
Bad Heroes

Son of a gang leader is now President of a Special Investigation Agency aka Animal Detective Agency. Alex with four other members of the agency is trying to save the people. Even though they are determined to eradicate evil with their special abilities they still call themselves Bad Heroes. Already busy lifes of these heroes became even more adventurous when one day a naive boy Izaya came knocking on their door for help. 

CS5 · Politique et sciences sociales
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4 Chs

Do you wanna fight?

"What?" Izaya was shocked.

Everyone looked at Lucy. "What? He is now working with us.We can't hide this from him." Lucy said carelessly.

"I... " Darren was about to say something when someone cut in.

"Hide what from him?" Alex's calm voice sounded. They didn't even realise when Alex came out of his office.

"Alex, I missed you so much." Lucy hugged Alex.

"Don't change the subject Lucy." Alex took her arms off of him.

"Since you have already heard everything, why pretend?" Lucy pouted.

"Then would you mind telling me details? Come to my office." Alex ordered and went back to his office. His office's door closed with a loud noise.

"I'm dead today." Lucy said and went after Alex.

"Will Chief get mad at Lucy?" Izaya asked Matt. This was the first time he saw Alex so angry.

"It's fine. Lucy can handle the situation." Matt comforted Izaya.

"Ok." Izaya remembered Lucy's actions from before and nodded his head in understatement.

"So will you talk to Chief about locket?" Matt asked Izaya.

"I don't think I will get the chance today." Izaya said helplessly.

"Get back to work you two."

"Yes Darren." Matt and Izaya immediately went back to do their work.

"You are a killer." A young boy yelled.

"Listen to me Eric." Alex tried to hold young boy's shoulders but he didn't let Alex touch him.

"I don't need you. I hate you. You hear me? I hate you." He started running leaving Alex behind.

"Stop Eric. Don't run. It's so dark here, you'll fall. Please stop." Alex tried to run after that boy but he couldn't move his body. "Enzo, stop him. He is not listening to me." Alex pleaded to the man standing beside him.

"I am going too." The man shook his head and started walking in the same direction as Eric.

"Wait. Enzo, don't you leave me too." Alex cried. He tried to go after them but again he couldn't even take a step forward.

"Please don't go." Alex fell on his knees.

His vision started to get blur because of tears. He slowly closed his eyes. "I am a killer. Eric hates me." Alex murmured to himself.

"Chief! Chief!" Alex heard someone calling his name. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Izaya's face.

" Chief, you didn't go home last night?" Seeing Alex wokeup Izaya asked with a worried expression on his face. Izaya was responsible for cleaning so he always came before everyone else. When Izaya found out Alex was in his office, he decided to talk to him. It was unusual for Alex to come so early but after seeing Alex, Izaya realised that he didn't go home last night at all. He was sleeping on his chair uncomfortably and there were countless cigeratte butts on his desk. It looked like he spent the whole night smoking. There was still a faint smell of cigarettes in his office.

"No." Alex massaged his shoulder. His whole body was aching because of sleeping like this.

"Do you want to talk about something?" Alex asked Izaya.

"Yes. But its fine I will talk to you later. Do you want something?" Izaya decided not to talk to him right now after hesitating for a moment.

"No. You can go now." After Izaya left Alex searched for his car's keys and came out of his office.

"Darren hasn't come yet?" Alex asked Izaya. He just remembered that his car's tire was punctured so thought about borrowing Darren's car.

" No." Izaya answered.

"Ok." Alex sighed. He got now choice but to walk. Since his empty stomach was now making noise, Alex decided to go to the cafe near agency.

Alex placed his order after sitting in his usual spot. He came to this cafe so often that now all of the staff of cafe recognized him.

"Sir. You don't look good. Is something the matter?" One of the staff asked worriedly.

"I am just a little tired. Nothing else." Alex smiled.

When he left, Alex dialed a number on his cellphone. Call was connected after ringing for a while.

"Hello." Husky voice of a man sounded on the other side of the phone.

"Enzo? Were you still sleeping? Alex said.

"Yeah. I just wokeup by your call."

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep then."

"Now come to the point. Why did you call me? It's rare to get a call from the president of SIA."

Enzo said in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't worry. I won't take too much of your time Leader of Night Wanderers." Alex also replied in the same tone as Enzo. " Did you steal that locket?" After a pause Alex asked.

"What Locket?" Enzo asked innocently.

"Don't act innocent with me now. You know what locket I am talking about. Tell me, did you steal that locket?"

"So what If I did? What can you do about it?"

"I can't believe you can lower yourself so much for a locket that you are now stealing from kids."

"He is not a kid and he is just as annoying as his father. I heard you are babysitting him now. When did you become so softhearted? Oh, I forgot, you are always like this."

"First you killed his father then you stole his locket. Who knows what you will do next? I had to do something." Alex ignored Enzo's sarcastic remarks and said.

"You are making me sound like the bad guy." Enzo said.

"Aren't you the bad guy?" Alex asked.

"Fine. Maybe I am. But his father wasn't an Angel either. He had it coming."

"Well it's all in the past now. Give his locket back."

"Hah. Dream on." Enzo laughed.

"Do you wanna start a fight?" Alex took a sip of his black coffee and said.

"You are the one who want to start a fight just to defend someone you don't even know properly. Well its not that I am surprised."

"I'll be hanging up if you have nothing else to say. I have got work to do." Alex knew it was useless to talk anymore.

"I don't have time to talk to you either." Enzo hung up right after completing his sentence.

"You haven't changed a bit." Alex sighed deeply, looking at the blank screen of his phone.