

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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Author: you been caught sonia. Hehe

Sonia: SHUTUP‼️ and don't ruin my moment.

James: sonia!!. Is that you.

Sonia:(shocked). Yeah, I just wanted to use the bathroom.

James: okay fine, go do your stuff.(goes back to sleep).

Sonia: damn it, that was close.

Sonia walks outside the hotel. The outside was still buzzing with music, light lit up everywhere.

Sonia: this city sure like parties.

Sonia steady walks but in a few minutes her steady walking pace turns to heavy running steps.

In the morning.

Wendy: WHAT‼️. I knew we should trust that overweight chicken. I knew her character is as heavy as her weight.

James: can we stop talking about her weight.

Trent: Damn it. We were all tired from the run that why we slept heavy.

James: I actually memorized some part of the map but I can't tell where to watch out for traps.

Trent: it like blind walking,I won't advise that.

Wendy: what do we do. Damn it, if I ever catch her. I will deflate her.

Trent walks to the window. He sits down looking outside.

Trent: Yuki am sorry for this mistake. I will find a way, He gets up then...

7:00am,7|11|3030. A hidden base.

The base is covered in blood. People can be seen clearing things out

Guard: that the last set ma.

Yuki is seen in a black dress. Her white hair is tied ponytail style, she has a few injuries with blood on her dress.

Yuki: Get the professor on the line.

Guard: Yes ma.

A phone rings in an office

Mark: Hello, professor mark on the line.

Yuki: Cut the crap,I have finished your job.

Mark: return immediately, I have something for you.

Yuki: what that?

Mark: I don't know, it might be about your brother or mother,so Get back first.

Yuki: I warned you already don't use my family to threaten me.

Yuki ends the call.


Sam: she becoming hard to control you know.

Mark: don't worry, I have already planned things out.

Somewhere else.

A woman is seen holding a picture of her and two kids, the picture tells a story of a happy family as everyone is smiling but the woman currently has tears dropping down her eyes.

Trent's mom: where are you guys, Please come home safely.


James: sonia!!. Is that you?

Sonia: Yeah, am just going to the bathroom.

James: okay, go do your stuff.

This scene is been replayed but something is different. Currently trent is seen standing at the edge of the room.

Trent: what going on here. Where am I

Sonia walks toward him,Trent thinks she saw but she immediately pass through him. Trent turns around and follows her , sonia keeps walking but immediately starts to running, trent keeps trailing her. She enters a forest , trent looks around and runs inside.

The scene changes immediately as chipping sounds can be heard. Sonia is seen on the ground with people around her, trent tries to move further but is blocked by something like a barriers. One of the masked person keeps repeating 567JJ on a radio.

Suddenly. The scene starts to change to a dark background. Trent feels like someone is staring at him. He turns around but sees no one, he feels a sharp pain in his chest like he is burning inside, he felt like thousands of needles are piercing him at once.

He beens to hear faint words. He looks forward and sees a girl with black swaying hair, she had plain black eyes with chains holding her. She was screaming. He can't hear her, he falls to his knees, he forces himself to concentrate on her lips which says"get out, this is not your space. He will kill you. Run, remember 567JJ. Run". He hears faint laughing sounds. He forces himself to get up, he turns around and he hears his name from afar.

TRENT, TRENT, TRENT. He screams as he hears slashing sound from behind. He wakes up immediately.

Trent gets up and water splashing. Wait water. Trent looks around and finds himself in a bath tub.

James: don't stress it. Man you keep getting yourself in some deep shit.

Wendy: what happened.

Before now. Wendy/James view.

James: So, what do we do now. Any brilliance ideas anybody.

Wendy: Am out of ideas. Trent you gpt any.

They looks at trent who was still facing the window. Wendy walkes up to him.

Wendy: come on, you can't be so sad. We will find... OMG, trent you are burning hot.

James gets up immediately.

James: what. Trent what wrong.

No response from trent.

Wendy: James come here. Go put some ice in the tub hurry.

James runs to the bathroom. Wendy holds trent closely.

Wendy: come on, trent. Where are you

Trent: 567JJ.

Wendy: what? What did you say.

Trent: 567JJ.

James runs in.

James: wendy, it ready.

Wendy: good, help me lift him to it.

They lift trent and takes him to the tub.

James:(looks up to wendy). My God, you are bleeding.

Wendy: what?(checks her self). No it isn't me,It trent.


Wendy: you kept repeating 567JJ before you stopped and screamed.

Trent:(wrapped in bandages) I see.

James: so let me get this straight. You tapped into some kind of past space, saw a few things then got blocked by someone or something who tried to kill you. A girl saved you and sonia is in grave danger.

Trent: it wasn't trying to kill me. It was like he was tormenting me, he wanted to break me down slowly.

Wendy: well from all this. It very bad but am happy that our oversized chicken woman is somewhere half dead.

Trent: come on, you can't possibly hate her so much.

Wendy: of course not. I hate her very much. She is a lier and a theft.

James: trent, I have always backed you up but I agree with wendy on this one.

Wendy: yeah, Thanks. High five.

Trent: But, we can't turn a blind eye. We have to help and don't forget our map is still with her.

Wendy: true. Sighs seems, the girl will have to get her hands dirty again.

James: yeah,Let go save some princesses.

Author: thanks ☺️ for reading. Please comment and vote for our book. I will appreciate it. Thanks again.

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