
AUGUST 28, 2016.

I got locked up in a cell. A small cubicle. I sat down without any complaints. "They should have giving me my usual. This is a little dirty." I think as I shoved a black thing I couldn't recognize to the wall. I crossed my legs as if I was meditating. I crossed my arms too. I closed my eyes. Took a deep breath in. As I was about to say the rules, a past event rummaged through my mind.


'Bring her!'

They're coming...people are coming. They barge in, drag me up, well after I was being tied. 'What do you want with me, please. Putting on the pretty face, hoping they would show mercy.

'Han, the lady of the day is here.'

Isn't that?. Han...what the? 'Adams?'

'Hey, babe. I apologize for the rough handling. I do. It just had to be done, you get.'

'You're sick. Hen, what a psychopath! I say No and you're...han...you are crazy.'

'I tell him that all the time but he doesn't believe me. Now an outsider has told him.'



'Are you...no...no!. It can't be...I refuse!. I'm dreaming, it cannot happen.'

'Keep dreaming babe.'

'All these years, everything!'

'Hola, Jasmine. Quite a while.'

'Jemzy?...I must be dead. Probably gone. I can't take this! I can't accept this! The hood...you guys are the hood. I...I.'

I faint. That was it. Jasmine has been living a lie. I have been living a lie. So was I right about the guy being shady seeming that all of this has happened? But my friends, why have they chosen to do this to me?

I wake up. I do not know how long I have been asleep but I saw myself in front of me. Is that a reflection? I couldn't move cos I was tied to an iron chair. To my right were my friends, Jemzy and Zainab. To my left was a wooden table about 8 to

15 cm wide. Laid on it were tools of all kinds. A spanner, driller, hammer, knife of all different sizes. Standing near it was Adams, smirking. He needs help.

I say out loud with a cracked voice to Adams. 'You need help. You aren't well. And I am sure you got Jemzy and Zainab under your spell to no wonder they're here. Free them! Take only me. They have nothing to do with this. I beg of you!'

Jemzy scoffed. Zainab smiles. I turn to face them. I was confused and still hellbent that they have nothing to do with any of this. 'Don't worry I'd strike a bargain with him. You both will be out of here in no time.'

I wanted to plead with Adams again. To tell him all the reasons why he won't get anything from my friends. Why he doesn't need them but I was interrupted by Zainab.

'What does this one think she's trying to do?' She gave out a wicked laugh.

'I know you both are under some kind of spell. Probably hypnosis. I'd...'

'You'd do what. Tell me, Jasmine. Fly on a magic carpet? Meet Aladdin and his genie?' Jemzy asked.

'I was confused.' She seemed angry. She seemed real. Isn't this fake? Is this real? Is she? 'This isn't a fantasy where hypnosis takes place or where a magic carpet exists.' She replied as if she read my thoughts. We're all very close so that is very possible.

The confusion is getting a hold of my tongue. I spoke tongue in cheek because of that. 'So what are you trying to say? That you and Zainab betrayed me without a reason. That's our seventeen (17) years of friendship is a lie ?'

'Yes, it is.' Zainab says. 'But no. We didn't do it because of no reason. We were your friends but found a better option which enlightened us and made us realize what is far better than friendship.' She emboldened both the word better and friendship.

Trying to sink all of this in I ask. 'Which is?'

'Huh?' Zainab asks.

'She's asking which is better than friendship.' Jemzy says.

'Huh? I do not get.' Zainab replies.

'You just told her...' Jemzy was flaring up.

'Oh.' Zainab says having already figured what she said last.

'Well, that hasn't changed. You're still dumb and Jemzy still gets annoyed by it.' I say with a crooked smile.

They both wanted to punch me but I gave the face and a fist even when I was tied. 'What? Will, you beat me up to shut me up? Ehn?'

They couldn't speak. It was as if I stole their words.

Adams breaks all of the shenanigans. 'Just tell us where it is and we'd free you.'

'Where what is ?'

'Don't act as you know me smarty pants.' Zainab snapped at me.

I scattered my lips to the corner. It read "what are you saying you dumb one?"

'Just give us and we'd let you go. That's what we were instructed to get from you nothing else.' Adams says hurrying my arse.

Unshaken I ask, 'By who?'

'Who do you think?' Jemzy says.

'The hood? Oh? Oh my. I am scared. Please someone help. Please.' I say sarcastically. 'So? if I do not comply what will happen? My fingers will be cut off? Okay then.' I cut myself away from the tied rope by tearing it apart with my arms. I freed myself but I was still seated. I unbuttoned my sleeves. Pushing the sleeves up my arms. I let out my hand.

'Take it then. I suggest you use a blunt knife. I vote for that one.' I point to the biggest of all there, a blunt machete. 'The blunter it is, the more the pain afflicted.'

'I told you she knew.' Jemzy said.

'She's crazy.' Zainab says with fear written all over her face.

And I just burst out into laughter. Thick chunks of it. I yell out. 'Boys will be boys. Boys will be, boys will be, boys will be boys !' I laugh out sarcastically. I pull myself out of the rest but not off the chair. They all pulled back.

'Let's not be scared of her. We'd get promoted if we accomplish this.' Adams said.

But nobody moved towards me even Adams! I danced while standing. Paying no attention to anyone. I took steps forward and backward and said,

'Baby don't you let go. The thought of you with someone kills me. I'll be dancing with my heart broke. Such a bad disco, if it ain't me.' I was singing a Dua Lipa song. Making the whole room a dancing stage.

But suddenly I turned to all of them, tilted my head to the right forcefully, and smiled and said. 'I am not thinking clearly.'

'Obviously.' They chorused.

I smiled and continued my disco happily.