
Azure Moon

What defines MMORPG? Escaping reality? Realistic graphics? Excitement? Or Is it raiding dangerous dungeons to take down the strongest bosses there, or is it facing off against other players to climb the mountain to become the strongest player? Some would say MMORPGS is about crafting the strongest and most exotic equipment there was or is all about climbing the market to become the richest player there ever was. This will however remain unknown for a young man who had his life cut short by an incoming truck, with everything lost how would his story unfold? -------------- Note: The story begins with my own world that is heavily inspired by another creation, most characters belonging to it are OC. Warning: I will be releasing chapters at my own rate, it could take weeks for a single chapter to be released. You have been warned.

Tea101 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


The ground beneath Black shook without pause from the heavy steps of the megalodons racing towards him.

Remaining calm, Black checked their levels. Seeing that the highest level was only level 12 and the weakest being 8, he rushed in towards the incoming monsters.

Though their numbers were great he was sure he'd be able to handle them as long as he was careful.

Like the previous megalodon, they all bent forward releasing waves of needles in all directions without worry of hitting each other. 

When the needles came in contact with another megalodon it would only bounce off of its skin.

Black quickly took notice of the approaching waves of needles and instead of retreating he kicked himself forward increasing his speed.

He moved around the first wave of needles then evaded the next causing his speed to be boosted even further to the point the group megalodons could barely follow his movements.

Quickly arriving at the weakest one, Black delivered a kick with all his strength and momentum he built up to the back of its head. 

The megalodon fell to the ground, as it prepared to release another roar Black shifted to its neck and stomped on it, successfully canceling the roar and killing the megalodon in the process.

Black's ears suddenly twitched causing him to quickly hop off the corpse in response. The moment he moved, a megalodon leg came swinging where he once stood twisting the crushed neck of the dead megalodon.

When Black looked at the remaining megalodons he saw that all of their expressions remained still, not showing him the slightest bit of hatred nor fear.

Unaware of the monster behind him, Black was sent flying with a kick towards the nearest megalodon who opened its hands to catch him.

Quickly regaining himself, Black maneuvered his body midair and slipped through the megalodon's claws while bringing his legs together like a javelin, aiming for the monster's head.

The moment Black's legs made contact with the megalodon, one managed to penetrate its skull, destroying its brain and killing it in the process. 


The megalodon fell to the ground with Black riding atop its head. Pulling his leg out, Black turned to the remaining megalodons ignoring his leg soaked in blood.

Black could be seen covered in blood resting against the corpse of a megalodon with a satisfied look on his rabbit face.

He was able to level up 2 times from dealing with the megalodons and was only a couple of points off from going up another, the amount of luck he earned on top of that made it even better.

Black brought up the cards he gained from leveling up. Evasive Expert and Risky moves. Both were rare cards that took a bit of his luck but he didn't mind this due to how useful they were.

[Evasive Expert:

"Dance like a butterfly sting like a bee!"

Grants a greater speed boost whenever the host dodges.]

[Risky moves:

"Risk brings success!"

Whenever the host successfully dodges an attack, the host will automatically dodge the next one.]

After putting the cards away, Black's ears twitched as the ground began to tremble. He Turned towards the lake and watched as a black creature resembling a megalodon stepped out.

[Alpha Megalodon: Level 20]

The creature stared at Black, unlike the others before it the look in its eyes showed intelligence, not that of a mindless beast.

The creature's eyes scrutinized him, after what felt like a minute the alpha megalodon moved its head back then spat out a ball of purple goo in Black's direction.

Black leaped out of the way causing the goo to miss. When the goo hit the ground it instantly burned the surface it was oncwith a sizzling sound, a putrid smell wafting from it.

'This one is gonna be difficult.' Thought Black grimacing.

Though the alpha megalodon was 11 levels higher than him he knew he had a chance to win as long as he played his cards right even if they were slim.

The dark megalodon released a roar then rushed towards Black. The roar was heavier than those before it, putting a small burden on his mind that quickly vanished.

Hearing the megalodon's roar, Black rushed towards the monster, kicking himself forward whenever he could. 

Each kick pushed him further, increasing his speed. However, he could tell the megalodon's eyes were able to clearly follow him.

The monster took a step forward then swung its claws at Black once he was in range. 

Watching the incoming claws, Black demeanor remained calm. The attack was slow in his eyes but he knew he'd be brought to the brink of death if it landed.

Catching a small gap between the claws, Black hopped into the air and rotated his body allowing him to slip between the claws with his feet rapidly approaching the dark megalodon's face.

Seeing Black slip through, the megalodon tilted its head to the right then opened its mouth, exposing rows of sharp shark teeth.

Before Black could fly into the megalodon's mouth he used one of its teeth as a platform and flew back, kicking the monster's tooth out in the process.

The megalodon roared out in anger before leaping off the ground towards Black leaving a small crater. 

Sensing the rapidly approaching megalodon, Black placed his foot onto its head and launched himself back down towards the ground.

Pulling back its head, the megalodon started spitting rapidly at Black refusing to let him go. 

The moment Black hit the ground he began to quickly weave around the rapidly fired goo.

Understanding its attacks weren't going to hit anything, the megalodon stopped in its tracks to stare the rabbit down.

The rabbit in question was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath.

Just like the megalodon, Black realized his attacks weren't doing anything. As soon as the thought of escaping crept into his mind he felt an energy rise in his body attempting to empower him.

He was lost at what it was but it felt familiar, like it was part of him.

internally, Black grabbed onto this energy with everything he had, causing his purple eyes to glow in the darkness and an aura of shadows to cover his body, embracing him.


"Draw the hidden shadows within mana." 

Allows the host to obtain Shadowcall abilities.]

[Shadow Enhance:

"Let the shadows embrace you."

Whenever the host coats himself with shadow mana, all physical stats will be doubled until the depletion of the host's mana.]

Black took a glance at the two white cares that appeared then put his attention back onto the monster ahead of him. 

He hopped in place, looking up into the megalodon's eyes. He felt lighter, faster in a way.

The two monsters stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Having had enough, the megalodon made the first move by slowly walking towards Black, not taking long to break out into a full blown sprint.

Arriving in front of Black, the megalodon crouched down to grab the motionless Black who continued staring. The monster made a gurgling sound that resembled a laugh only to quiet down realizing it had grabbed nothing but air.

It moved its eyes hurriedly around the surrounding area only to catch the small figure of Black winding up his leg before releasing a rapid roundhouse kick to its head. 

Though the megalodon's eyes were able to keep up the same couldn't be said for his body.

When Black's leg crashed against the monster's head it was sent flying, crashing into the ground and dragged along it from Black's strength.

The megalodon let out a low growl attempting to stand back up only for Black to flicker next to its leg then stomp on it with everything he had. 



The kick broke the megalodon's leg causing it to cry out in pain. 

Hurriedly moving to the other leg, Black repeated the process, making the beast cry out once more.

Black broke the monster's limbs one by one until it was left immobilized, the scene almost comical due to their sizes.

Approaching the megalodon's head, Black placed his foot on its neck and stared down into its eyes that were looking up at him with clear rage.

If Black could smile one would have been on his face. The mere thought of having someone's life underneath his foot made his heart race.

Raising his foot like the axe of an executioner, Black brought it down with all he had, driving it into megalodon's throat with a stomp.


Removing his foot from the megalodon's broken neck. Black felt his body get flooded with an endless amount of xp.

'This is a good spot to farm.' Black thought, beginning to stomp on the megalodon repeatedly, his strength increasing with each one.

[Level Increased!]


Black suddenly dropped to his knees and clutched his chest, his breathing becoming more erratic, the sound of bones snapping and popping following it.

Black was evolving. However the pain was worse than last time, his body felt hot and refused to move, the pain only increasing.

He fell onto his back, facing the synthetic stars above him. His panting becoming heavier.

Before he even knew it, he had fallen unconscious.