
B&B: Bed and Boyfriend

KrisyKay · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter Two Noah, 9:38

I look out the window and see someone trailing behind Ezra. It must be a friend of his because Ezra stops in his track and turns around. I didn't get a close look at who they were because I closed the curtains and immediately headed to my closet. I pick a bright pair of pajamas to wear to bed. I can't stop thinking about what happened tonight. He met my ghost, Henry, but I still can't believe that Ezra was able to see him. Since Henry came around, I have been the only one able to see him. I can't stop thinking about him. Ezra is the type of person you can only find if you look very hard. Sometimes not even that, and that's the reason I fell in love with him. He might not be gay, like me, but it's still worth a try. He just might be my one-in-a-million. The only other person that was able to make me feel this way was… James…my  love…

James was my childhood friend who I had met while playing outside. He lived in my neighborhood for a while, until the one incident that I could never forgive myself for… It was a night like no other. James had admitted his feelings for me and I had told him that I had the same. We started dating for a couple of weeks and everything was great. Until, Verin. Verin is one of James' friends. She kept going up to him every day, telling him she loved him. At first, James would be all nice about it, thinking she was just messing around, and tell her to go away, nicely. Then, at some point, she pushed him too far and he said that they wouldn't be friends if she wouldn't stop. 

She stopped and I didn't see her after that. And then, she showed up one night, at my house, and said that I was getting in her way. We argued that James was with me and loved me, but she just wouldn't quit. There was a point where she grabbed a knife and pointed it at me. If James hadn't come the time he did, I'm pretty sure I would've been a goner. But, the next is my fault. I slipt up and said something that made Verin mad and she rushed at me with the knife. I closed my eyes, but the blood splatter on my hands said enough, he was gone. 

Verin tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge.

She yelled at him, saying, "This isn't funny anymore! Get up!" She started crying. I just stood there like I was glued to the floor.

It honestly felt like I was.

I only then, fell to the floor, when Verin said, "This is all your fault! He would still be alive if you weren't here!"

It was my fault. Everything. 

After that "incident" blew over, I went back to school. I didn't want to talk to anybody. I just felt like going to class, doing the work, and ingore anyone who tries to talk ot me. It worked. Nobody talked to me that day. I didn't have any friends, but I used to still talk to people.

   "Hey." Henry is back in the room as I am just getting in my bed. "What is it? Why do you look sad? Is it something I said?"

I am almost out of breath, but I manage to pass along a few words, "No, just living an old memory."

I like Henry. He has always been there for me when nobody else would. It was after the "James incident" that he showed up. I was out of school for a couple of days and he showed up. Henry said that it was not good for me to skip school so he kept trying to get me to go back to school. We talked and talked for hours each night. It was like I have become a new person when I went back to school.

He may look like a kid, but he has an adult mind. He understood what I was going through because he said he went through the same thing. Henry is a good friend to have when you're going through something tough. He always was and he always will be.

Back to the present, "Do you want me to help you with anything for school? I could help with schoolwork-"

   "No, It's all done."

   "What about projects or-"

   "Nope. Now if you excuse me, I have to get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a nice day and I don't want to miss it."

I close my eyes and everything goes dark, but one face lights up my mind, Ezra. I can't stop thinking about him. I lied to him when I said I brought him here because of the project. It's not a lie that we were supposed to work on the project together, he chose to be my partner and I don't know why he doesn't remember it. The real reason I brought him here was so we could hang out and get to know each other better. But, turns out, you can't bring someone to your house expecting them to know why they're here when they immediately fall asleep when they arrive here. I laugh at the thought. He almost fell asleep on me.