

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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chapter 19

Before now

Bella: you will know soon enough for now. Please follow me.

Trent: And if we refuse.

Bella: trust me, for your friends sake it is not a good option.

Wendy:(takes a fighting stance) what!!

Trent:(places his hand in front of her). Calm down (faces Bella) Fine we will go with you.

Bella: Wise choice.

Wendy: trent can I have a minute with you. (Drags trent and James).*talking with a low voice what are you doing, are you even thinking of the risk. I don't trust this people.

James: yeah, it true. I get this creepy feeling in this place.

Trent: I understand guys but my instincts tell me we should start a fight because that what they want. The moment we walked into this creepy place, I felt we walked into a trap.

Bella: it best if we start moving or master will be really angry and trust me, you won't like it when he is angry.

Trent: Remember guys just keep it low okay. (Faces Bella) we are coming.

They spilt us.

Bella: this way please.(she points into the empty dark space).

Trent: okay, of course.

Trent walks ahead with wendy and James following him, Bella follows them behind pointing them directions.

After Walking for a while

Trent: aren't we there yet. Am pretty tired.

Bella: sorry but we are here already.

Bella points to a huge gate ahead.

Wendy: 567JJ, trent look at the gate.

Trent: the code!!.

Bella: I see, you are familiar with our communication code. Please come in.

The gate opens As a bright light is seen behind. They cover their eyes and next loud music is been heard..

Bella: Please enter.

They enter and...

>Character introduction> Monjin berker known as the black Titan for his crazy and ruthless attitude. He is feared around in the awakened world.

Mojin: Hello, welcome. I apologise for the poor welcoming.

Trent: It fine.

Mojin: Have a sit.

Immediately they find themselves sitting on chairs.

Wendy:(trying to get up). Whatt doo...James interrupts her.

James: thank you very much (fakes a smile). {Wendy this is not the to lose your cool, this guy is dangerous}. Cracking sounds{He is even trying to break my connection, please don't anger him guys}.

Trent: So, nice place.

Monjin: Thanks. Wait until I redecorate it. You will be amazed by my skills. Let me get you something to eat.

Wendy: No need we are fine.

Monjin: of course not. You guys are my guest so I insist (focuses on the last words). Trust me you don't want to miss this meal, it might be your last.

Silence fills the room along with swallowing sounds.

Monjin:(bursts into laughter) I got you guys.(still laughing) Bella this guys are so easy to scare, Right.

Bella:(smiling) my master is very good at making jokes.

Mojin: please forgive my attitude (claps his hands) Bring in food for our guests.

Few minutes later, chains sounds can be heard as if it been dragged on the ground. A girl shows up later in a white robe with chains all over her except her hands which is released. She is pushing a cart containing various varieties of food.

>Character introduction> Tiny Kee An orphan found by mojin. She is termed very dangerous but these chains are special made for absorbing awakened energy. So she currently powerless.

Tiny: master the food is here.

Trent looks up immediately,Shocked expression is shown on his face.

Trent:(points) I know herrr.

Wendy: what??.

Trent: she was the girl remember.

Monjin: seems you are already familiar with a few of my things. How exciting.

Tiny continues to serve food without saying anything else. She finish serving she looks at trent.

Tiny:{meet me at the rest room when you hear the next bell}.

Tiny pushes the cart and leaves.

Few hours later

Monjin: Can I chip in your conservation, Seems to be a fun one.

Trent: it nothing really. I was planning on leaving already.

Tiny: please sir, I will think about your offer, Be careful.

Trent: Yes, I will be. (Turns to Monjin) Thank you for your hospitality.

Trent leaves.

Monjin:(smiling) interesting, just interesting.

Before now

Wendy: So, you saying she asked you to meet her by the next bell right.

James: what if it is a trap, am coming too.

Wendy: yeah, don't even think of going alone.

Trent: no guys can't come, besides I have a more important job. I need you guys to complete. You see if she asked me to meet her by the next bell, it means the security will be less therefore you guys can go find Sonia's location.

Wendy: huh,where do we look.

James: well, I don't know if you guys notice but this place seems to be moving at an interval since we entered. But remember after that meal when they were taking us here.

Wendy: Now that you mentioned it.

After the meal

Bella: my master asked me to take you guys on a little tour.

Wendy: okay.

Bella: we have alot of restricted area so you better avoid them. Anyway that the call tower(points to a high single building) it is used in case of emergencies.

Blah, Blah, Blah.

Bella: that place is called the black prison hall. It is a place who are deemed dangerous to our safety.

Wendy: I see.

Back to the present.

Wendy: I think I know where we have to look.

The call tower

Bella: master, the plan has swinged into motion.

Monjin: Ah, yeah. Keep a close watch on the others but that guy I will watch over him myself. There is something about him I don't understand.

Bella: Yes sir.

Back to Trent

The bell rings.

Trent: I will be leaving now,you guys know what to do.

James and wendy: Yeah, Good luck.

Trent walks out and starts to find his way towards the rest room. Due to the fact that the geographic scale is complex, it is alittle difficult but he finally finds it. Trent walks in.

Tiny: I have been waiting.


Wendy and James are seen running,

Wendy: Are you sure this is the location.

James: yes, just keep moving.

Unknown to them someone is following them.

Author: Get ready . Please comment and review this book, if I get 5 reviews promise to make crazy uploads.