
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
28 Chs

Volume: PORTIONs

"Your Mage ability aura is really strong. Why are you taking a divine purification when a … " She lowered her voice more and continued "When a necromancer purification is much more beneficial for you"

"I know but I am forbidden to take that one" analysing Iannae's worried expression .He said " But ,My lady doesn't need to feel pressure, regarding me. Please keep it a secret from others.''

"What's your name?" asks Iannae,


"Kasper" replied that boy…

Iannae pressed her lips ,gripped Kasper 's hand and left the infirmary with him.

"L-lady…Lady. Where are we going?" He asks in awe.

"Iannae…My name is Iannae not Lady"

"Shall, I just call you Lady",

"No' …"

"Please Lady Iannae"...

"If you keep messing up with me .I will lock you in a room where ghosts stay" …

"Ah… I am scared. What an old joke. Ms . Iannae'',

Soon they reach near a room. Iannae pushes its door and it opens with a creak. They both went inside. Kasper started to feel nauseous because the room was extremely dusty and contained an awful smell.

"What is this? I am unable to bear this smell. Are there dozens of killed rats left here?" Kasper pinned his nose with his fingers and said "Ms. Iannae are you alright. You seem"... he passed.

Kasper finds Iannae with a sharp knife in her hand and hesitatingly says "P-perfectly fine to me".

Iannae stables her hand and Kasper can see a blood drop that flows down from the knife .He gasps his mouth with his hands in shock after which he said "Ms. Iannae you are not an evil Lady? Are you".

Iris unfolds the silver envelope handed him by Veer this morning. There is more than one thing in this envelope. Firstly Iris picked up the research papers that he was eager to find since the pond incident happened with Iannae. He secured the documents in his chest box under the protective spell. The second thing he takes out is the 'third Volume of a Book named My Necromancy is Telus'. Iris mumble 'It charges me quite a lot of money to buy this book from the dark alleys'.

Iris went to the black market himself in search of this book Volumes but they were all sold out. Lastly, rumbling in the black market was his only option. He found this Volume in an auction bidding. That's why it's very expensive. He also got the mirror relic documents there.

The bidding has authoritarian rules: no one was allowed to take anything inside the auction room. Besides an eye mask that was provided by the auction management, even money is restricted.

They allotted secure lockers to the customer,that are under direct guidance of the auction entities.

All the transaction took place by the magic teleportal service ,the package or envelopes are sealed in a silver rape and sent within 5 to 10 days without stamp on the address that was written by the receiver before entering the auction.

They took the allotted amount with the help of the assigned lockers ,just after the auction ended only in cash to avoid misconception or any fraudulent customers.

'Bit it's all worthy' mumble Iris to himself.

He removes its sealed cover which is made up of light plastic. Afterwards the Volume name is revealed. There is a reliable smile on Iris' face when he reads it.

Volume: Third.

Name - PORTIONs.

Iris drags a chair near him and opens the book afterwards. He checked the prologue. Lastly he flipps some of the pages and began to read a topic that caught his eyes.

Topic: Portal for mannered Blood pact.

A necromancer's blood is the primary key for successfully unlocking the liable impact of a portion that was produced by the necromancer his/her self without coercion along with pressurisation.

If the Necromancer has the least confidence .It's more like he/she deceiving themselves. There will be no doubt. Mind and Heart should be focused and calm respectively. One single mistake and your own blood will ruin the entire progress.

The blood itself works as an activation catalyst. If it's activation energy is ruined by your messed up emotions. It will make the portion explode.

Archetypal circumstance:

If you are in archetypal circumstances then it's important to make the surroundings suitable for experiment or research and it can be done by these following methods.

•Burn the preserve dry portion you have after which the surrounding smell would be like a disgusting stretch. The greater the stretch the more reliable your portion is.

•Store many dead animals' bodies and let them decay on their own. That would be quite time taking but it will make the surrounding suitable for art progress with the highest impact possibility.

•Lastly, kill an evil human and bury it underground. Let the body decay for months. After 2-3 months, dig down the corpus after which you can transfer it to a real graveyard. Because for the past two or three months the surrounding has had enough humidification to perform rituals and necromancy art.

As a Necromancer I 'E' need to perform many experiments, some need high precautions or another require a perfect processor. Basic rather than the third experiment .I recommend you to perform your art in a graveyard. It will be less risky and time saving and to be honest less suspicious to others.

I prefer the graveyard more instead of an artificial grave. Nevertheless the choice is yours.

"Miss Iannae, what are you up to?" said Kasper in a fragile tone.

Iannae approached him and handed her knife to him from the blunt side and said "Lick it."

"Pardon!! ?" Kasper doesn't believe his ears.

"D-do you want me to lick your blood on this knife". Kasper asked in hesitation." Are you sure? Miss Iannae.",

Iannae nodded and said "Do it"...,

Kasper licked the knife ,some of the stains were left on his lips. He said in disbelief "I don't dislike it."

Iannae chuckled and said 'Is that So' afterwards she asked him to put forward his hand. He followed her order and murmures 'I don't know why? But I want to believe you. You have a very thrilling personality ,Miss Iannae'.

Iannae smiled and began to mumble spells one after another. ".....Dikna saiya kino kimata .Sikna diyan kino kimata….."

After which a dark slesh of light covered the place they were standing.

Iris yane and said "I am going to finish this topic then I will take a quick nap."

Human VESSELs:

There were a lot of situations that happened to me in which.I am stuck in a place where any kind of magic is forbidden to use and as a curious Necromancer. I think it's my duty to overcome whatever circumstance I am in. If you cannot use any black art on living beings then convert their body into a vessel by letting them drink your blood after which you can use your magic on them even in forbidden places. Although the impact of your spell might have loosen a bit but it still works affirmatively.

Iris flips to the next page and finds the beginning of a new chapter. He mumbled with relief "humm. Now I can take a nap. After reading this book .I am going to give it to Ryan .He will be happy. This is what we call hitting two birds in one shot".

Iris stretched his arms and forelimbs and off to bed.

"Wow .I feel extremely refreshed. Is this even possible to feel this light weighted." Ask Kasper in amusement.

"Now tell me .What do you think about the disgusting stretch here?Don't you feel nauseous?" Iannae asks in a teasing tone.

In an apologicil manner Kasper replied "Not at all. Sorry for troubling you. Mis Iannae ".

"It's nothing…" Iannae shook her head in denial and said " I make it smell like this because of the awful stretch no one dares to come inside and I can use this room for different purposes.",

Kasper twich an eyebrow and asks "Different purposes!!?"

To be continued. . . .