

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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22 Chs


Author: Hey guys, just hit ten chapters. Takes a whole load of motivation to get here. Please like and comment what you think so far.

10:00am, 1|12|3030. A pit.

Heavy heart beats can be heard raging. Three people are unconscious on the dirt. Then darkness. Panting and murming is heard In the background.

Mark: Here is the money, where is she.(hands a bag).

The man opens the bag, and smiles.

>Character introduction> tony banks. He was wendy father. A gambler who ran into terrible debt, and had to sell his daughter to pay.

This scene was happening but something wasn't right. Someone else watched as it happens.

Trent: what is going on here,Why am I here. Isn't that the professor guy.

Trent runs toward him and tried to grab him but he couldn't.

Mark: Hurry up I don't have time. You said the girl was strong and fit right.

Tony: yes of course. See for yourself (pushes little wendy forward).

Mark: (bends down.) Hmm not bad. Hello little princess.

Wendy: Hello sir (waves childishly).

Tony: cut the cram and take her.

Wendy:(faces tony immediately). Take me papa to where.

Tony: from now on. The professor will take care of you just be a good girl okay.

Wendy: papa, I don't want to go(starts crying and holding his leg).

Tony: (Gets angry💢). Don't be selfish, just be a good girl and follow the professor. He will care for you.

Mark:(turns to a young boy) overload!!

Overload: yes sir‼️.

Mark: bring her(points to wendy).

Overload walks to wendy and pulls her. Trent tries to stop him.

Trent: leave her alone now!!. Tries to pull wendy but can't touch her.

Wendy:(keeps crying). Let me go, papa help me.(turns to trent). Help me. Help me please 🙏🏿.

Trent: I will save you.( Keeps trying to grab her).


Trent:(waking up immediately),I will save you.

Wendy:(wakes up). My head aww.(tries to move but can't).

Wendy looks around and finds out they were tied.

James: It about time guys.

Trent: what is going on here.

James: we fell into a trap and passed out. I woke up but you guys were still unconscious. Then some people came and took us, I tried to hold them back but they out u and overpowering me.

Wendy: I see. So where are we now.

James: I can't tell for sure but it some kind of burker I guess.

Door opens.

A voice was heard

Voice: seems our guess are finally awake.

Wendy: Good just in time. Now let us go or I will blow this place.

Voice: oh, you are welcomed to try.

Wendy: thanks for the permission.(she snapped her finger,Click).

Trent: what wrong.

Wendy: my abilities.

Voice: Good I thought you won't notice but you are in a worse situation than you think.

Wendy:(fumbles around). Guys there is a lock on our hands, I think it might be what holding our powers back.

Trent: true,I feel nothing.

James: Damn it. What do we do.

Wendy: play along and follow me.

12:00noon.1|12|3030, sabali island.

Mark:(knocking on a glass). Did you hear your brother is coming to save you with some guest. What a Hero.

Yuki: trent??. You better not touch him or I will kill you myself.

Mark: calm down, let leave violence out this this. But I have a deal for you, wanna hear it.

Yuki: what do you want. You can't manipulate me.

Mark: who talking about manipulation. I want you to have your own will while you take his deal. Actually it very simple I want you to walk for me.

Yuki: Never. I will never work for a monster like you.

Mark: Am not done,In return for your brother safety. What do you think it not a bad deal.

Yuki: You monster.

Mark: Are you taking it or not. I won't ask twice you got 24 hours to decide.(starts walking away).

Yuki: I will kill you. I promise.

Mark: what a spoilt princess. See you around.

Mark left.

Doctor sam runs toward mark.

Doctor sam: we have a situation.

Mark: what wrong now.

Doctor: our target location ended here. We lost him and can't trace his frequency since then.

Mark: where??.

Doctor: there.(point a place on a system pad).

Mark: damn it. Right the revolution base, send our best squad for immediate recovery of target. Why don't anything go right for once.

The revolution base exactly as it name is, A place full of awakeneds trying to revolt again mark rules and the world government,For a better life. They are treated as threat that must be eliminated.

At the same time, Revolution base.

Laughter can be heard around the room.

Wendy: so you guys are the what again?

>Character introduction> Barry swimmer

The leader and founder of the revolution base. Also called the lightning kid wonder due to his lightning and speed abilities. He was one of the first test subjects who espaced during the first revolution attack. He been working underground to build this base and is heavy wanted by the government.

Barry: The revolutors. Should I spell it for you.

Trent: why catch us like that. Don't you think it kinda imaditing.

Barry: sorry about that. We can't trust everybody right. So what brings you to this areas.

Wendy: we actually on a quest to save a Princess.

Barry:(laughing) very funny. But seriously why.

Trent: Actually the professor guy has my sister and I plan to get her back.

Barry: Hmm tough guy. But how exactly.

Trent: I don't know yet but I will find a way.

Barry: this is more like a sucide mission. So you must be heading to sabali island right, Do you know the way. Because the island is so hidden that every the people who work there don't even know the location and only those who work closely with mark know the real location.

James:{Guys don't tell him about the map, I don't completely trust this guy}.

Wendy: actually we were planning on drawing his attention to us. Then allowing him capture us that the main plan.

Barry: Not bad. Why didn't I think of this(scratching his head). Well because it not a good idea, what if he says you are to much of a danger and elimates you on the spot. Have you thought about that.

Trent: he won't. Because we have what he needs.

Barry: what that in particular??.

Trent: sorry but it classified.

Barry: I see.

Wendy: can we leave now.

Barry: oh,no.please stay for around for a while and rest. You know you got a tough journey ahead. I can even give you a tour around you know.

Wendy: thanks but...

Door opens

Stranger: barry hardly asks for favour, why don't you stay awhile. I will like to know more about you guys.

Author: hey, am back. Please like and comment what you think about this chapter. Also subscribe to our youtube channel@Nsblaze. Thanks☺️