
Yi Xia Suddenly Fainted

After receiving the news, Lu Xiangnan hurried over, "What happened? Why did she suddenly faint? "

Wen Wen's eyes were filled with anxiety as he asked worriedly.

"Miss Yi only fainted because she was tired and didn't have enough rest due to hypoglycemia. Now that I have already injected a bit, I will be fine after a nap." The nurse explained earnestly as she passed the test report to Lu Xiangnan.

After receiving the data, Lu Xiangnan looked at the numbers on it and instantly became speechless …

After a long while, Lu Xiangnan finally spoke: "You guys go out first, I'll be here."

"Okay, Doctor Lu." After the nurse left, Lu Xiangnan's dark eyes filled with anger.

For the sake of taking care of Bai Linwan, Yi Xia actually disregarded her own body. He really did not want to endure anymore!

After an unknown period of time, Yi Xia slowly woke up. When she opened his eyes, what entered his eyes was a pure white ceiling.