
Top student

"Wander endlessly in his head, nothing makes sense anymore, it's all so routine" a low whisper that barely anyone would hear. The emptiness filled in each word as if though life has become nothing to that person. "Xinyuan, come answer this problem." Teacher Wang's calling make me come back to sense. I calmly walk to the whiteboard and start to answer the problem without an ounce of nervousness not like the person who didn't listen to class earlier. I perfectly finish the answer, smiling friendly and polite as always. Autumn wind flew past, making some papers blown away. Students hurriedly pick their papers groaning how cool weather has gotten but there I am, sitting composedly. My black hair that doesn't reach the shoulder is tied into a low ponytail, simple but is still even in such a great wind. glasses with thin frame, not big or not too small, perfectly sat still on its place, neat uniform and tightly tied shoelaces, it's another perfect day.

Shanghai high school is one of most prestigious high school in the country, renowned and high profiled. For gender equality, the school uniform is the same for both male and female students, white shirt with school logo, light blue pants and coat. Student Xinyuan is a top student who every teacher favor. She who is friendly and considerate is admired by classmates. Not only smart and hardworking, but she also has many awards in various martial arts competition. Teacher Wu, as the new literature teacher, he also has a great impression on this student Xinyuan. Who won't like a student who is gifted and passionate for his subject? When he passes by her class and coincidently heard her murmuring, it was a poem which he knew that neither famous nor outstanding. "Boring Life" he talks to himself. The poem "Boring Life" is simply hollow like a person floating in the ocean, free yet not free. He can't think of why she said that poem or is to say what may her thought, reciting the poem. He who don't like to meddle the students 'affairs feel puzzled and in dilemma. Thus, he told himself, Time will tell us all.