
Chapter 24

Happy reading!


Alyssa sees the Firebirds flying closer, towards them, and fear gripped her as she starts running away. The Firebirds keeps on chasing after them and they continuously spit out fire, from their mouth, Alyssa was carrying Berk on her shoulder as they all took to their heels. There were a lot of thick bushes and tall trees around the woods, where they are, Alyssa and Darrell kept on running and they ran for a long time, their adrenaline was popped high, and their reflexes were active, as they successfully avoided the fire that was coming out from the mouth of the Firebirds, from touching them. The fire touched the trees and bushes, and it got burned, the fire was burning almost everything in sight.

The Firebirds could still not see Darrell, but they were positive that Darrell was there, as they kept on flying, flapping their wings rapidly. A strong hot chase began simultaneously, the faster Alyssa and Darrell ran, the faster the Firebirds followed, trailing behind them with speed and spitting out hot, burning fire from their mouths.

Darrell didn't know he was invisible in the eyes of Firebirds, so he engaged his legs in a very fast tournament. They got tired of running, so they stopped and hid behind a huge tree.

"Oh my God! Darrell," Alyssa said panting rapidly.

"What are we going to do?" Alyssa asked looking really tired and confused.

"I don't know, we just have to keep on running," Darrell said panting rapidly.

"But am tired Darrell, I need to rest," Alyssa said holding her knees.

The Firebirds lowered their flight and kept a close queue as they looked around their surroundings, peeking through the trees and bushes. They suddenly stopped flying as they listened attentively to what Alyssa was saying.

An evil smile crept into Draco's face.

"Come out wherever you are, I can smell you," Draco said evilly with a slow motion, he lowered himself to the ground, allowing his feet to touch the ground silently, not making a single sound, the rest of the Firebirds followed his action, their eyes scanning through the woods.

Darrell covered Alyssa's mouth so she won't say a thing, she looked so scared, she was crying silently within herself, Berk just hid between Alyssa's legs.

The Firebirds were walking close toward the huge tree Darrell and Alyssa stood.

The medallion on Darrell's neck became brighter and light also shone out from Darrell's eyes, Alyssa looked at Darrell shocked wondering what was happening to him.

"I have an idea," Darrell said quietly as the light dimmed slowly out of Darrell's eyes.

The Firebirds came to the huge tree and bounced in front of it quickly, but they saw only Berk, sitting down on the ground with his hind limbs.

"Ehh," The Firebirds said surprised at the sight of Berk looking really confused, wondering where Alyssa was.

"Please don't kill me, I'm just an ordinary rabbit," Berk said with his hands up.

"Hmm, I could have sworn, I saw her here, I was hearing her heartbeat, and it felt like she was with someone," one of the Firebirds said looking around confused.

"But it seems like our calculations were wrong, cause there is no one here," Draco said scratching his head.

"Hmm this is strange, where could they have gone to?" the second firebird asked as he looks around.

In reality, Darrell and Alyssa were still standing there, but they were invisible in the sight of the Firebirds, courtesy of the medallion. Darrell was holding Alyssa's hand, they both slowly walked away from the tree, Darrell looked at the ground and saw a thick small wood lying down on the ground, he picked it, up and used it to hit one of the Firebirds on his head, Alyssa chuckled lightly because of this action.

"Hey! who did that, Rogue! Why you skimming devil" Draco said and hit Rogue one his head with his hand.

"Hey! I didn't do anything," Rogue said but before he could finish his words, Draco had already hit him on his head.

"Ouch!" Rogue cried angrily and hits Draco back on his head.

"Stop it you two, let's focus here,"

Pithan the other firebird said. And Darrell also hits him the wood on his head.

"Hey, you shouldn't have done that," Pithan said, then he angrily hits both Draco and Rogue on their head. And then Draco and Rogue hit him back, from there a battle of a hit on the head proceeded.

Darrell called Berk out of their mist as they took their chance and ran fast away from the firebird's reach. Alyssa carried Berk on her shoulder, Darrell still holding her hand as they kept on running until they stopped.

They both started laughing happily.

"Those Firebirds are so funny," Alyssa said holding her stomach, trying to control her laughter.

"Yes, they really are, I mean did you see their faces," Darrell said laughing as well.

"Yeah and they kept on hitting their heads, I'm sure one of them would have a knock out before that would stop," Alyssa said making dramatic expressions with her hand and they laughed hard again.

"But how did you know your plan would work?" Alyssa asked.

"I don't know, I just felt like I heard a whisper, someone told me what to do," Darrell replied and looked like he was in a trance.

"Yea, I felt that way too, you know your eyes shined really bright like you were hypnotized or something," Alyssa said in a really low tune.

"It must have been the medallion, yes I remember, when Melissa gave it to me, she told me it would make invisible in the sight of my foes and I guess holding you made you invisible as well," Darrell said.

"Well, thank goodness it worked, or else we would have been roasted meat," Alyssa said and they both laughed.

"Let's continue our journey now," Darrell said as he opened the map. Alyssa looks at him angrily with her arms folded.

"Seriously?" she asked looking really annoyed.

"Hmm," Darrell exhaled.

"Okay fine we can rest for a while," Darrell said unwillingly.

"Yeah!" Alyssa and Berk said happily. Darrell walked to Alyssa and held her hand.

"Then maybe we could continue our little sport later," Darrell said in a whisper.

"Yea, whatever, and this time I would win," Alyssa said and walked away.

"Yeah in your dreams," Darrell said with a smirk.

They walked on until they found a secluded cave and decided to rest there. Darrell looked worried, he looked up to the sky and said: "Please keep us safe," then he kisses the medallion.






What do you guys think about it this episode? Please leave your thoughts and don't forget to vote and follow my pen name @itzdeviva love you all.