
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Poem of a man

Ryan woke up and found himself in the palace. It is the same palace he had been seeing in his dreams. The only difference is that it seems more lively than usual. There is a hustling and bustling environment like a real palace. There are maids, steward , handmaids and several other daily workers. No one is paying attention to Ryan nor does Ryan care. He just grabbed the staircase supporter and went to the same room he saw those two childrens.

When he opens the door there are four individuals present in the room .He acknowledges the two of them but the remaining two are strangers to him.

Samantha's eyes are covered with a silver piece of cloth because of the eye incident. Ryan wonders where that psycho priest went.

Nevertheless Ryan focuses on Ignis and Samantha who are playing with a boy named 'Erup' they all seem to be enjoying each other's company unless a girl who is staring from a distance comes to an insight of Ryan. She has wavy dark navy-coloured hairs exactly like ' an ocean of sorrow' .She is not sightless unlike Samantha. She has black eyes like a void. When he put some steps forward towards that navy head girl .She turned her head in his direction and said Veronica. Ryan flinches behind him as an old priest pops out of nowhere and hugs Veronica .He was the same priest who goggles Samantha's eyes in his previous nightmares. He took a few steps back. That priest mumbled "Veronica I know that you like your name but you should also try to speak other words."

Venture within the pack of five individuals Ryan somewhat felt relieved because he was not the person Veronica was talking to .He signed internally and questioned 'how come this psycho prist strangely behaving like a true father .Did he have a change of heart? Never mind, I need to know what's going on here first and all in all even if I ask he doesn't answer. Does he?" After which he sat beside Samantha.

Ryan doesn't know why? But analysing Samantha reminds him of Iannae. Ryan weaved his words in a poetic way to express the gratitude in his heart towards Iannae.

'I wonders how you are doing.

Are you living a luxurious life or filling the big cage as a bird inside?

Whether you fell asleep or awake tonight.

I wish to give you my sight so that you could see the world that always lingered in your sightless eyes.'

It made Ryan's eyes numb .He cleared them and went back to work until now there were just some basic teaching lessons taught by that priest looking man named ' Vedaham' due to the past circumstance Ryan acknowledge Vedaham' as a barbarian but he don't know that he could be this intelligent. He asks many questions to all ,four of them and answers them afterwards and explains it in a feasible description with life reference.

"The plight of man is a wonder indeed!" Said Vedaham and starts drawing a scene.

During the time span taken by the art shaped by Vedaham. Even Ryan's anticipation was beyond response.

Verdeman explains them. How an individual or living being got stuck within the causality of survival with the help of a poem and afterwards its significance along with How they need to overcome such situations.

A man was dumbfounded. When he is running faster than the chasing elephant facing his back moving right to left on the ground…..

He kept saying in his mind.

"Run Run from the tusker, who want to kill me in hustle"

He climbs the tree nearby to affix his life . Because a tusker bigger than his height followed him from behind.

He might be afraid a lot but not more than the sudden slip that he got ,On a bough that is near its shore. After which he kept saying in his mind.

"Catch catch, I need to catch the folk before loosing my hopes"

Although the elephant pushed hard to make him fall. But somehow he managed to hang on, while dingling dangling a lot. Instantly he repeat

"Hang on, Hang on just a little more. I need to hang on."

Sitting on the fork ,at some distance he finds two rats , one white and one black nibbling down the branch after switching hands. Singing….

" Nibble, Nibble one after another"

After acknowledging the law of forces the man understood that the branch would soon break from its sources.

As He looked down, he discovered that there were many snakes around mumbling

"His,His~~ come down"

Suddenly some drops of honey that fell on his tongue made him dared to open his mouth.

Beehive came out due to the disturbance he created while hanging against the ground.

"Buzz, Buzz stop shaking us round"

Nevertheless he adjusted his tongue to get a few more drops of honey straight within his mouth. Now, indeed he is fond of the honey rather than the tree which momentarily fits into his mouth.


It's SIGNIFICANCE: Is explained by Verdeman after adjusting the poem into a story manner.

There was a lot of anticipation on Samantha ,Erup and Ignis along with Ryaniar's face .And why not they all were listening very carefully but Veronica specifically out of interest. She tightly pinches Erup's skin and makes him sullen. That's when Ryan realises that Erup can't speak. He has dysarthria. That's why Veronica targets him .Even if he tries to cry no one will understand when they all were so immersed deep into the story. But Samantha sence Erup's trouble and switched her seat with Erup . 'Rats' Veronica mumbled before pouting in annoyance and with a small pause Vedaham continues the explanation

"Once a man was chased by an elephant in a forest. Seeing no respite, he climbed a tree but he slipped, and was about to fall before he could hold on to a branch. He looked up and found that the elephant was waiting to devour him and two rats, one black and one white, were slowly nibbling the branch he was hanging on to. He understood that very soon the branch would fall to the ground.

As the man looked down,.....He discovered that there were many snakes. Suddenly a drop of honey fell on his face. He pulled his tongue out and licked it. There was a honeycomb between the two branches he was holding. Due to disturbance caused by his holding and shaking the branch, bees were out to bite him. But at the same time honey was also oozing from the comb.

Forgetting the obvious (elephant, snakes, rats, and bees), he just adjusted his tongue to get drops of honey straight on his tongue. Now, he was happy, indeed forgetting his precarious situation.

This analogy perfectly fits a common man. The man represents the common man or ourselves. We are stuck in this precarious situation of this material world.

Death (elephant) is chasing us continuously; it will not leave us without devouring us. The black and white rats represent night and day respectively. They are slowly reducing our age. The hissing snakes represent the big obstacles in life. Honey Bees represent the day to day problems we face in our life. The sweet honey represents the pleasures' of this world in its myriad forms.

"The plight of man is a wonder indeed!" Said Ryan with an astonishing look on his face. He had no idea that he could receive such remarkable knowledge in his dreams. But Vedaham doesn't stop here .He began to ask some questions from the childrens.

"Do any of you know about the importance of that tree in the story I just told you?". Said Vedaham with a calm smile…,

To be continued