

Marianne Carolina was the only daughter of the mafia boss, Vivan who terrorized country A. His name was to be feared by not only Country A but also a few of the surrounding countries. It.was no secret he was not the best father. So after a argument with her father. She plans a amateur plan with her best friend, Katherine to escape. The amateur plan works and Mary runs away but only after being free for a while. She is entangled with King of the business world, Damon Tyson who makes her his wife.

offical_alex · Sports, voyage et activités
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25 Chs


It was nearly night when they finally landed due to heavy rain the flight took double the time it usually does. It had finally stopped raining too. Mary changed her clothes in the bathroom. She was glad that they were flying on a private airplane. She straightened her dress and touched up her makeup. They left the plane and there was a limo waiting for her and Damon. They sat inside and there was this old man dressed in all black. "Good evening, Ma'am and Sir." He said fixing his glasses and started driving. "Good evening. Tell me Butler Xu. Is anyone home?" He asked meanwhile Mary kept quiet. "Yes, fortunately everyone is at the mansion except Xavier. Do you want to go to the mansion or the villa?" He asked. "The mansion. There is something important I need to tell them." Of course that something was Mary. Butler Xu asked no more questions. There was this peaceful silence in the whole car that somehow scared Mary.

"We are here." Butler Xu said unfastening his seat belt and opening the door for Mary and Damon. Damon held Mary's hand as he went in the mansion while Butler Xu parked the car. Mary was absolutely stunned by the beauty of the golden garden. Butler Xu left them inside the main gate. It was a bit dark so she didn't get to see it all properly. Inside there were maids and guards everywhere. "Where are they?" He asked a young maid with vibrant purple hair. She bowed her head and said. "Young master, they are having dinner in the dining room. Can I help you in any other way?" Damon shook his head and the maid went away after bowing her head. This was amazing it felt like he was a prince and she was a princess. They went to the dining room where on the long table his family was seated. They were surprised to see him but at the same time weren't surprised at all. "Hello brother. What brings you here? Weren't you on a business trip?Anyways since you are here why don't you come join us for dinner with your friend I assume." said a girl with beautiful pink hair and black clothes. She had a bright smile with cherry red lips. It was safe to assume that she was her sister.

Damon took a seat and pulled a seat for Mary to sit beside him. "Freya, Damon's business trip was supposed to end yesterday. Damon, how did business go? And who is this young lady beside you?" The woman with long black hair asked "It went great. The Marine group is now a part of Tyson group. It's good to see you mom. I like to introduce someone special to you. Her name is Marianne you can call her Mary for short. She is my beloved wife. I married her." He said kissing her on the cheek. "Wife. Oh I was certainly not expecting that. Is she even of proper age. No offense but she seems young. If she isn't of proper age i will take you to the police myself regardless of your position as a CEO or your relation to me as my son." She said in a calm manner trying to hide her panic."Calm down. She is the same age as Xavier. She married me by her own wish. I did not force her. I married her last week while visiting country F. We instantly took a liking to each other. Mary this is my mom, Zara Tyson." Damon calmly said. "Nice to meet you um..mom. Is that ok for me to call you mom? Uh, Should I call you aunty or Mrs Tyson?" Mary asked obviously flustered. "Well nice to meet you, Mary. You can call me mom. You are Mrs Tyson now. Welcome to the family. That's Freya, Zander and His wife Ray. Xavier, my third son is not home. After we are done with dinner would you like to perhaps chat with me and Freya?" Zara said with a smile. Mary couldn't believe that Zara her mother in law was this nice. Aren't mother in laws supposed to be evil like shown in movies and tv shows. "Of course. That would be nice, mom.." She said still nervous. "Great." All of them went back to eating dinner quietly.

Mary was feeling extremely emotional and was about to cry any minute. This is what families are supposed to do. She never had a mom or a dinner with her dad. This was beautiful. It was way better than eating food alone in the dark.

Freya dragged her to the room along with Ray after dinner. Zara and Damon had some important business to deal with. So they had to rush to the company. "Your hair is so beautiful. Its like a silvery white." Freya said. "Your hair is beautiful too. I love the bright red." Mary complimented. "Thank youu! So when did you and brother meet?" She asked. Mary was a bit nervous what if she told them a made up story and then Damon told them another story. "Ahh..Its a long story for short I met him after I ran away from home and we both fell in love." She said. It was true. She actually did fall in love with his looks. "Cool. Um I haven't introduced myself to you. I apologize. My name is Ray. I am married to Zander, Damon's brother." She introduced yourself. "Ray is a beautiful name. I remember Damon telling me Zander is a singer. It must be hard for you both to keep in touch when he goes on tours."Mary said softly. Damon didn't tell Mary. Mary was actually a big fan of Zander's music a long time ago. "It Is hard but we make it work. Anyways Freya what about you? Do you like any guys?" She asked nicely but it seemed to have provoked her cause she threw a pillow on the floor. "Get out, Ray!" She yelled and Ray just went out.

"What happened? Are you okay..?" Mary asked her. "No, I am not. She knows yet she does it." Freya started uncontrollably crying in Mary's lap. "It's okay.. Do you want to talk to me about it?" She said embracing her. Freya shook her head. "Excuse me. I am going to go the washroom." Mary was still shocked what happened. Why did such a simple question such as do you like any guys? made her snap.

Freya came back. She was all cleaned up and had a smile on her face. "Sorry for that. Anyways do you want me to give you a tour of the house tomorrow? Would you mind leaving right now I really am tired. I just want to sleep." She asked. Her voice seemed very shaky. "Of course. Good night." She said before leaving.

Mary was just leaving when she bumped into Damon. "Hey, mom wanted to discuss something with you and me. Lets go." He said holding her hand gently. "No kisses, huh?" She said joking around but he actually gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

"Sit down. I want to discuss something with you both." She said asking them to sit. She took out her glasses and wore them. "I am not angry at you both. I just wanted to explain somethings. First of I want you both to refrain from sexual inter course. It wouldn't be good if she ends up getting pregnant. She is too young. I think you, Damon should have been responsible and waited at least a year or a two before getting married. We can't change what has happened so we might as well work with it. Understand it?" Mary hid her face behind Damon's back at the mention of sexual intercourse. "Yes.' He said. "Good. Now I have enrolled Mary in college. You need to take her shopping for stationary and books tomorrow. Second thing we are not going to announce her marriage with you just yet. Becoming Mrs Tyson comes with a lot of responsibilities. You should wait till she is a senior in college to announce your marriage. Last thing. She needs a proper wedding with glitters and sparkles like every girl wishes it to be. You can't take away the experience of a beautiful wedding away from her. Now you both go and rest." She said telling them to go away while she worked on the iPad.