
Ayensi Sole Tiowen

A man, born from dirt, grew to face off the omnipotent.

JhiThan_Ser · Fantaisie
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130 Chs

Anya's Real Journey 5

Thinking that I was already escaping, Master Lan slowly backed down as a means to make him the swarm's target.

Now, to be clear, Overgrown swarms are something that is rare even among dangerous areas. Just double their size and they are more than just twice as deadly and depending on their link, they might even be more dangerous to other living beings.

Imagine, as an ordinary person, a lion that is more than double your weight is running faster than your fastest speed. Once you're caught by that hungry predator, you're dead. Now, imagine a lion that is quadruple times heavier and faster than you are. You will die not just twice if you have enough lives. Further that than, imagine, there are hundreds of these lions whose heads hover above you due to their sheer size. There is no hope for life. And finally, imagine that there is a lion king that is ten times bigger than they are, leading them as one?