
Awakening the Ancestors

Ancestral spirits drenched the world in blood 1000 years ago, forcing people to choose between death and turning to ancestral spirits. Saido Kado, on the other hand, was the only swordsman in the world who could match up with the ancestral spirits and seal them away. However, after 1000 years, people became dissatisfied with the current world and desired the return of the ancestral spirits. Tahara Kado, a young swordsman and the last Kado of his generation, aspires to be the best swordsman in the world, but his peers mock him because he is an F-Rank. His wish was granted, and he was killed, but an awakening system reawakened him, allowing him to level up and unlock new abilities, power, and sword skills. His first inquiry is to find out who has the ability to seal and unseal ancestral spirits. Will he be able to stop the people from unsealing the ancestral spirits? If they are unsealed, can he stop the ancestral spirits? Will he be able to awaken his ancestors? Join Tahara and his friends on a journey full of challenges that will put his swordsmanship and determination to succeed to the test. ....... Volumes........ -Volume 1: Awakening (1-44) -Volume 2: First-Year (45–57) -Volume 3: Samon Kenji (58–78) -Volume 4: The Lost Maniac (79–114) -Volume 5: The Gray Soul and The Tombstone Teacher (115–138) -Volume 6: The Twelve (139–157) -Volume 7: Chandganuur Arc (158–187) -Volume 8: Unveiling the Nexus of Blades and Sorcery (188-212) -Volume 9: The Graveyard Devil (213-224) -Volume 10: Chadli Guelimja (225-

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Chapter 14: Chinen Kuemon

"So this is the place," Tahara said.

The Guild Of Teal Arms

"The place has changed," Miyaguchi said.

Tahara and his faction passed through the front gates.

"Seems there's no one around," Miyaguchi said.

"I don't think so," Tahara replied as he pointed at the beasts on the left and right flank.

"They are so many," Samon said.

Tahara's swords materialized on his hands as he began to slaughter the beasts.

<<Poison Activated>>

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

"These beasts are weaklings, they were E-Ranks I suppose," he said.

"So that's it then," Tahara said.

Samon's sound ability then caught something like chains approaching Tahara's back.

"Tahara behind you!" Samon yelled.

Tahara turned around as the chain hit him and his sword.


<%You're bleeding profusely>>

"I knew you would come here Tahara Kado," one of the guys announced.

Tahara noticed that he was bleeding so he used the healing herb he acquired from the forest and healed himself.


<<Bleeding has stopped>>

"That chain is sharp," Tahara said.

"Oh! So you managed to stop the Tahara Kado," the guy asked.

"My name is Ralphy Bennett, and I'm your opponent," Bennett said.

"I don't know why you are in a rush Bennett," Tahara said as his swords appeared in his palms.

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to spare," Tahara continued.

"So that's the sword with the poison," Bennett said.

"I should be very careful then," he continued.

"It seems you have gotten all the hints for Keeper and Sweeper," Tahara said.

"But there's one thing I've got to tell you," Tahara continued.

"What is it?" Bennett asked.

Tahara leaped in the air as he struck his swords at Bennett.

"Keeper and Sweeper always level up," he said.

Bennett dodged Tahara's attack and then began to laugh.

"I'm not done yet," Tahara yelled.

<<Weapon skill>>


Sweeper and Keeper immediately changed direction as they both pierced Bennett's stomach.

"What was that just now?" Bennett asked.

"Did both swords just change direction?" he asked.

<<Poison Activated>>

Blood began to ooze from Bennett's eyes, mouth, and ears.

[New Skill]


This skill makes the enemy think it's aiming at him but the weapon eventually changes direction and attacks their opponent from either side.

Tahara then continued with his group as they were all slaying the monsters that appeared before them.

When they reached the inner part of the building, they were surrounded by humans.

"Welcome Tahara Kado!" a voice yelled.

"Welcome to my organization," the voice continued.

"Who are you?" Tahara asked.

Sound ability activate

Samon tried to pick the sound of where the voice was coming from but he couldn't identify it.

"It's no use Samon Kenji," the voice announced.

"This place is already shielded with magic that even your sound ability won't work," he explained.

"Now then, let's begin," he said as the people surrounding them began to attack Tahara, Juba, and Samon.

"I guess I should use it now," Samon said as he cast a magic spell.

The magic spell he cast formed an ice sword.

"Oh! Sound Ability and an Ice User," the voice said.

Samon then used his sword to hit the ground and most of the humans froze.

"An Ice User, it's been a while since I've seen one," the voice said.

"What do you mean?" Samon asked.

"Your name is Samon Kenji right, son of Ueki Kenji," he said.

"How did you know my father's name?" Samon asked.

"I know all about your family, your father died a painful death," the voice said as he laughed.

The voice then jumped on the platform and said, "My name is Chinen Kuemon, and I'm the one who killed your father, and the leader of the Guild of Teal Arm." he explained.

"Moreover, I'm a C-Rank," he continued.

Samon's anger began to boil as Juba advised him to stay calm.

"The mark he gave on my forehead was fascinating," Chinen said as he showed the mark on his forehead to Samon.

"You son of a b***h!" Samon yelled as he raced towards Chinen.

"To slow!" he said as he vanished in front of Samon.

"Where did he go?" Samon asked.

Sound ability activate

"I told you this ability won't work here," Chinen announced as he appeared behind Samon and kicked him in the air.

"Samon!" Juba yelled.

"My fight is not with you Samon Kenji," Chinen explained.

"My fight is with Tahara Kado," Chinen said as he pointed at Tahara.

"I want to see that poison blade of yours," Chinen said as he drew out his blade.

"Allow me to introduce you to my weapon Protector's Skull," Chinen said.

"What the hell is that weapon?" Juba asked.

Soon the skull eyes on the weapon became dark red as all the dead humans began to rise from beneath the ground.


[The protector's skull]

[A magic weapon that's able to move dead bodies.]

The skull on the weapon shoots magic beams.

"Magic beams!" Tahara said.

Then Chinen used his weapon to hit the ground a magic beam shot from the skulls' eyes.

Tahara managed to dodge and protected Miyaguchi and Juba as Samon was lying on the ground unconscious.

"I suggest you guys should run or away, or better still die," Chinen advised them.

Tahara then got up on his feet as his system received a message.


<<Defeat Chinen Kuemon.>>

<<Retrieve the Protector's Skull.>>