
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Caught you!

In just a blink of an eye, they both were thrown aside, opposite to each other. It must be due to the explosion of the bottle that happened just a while ago.

That tiny bottle couldn't handle the brisky attitude of Iannae's mana fragment. That's the reason why?It broke down into clashes and caused the mana inside to react directly with the atmospheric air. Meanwhile they both got injured and now Ryan is in even more dire condition to cure.

Patricia is old and whispers a moan because of the pain he was going through 'huff' he said ".Oh God please help. What can we do? for this child. Is there no one to help him?".

A familiar voice chirped outside the closed door of the prayer room.

After which the main door collapsed in no time. An unknown figure arrives inside the room. It was none other than Iannae.

It is not nice for Patricia and Iris to get astonished after seeing Iannae come back at a time when they need her the most.

They are glad to see her but Inanne is not happy at all. They both went awry again to take care of Ryan. She understands that they cannot use 'necrosis capabilities' but how can they be so lax, when they know the cause?

It is either a life or death matter for Ryan and that's how they're gonna maintain the situation with their clumsy mistakes. She avoids any further discussion with them and moves closer to Ryan.

This is not the right time for Iannae to be furious.

She puts her right hand over his heart and examines Ryan's 'Cardiac condition' beside the unstabilizing mana there is nothing wrong, just his hair is a bit wet . However his skin is "cold as ice"

Iannae gushes her energy onto his heart which eases his pain. She needs to suck half of his erratic divine mana into her", which will be so unbearable to the extent that death seems like just a piece of cake.

She could not hesitate to suck half of his divinity through her palm which was on the exact side of his heart to unravel the problem by pouring all her energy onto his heart that balances the law of mana flow inside Ryan's body after a while. She cannot bear the reflexive divine vitality.

As a result, Iannae fell on the floor. her head seems to twirl a lot. Iannae is no longer able to rectify the surroundings.

It's not like divine energy is a problem for her; she is a Deity who is just wearing a human body for a particular span. On top of that, she was one of the yields of God but the power inside Ryan's body is somewhat distinct .She also wondered why? that was all her previous introspection before she got fully unconscious.

Patricia and priest Iris along with the nun's and Pristine. Who comes later? They all were really speechless when they saw Iannae's condition. The thing is...

No one had ever imagined that Iannae might be withered to this extent. Although She is blind and needs to wear a piece of fabric all the time, around her eyes to avoid attention that she unwillingly gets from her eye portion.That's knowingly hard for all, to analyse her expressions but her necromancer ability is no joke. She can kill or tarnish apart a being in seconds.

Ryan wakes up almost 2 days later after the trouble he causes. Iannae is still unconscious .When Ryan wakes up the first person he saw was father Patricia.He raises two fingers in front of Ryan's eyes. He understood what Patricia means and ask afterwards "what happen two days, prior? and who maintains my divinity back in time,' Is that you?? or priest Iris?"

Patricia shook his head and said.

" It was neither me nor iris",

Ryan springs off from his bed and mumble "Then Iannae is the only one besides you two who can control my mana ,No if she is back where is she? How is she? What is she doing right now? Am I allowed to visit Ms. Iannae?"

Ryan looks straight into Patricia's eyes .He asks all sorts of questions, Patricia already knows what Ryan is up to, before Ryan says anything.

Patricia replied " no, and do not even try."

Patricia does not have any guy to answer any question regarding Iannae's health. He becomes silent for a while.

It makes Ryan worry to hell. After a sigh, he open his lips and said

"Iannae is still unconscious after stabilising your energy. Iannae relinquished her consciousness almost like you ,for past two days.

Although, I am thankful enough to God, that you are safe Ryan but she is still suffering from the aftermath in regards of your erratic divinity." Before stepping out from Ryan's room Patricia said " I am not gonna give you any permission for visiting Iannae yet because it might be harmful to you too. Stay indoors and have some rest . understand. It's already tough enough for us to stabilise your mana after the lake incident. You need to avoid any contact with her. We will not let you repeat the same mistakes as before, for the time being, you are not allowed to visit Iannae until 'Iris' give you his permission"

Ryan gets startled as soon as father Patricia's bought up his list of warnings that takes an eternity to finalise . There is no way even in hell that 'Iris' will allow Ryan to visit Iannae in his whole life but he is not in a position to argue.

He agreed afterward and got back to his daily schedule which was personally set by Iris for him.

Days pass by and there is still no sign of Iannae's recovery, she has been unconscious for 5 days now .It's made Ryan listless and unhappy lately. He does not even bother to ask Iris's permission for anything. He knew well that Iris would never allow him to do as he pleased.

He deeply "sighs" while sitting in the garden with Jo(Joseph) and JE(Jeremy). They were playing with butterflies a while ago. Joseph notices Ryan, who has been motionless for the past few days .Out of concern. He asks"brother? Is everything alright? You do not look so good"

Ryan replies "it's because I am unable to see 'Ms. Iannae' for exactly 5 days. I don't know how she is? If she is not alright then, I will never forgive myself because she is in a situation like this, it's all because of my incurable disease ".

With a Hummed Joseph said " Hmmm....brother sorry but I cannot help you with this instead" jo hesitated for a while and continued "Jeremy knew where Ms. Iannae is currently resting".

At the same time, Joseph and Ryan's heads turn towards Jeremy's direction, who was playing with a butterfly. Now they both have the same feeling about something.

"Brothers why you both took me here, I do not know, Where is Ms. Iannae," Jeremy said, standing at the main door of the attached corridor but Joseph and Ryan are even more confident now. Jeremy must comprehend where Iannae is?

They did not even bring up that they were curious about Ms. Iannae, then how would he knows,

Jeremy, who was struggling from the clutches of his dear brother Joseph' begin to move his limbs hastily but it was useless.

while Ryan takes this opportunity and starts tickling around 'Je's weak spots such as 'the sole of his foot. He cannot endure his laughter for long and got busted by both of them afterward he exposed the whereabouts of Miss Iannae's room.

Ryan and Jo were shaking hands with each other like they had accomplished a great goal and whimpering to one another that 'we caught Jeremy'

It makes Jeremy feel guilty because this was a secret between nun Maratha and him .She told Jeremy about the whereabouts of Iannae's room and as his promise he needs to keep it as their secret.

Jeremy swears to himself that he will never at least in this life ever help any of them in any case...

.In the next movement he is the one who is guiding the corridor for Ryan and Joseph to not get caught by Iris.

"Hey, Is everything alright?" Ask Joseph.

'Jeremy replied with a nod .'

Joseph said, "great now keep your eyes open, If anything happens then we will tell Martha everything understood."

'Je' nodded again.

Jeremy makes a horrible expression. He just agreed to all of the terms and conditions these devils were implying while cursing each of them inside his heart, he murmured to himself that "Seriously, how come? I get stuck between these two devils who never understand me, I had never agreed with them unless 'Jo' would not threaten me. Joseph will reveal the promise between Martha and me."

It's better if Jeremy just guides the corridor rather than let Martha find out that he broke the promise first.

Ryan and Joseph get into the main hall and left, Jeremy on guard. They walk towards the corner where there is a sneaky room inside which a narrow closet looking passage is visible that may lead them to Iannae .It's the kind of secret passage that must be only known by detailed workers and nuns such as Martha.

She is the highest nun in position among some of them, that's why she knew about the sneaky doorways.

Ryan does not think that Iris and father Patricia know about this too, otherwise, they will lock this room, just in case someone might find it.

Ryan left Joseph on standby for guarding the door and began to ingress ,alone inside the sneaky passage. It was dark to the extent that he could not see his own hands. There is not a single sound that he could hear.

Right now he is thankful for the lalten that was handed over by Joseph to him before ingressing into the closet.

He is a bit afraid regarding his surroundings Ryan's mind was covered with all kinds of negative thoughts he tries to 'shake them off' implying that he must be overwhelmed by the adverse energy of this room, but then he saw a dozen of eyes staring at him as red as fire. Ryan got startled and then the lantern in his hand fell off on the floor...

To be continued.