
First Run-In

The days were normal and I finished my first semester. Only one left to go.. I guess school years fly by faster than expected. I'm also close to one of my goals. To break a punching bag while bare fisted. It's way easier with gloves on.

I start punching with combos of 1-2 strikes.

I did this daily after school, I grew my strength and experience this way. Eventually after a few days, I hit the bag and it went flying as the top half ripped off.

I've done one of the really hardest goals I set for myself.

The next day I got ready for school, I expected a normal day.

I made sure not to slack on my studies and tried getting good enough grades to pass my classes.

I was doing well. Only got A's and B's.

On the way to one of my classes, I had bumped in to a person's shoulder. I thought nothing since it is a normal occurrence.

The person didn't think so, they grabbed on to me.

And said, "Where do you think you're going?" I was confused, "My class?" This person seemed to be wanting a fight.

"Apologize" he said in a serious tone. I was still confused as I responded, "For what exactly?"

"For bumping in to me"

I quickly said, "It was an accident though."

And I took his hand off me and started walking away.

He then grabbed again,

This time, he didn't want an apology. The guy swung at me, I dodged easily.

I didn't really want to start a fight, getting in trouble will make me look bad. It will ruin my normal school image. I pushed him off and ran, I made it to my class before the person could catch up.

But then, a school staff person called my name out in the middle of class. I had to follow the person in to the office.

I saw that guy who tried starting a fight, it seems like the school staff found out about our little quarrel.