
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
68 Chs

Chapter 5 Hidden Truths & Discoveries (Part 8/9)

(If the compressed sentences bother you too much, see the author note at the end)

Victoria showed a startled and concerned look while Gertrude swung her long neck around a little to look me in the eyes with a similar expression of concern.


"Why do you feel so strongly about it?" Gertrude asked. 


There didn't appear to be any judgment or accusation in her tone, making me feel a little better, allowing me to begin moving my hands again. However, I still hesitated to answer, as I wasn't sure how to explain my reasoning.


I figured that I could only give it a go. My hands began working in earnest in reflection of my anxiety, as I didn't want to lose what little promise of hope I had gained. 


Giving voice to my concern I began to explain as best as I could. "Back in my world, I have what I hesitate to call a gift, or ability. I'm unsure if there are others or not who share a similar experience with what I can feel at times. It can be a combination of sensations, but frequently presents as a kind of cascading chill, entangled with warmth, and charged with non-physical energy."


I went on to explain how I could feel unique and empowering sensations in certain situations or when I make a mental or emotional effort to reach out to those feelings. I told of how those feelings could also come on their own. Sometimes it would be when I was feeling depressed, if I heard someone speak of a powerful thought or insight that they felt passionately about which I also believed to be true, or if I was feeling scared in a dangerous situation, among many other various situations and scenarios.


"I've been able to experience and invigorate this feeling for as long as I can remember. It is usually best stimulated by passionate and powerful music accompanied by a strong memory or emotion."


My hands began working around the outer edges of her shell and a little under, but I made sure to not make contact with her skin. 


Despite the change in position, I continued my explanation. "Whenever I come here to your world, I feel a distinct loss of that sensation, and ability to reach out to it. This left me feeling very depressed and disappointed, along with considering if it was even worth it to stay here. However, when I first donned the translation amulet, I felt the slightest echo of that feeling, and it gave me hope that I might be able to regain that which I had lost, with enough time and exposure to it."


I paused and took turns to look both off them deeply in the eyes, before saying. "So again, please . . . please don't take it away." Feeling heavy with emotion, a single tear had begun to form in my left eye that I quickly wiped away, hoping that they didn't notice.


"I had no idea you were suffering such." Swallowing back emotion of her own, Victoria pulled that very amulet out of her clothes and started to hand it to me.


Gertrude gently placed a hand on her arm, as if to pause her movement before addressing me. "Andrew, I can't give details for why I'm asking these questions, as you are simply just going to have to trust me and answer honestly. When you wear this, do you hear any voices or remember any memories that you didn't recall having before? This is obviously not including the knowledge you gain in its translation function."


My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion at her question. However, seeing their seriousness and knowing what was in the balance, I felt I should consider this with utmost seriousness. I sought hard to recall any of that happening to me, with the few times I wore it. Nothing of the sort came to my mind as I considered it. Shaking my, head I responded. "No, nothing of the sort." I then paused and asked. "Do I need to be aware of such a thing potentially happening?"


'I've never experienced anything like that back home with my ability, but maybe things were different here?' I thought to myself.


"Yes." Gertrude's response was clipped and serious. "That is something that should not happen with the precautions I put in place. However, your unique situation was not taken into account. So, if such a thing does happen, you must warn either of us immediately and put away the amulet."


I looked anxiously at the necklace that was still dangling in Victoria's hand as she said that. As if seeing my concern, she added. "I'm not saying that we would take it away permanently if such happened. I would probably just need to reinforce the protection runes. So be at ease." Letting go of Victoria's hand she then nodded toward me. "I don't see why he shouldn't have it."


*Phwaa* I quietly let go of a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. Reaching out to receive the amulet, I then realized that I still had the shell cream heavily caked onto my hands. I moved to start wiping them on my pants when Victoria's humored voice called out. "Stop, please. I can put it on you so that you don't stain your clothes."


Stepping closer to me, she lifted the chain of the necklace up and around the back of my neck then lifting the collar of my shirt, she tucked the amulet in and against my skin. Instantly I felt the echo of my ability stir with the contact. In addition to that, I felt a slight tingling on the spot that her fingers had brushed against my skin. 


"Thank you." I said with deep heartfelt gratitude, gazing deeply and intensely into her eyes before she stepped away.


[That dear boy] Gertrude's mental thoughts filled with amusement distracted Victoria as she stepped away. [Hah, if only he was 100 years older, he might stand a chance to compete against Monroe for your heart.]


[*Pshaa*] A sudden denial burst out of Victoria, along with a chuckle. [Although he is very endearing and passionate, Monroe has already claimed my heart. Besides, I would be breaking two professional taboos with that. Robbing the cradle due to his age and taking advantage of him as his master.]


[*Snicker* Well, you should do something to hurry Monroe up to smell the roses, or the apothecary as I say.]


Victoria sent a mental equivalent of an eye roll with the emotion of exasperation behind it, and then said [Not wanting to get side tracked, but before all of this happened, Andrew had wanted to try assimilating the light potion. I would appreciate it if you would stay and offer your insight to its success or failure, considering his chances.]


[I wouldn't miss it. Besides, he is doing such a good job treating my shell, and it feels very relaxing.]


*Snort* Victoria let out a noise, breaking me from my zone as I was engrossed in enjoying both the reunion with the amulet and taking care of Gertrude's shell.


"I think you are about done with her shell, aren't you?" Victoria called out.


She was answered by Gertrude with a mental glare [You are ruining a good thing.]


With reluctance, yet grateful for having had the opportunity, I removed my hands from Gertrude's large shell. Then will a voice laced with hope I inquired. "If you ever need help with this again, I'd be happy to do it for you. Just ask."


Gertrude's long neck came around and looked gratefully at me.


Victoria's voice echoed out mentally [Now look who's getting interested.] The smugness of her tone was palpable as she reflected the teasing Gertrude had inflicted upon her.


[*Pshaa* I am ancient and done with partners. But it would be appreciative to have his assistance with my shell from time to time.]


Out-loud Gertrude responded to my inquiry. "I thank you for your offer, and I believe that I will take you up on it sometime."


Feeling a little giddy, I looked over at Victoria who appeared to just finish laughing to herself at something before she spoke up. "Andrew, would you still like to try to assimilate the light potion?"


My eyes lit up "Yes!" Maybe it was the return of the amulet and the echo of feelings that accompanied it, but I felt more alive again and interested in exploring new opportunities.


Taking the stoppered vial from the rack I had placed it on, I uncorked it and paused. "Is there anything I need to do to prepare?"


Victoria shook her head. "Everyone's experience differs by a bit with the natural stones. However, this is an artificially created one from a magic gathering and focusing circle in the mage guild. This one is universally known to give the sensation of very bright sunlight bearing down on you. Unless you have a bloodline that vehemently rejects sunlight, then the average person with a good affinity would have no trouble with it. For your low affinity, it may become overbearing and you pass out from something similar to sunstroke."


"Huh." Now that was an interesting thought. I felt that I had plenty of experience in the sun as a high schooler. When I turned 15 in real life, my parents told me that during the summer break off from school, I either needed to be working at a job 40 hours a week or searching for a job 40 hours a week. I had found employment at an indoor recreational park for kids. The job itself wasn't bad. However, the long bicycle ride to it was absolutely miserable. With the sun bearing heavily down on me for my 2-mile trek, I for sure wore sunscreen and a hat. Although miserable, it was bearable. My feet however were different. If I wore sandals, then my toes would get blistered by the sun, whereas if I wore closed toed shoes, then my feet would feel like they were broiling. Texas summers were Not fun for me.


With that history, I felt I could take whatever this stone could throw at me. Without any more concern, I tipped the vial back and downed the contents with a single swallow. And then I waited.


The amulet at my chest appeared to tingle for a moment and I felt the briefest of light warmth over my skin, but then it faded just as quickly as it appeared. I continued to wait and nothing more happened.


Gertrude and Victoria were both staring confusedly at me.


"Uh, did I succeed?"


They glanced at each other with confused looks in their eyes.


Victoria broke the silence. "I honestly don't know. Assimilations are very recognizable to outside observers who know what to watch for, but you. . . . nothing. Gertrude, do you mind checking him out?"


I quirked an eyebrow at that. What could it mean when even they were confused. Curious as well to find out the truth, I lowered my head for Gertrude to reach with her clawed hand. She spoke another indecipherable cantrip and I saw a similar glow to that which she used on Victoria, except this was a grayish color. I wasn't sure if I felt a thing and it took no more than a few seconds before it faded.


"Now that is very interesting! I don't think I've ever seen the like." Stepping back as if to contemplate further, she explained. "I would have thought that it's a possible quirk of you being a Traveler. However, from rumor, I hear that none of the few other Travelers that have appeared in this and other cities have had such troubles with elemental assimilation."


Tapping a claw against her chin she continued. "It's as if your pathways were lightly stimulated but not truly activated. There's no sign of burnout or withering either."


"Huh! Truly a quandary." She finished with.


"Do. . Do you think it might have something to do with the amulet?" I asked.


Her eyes narrowed in thought. "I doubt such, but with your situation, who knows. What made you think that it may have an impact?"


"When I swallowed the potion, I felt slight tingling at the contact point with the amulet before feeling a very gentle warmth on my skin." I explained.


"Hmm." Victoria then interjected. "What would you say about trying it again without wearing the amulet?" At my disconcerting expression, she continued. "Just for during the second attempt. You can put it back on right after."


I was agreeable to that and Gertrude had nothing more to add as she too seemed intrigued by this development.

I tried correcting the spacing with the periods with re-uploading it. Unfortunately it didn't seem to fix it. If you tire of reading compressed sentences you can go to


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