked so much like Damon. She always hated the first day of class. "Marianne why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher said. Why did this happen to her. She stood up. "Hello, I am Marianne Tyson. You can call me Mary for short. I look forward to making friends with you all." With Tyson as her surname, she quickly gathered the attention of the class. "Wait, are you related to Xavier and the Tyson family?" A girl asked out of curiosity. "Yes, I am." Mary said. "Sit down Mary. No more talking during the class." The teacher said. Mary sat down. Xavier seemed to be ignoring her.

The rest of the class was boring. After the class, Mary approached Xavier. "Hello, I am Mary." She said. Xavier tucked his hair behind and turned on the hearing aid. "Sorry. My hearing aid was off. What were you saying?" He said. It made sense now. He wasn't ignoring her but instead his hearing aid was off. "Wait, was your hearing aid off the whole class?" She asked him. He nodded. "Yes, anyways do I know you?" He asked her. Wait, what? Mary wondered. Did Damon not tell him about her? Oh well. It would be weird to tell him that she was his sister in law. "No, I am Mary. Um do you want to be friends? I joined today. So could you please give me a tour of the college?" She said smiling. "Okay, follow me." He said taking her hand.

Xavier gave her a tour of the whole college. By the end of the day. They had both became good friends. Xavier than got a text. He looked at his phone then at Mary and said. "Good bye, see you tomorrow." He said going away. Soon after he left she got a text from Damon that he's here to picks her up. She went to the car and went inside.

Xavier was sitting there with Damon. He looked surprised to see Mary. "Mary, what are you doing here?" He asked. Damon looked at the backseat and was surprised by Xavier's behavior. "What do you mean? I came to pick you both up. Anyways Honey, how was your day?" He said. Xavier was surprised to hear Damon call his friend honey. "Ahh, I forgot to tell you. Xavier, I am your sister in law." She said completely ignoring Damon.