
Chapter 21

Happy reading!


They all stood surprised at the sight of the door.

"Ladies first," Darrell said to Alyssa in a romantic way as he points at the door.

Alyssa sighed. "scary cat," Alyssa said as she walked past the door.

"Hey, am not scared...I'm just trying to be a gentleman," Darrell said as he followed Alyssa behind. Berk hopped behind them.

The sight of the place was breathtaking, the place was filled with golden pieces of jewelry, gems, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc. They all moped around, at the surroundings with their mouth wide open.

"Gosh! if I could take all these golden pieces of jewelry with me?..or even the diamonds," Alyssa said with lustful eyes as she smiles lightly.

"No Alyssa, kick that thought away," Darrell said as he held her. "Remember what the inscription said," Darrell adds as he looked deep into Alyssa's eyes.

Alyssa shakes her head and breathes out as she realized her self.

"Ok Darrell, I will try," Alyssa said weakly and she chewed her second finger childishly.

Darrell opened the map and glanced at it, he sees the red dot blinking continuously at the drawing of a gem, shocked at this he glanced around the surrounding until he spotted a gem sparkling and blinking continuously as he walks closer to the gem, the red dot on the map blinks more faster, Alyssa followed him behind.

Darrell picked up the gem and looked closely at it, the gem looked so radiant and amazingly unique, different from the rest of the crowded gems.

"It's beautiful," Alyssa said softly as she looks at the gem.


Berk is seated at the spot where there were many golden pieces of jewelry and he was busy wearing them and playing with them lustfully.

"Yipee," Berk said as he throws up another gold necklace and instantly catches it before it touches the ground.

Darrell and Alyssa still stood where they were, admiring the gem.

Suddenly the whole place starts vibrating like an earthquake is about to erupt.

"What's going on?" Darrell asked as he looked around searching for the cause, then he spots Berk playing with the jewelry.

"Noo...stop that," Darrell said suddenly with a loud voice and then he ran towards Berk. Berk still kept on with what he was doing as if he was been enchanted by a spell.

"Berk! Stop that, take that off you," Alyssa said as she sees Berk playing with the jewelry.

Darrell got to where Berk was and quickly removes the jewelry from him, as soon as he was done removing the items from Berk, the whole place kept on shaking and suddenly it stopped.

"Pheew," Alyssa and Darrell said relieved with the thought that everything was back to normal. They all paused for a while with their fingers crossed and started walking slowly towards the door.

Suddenly the vibration started again, this time harder, the door got shot hard, the shaking and earthquake eruption doubled, the ground divided into different planes. And they all fell down into the opened ground as the ground formed into a maze.

"Alyssa!" Darrell screamed out from where he was but he heard no response. He began walking forward taking the left paths hoping it would lead him out of the maze.

"Darrell!, Berk!!" Alyssa called out loudly from where she stood, she looked so scared and worried.

"Guys! Anyone!!, Please reply to me" Alyssa said softly and she coughs as she robbed her shoulder trying to keep herself warm, she was feeling cold and weak. She weakly sits down on the ground and coughs again.

Suddenly she starts hearing voices, startled at this she stands up again and walked towards where the voices were coming from "Who is there?" Alyssa asked but no response. As she got closer she started hearing mocking waves of laughter, she looked up forward and what she saw shocked her even more, she saw a mirror and in the mirror, she saw her reflection laughing mockingly at her. Alyssa walked forward to the mirror to get a clearer view.

"Hahaha" Alyssa's reflection kept on laughing mockingly and then suddenly it stopped laughing and looked at Alyssa angrily.

"What are you looking at you useless child," Alyssa's reflection asked as it gradually transforms into Norma Elspeth.

"Argh" Alyssa gasps and she covered her mouth as fear gripped her all over her body.

"It's so sad, you are always alone and you will forever be...no one loves or care about you, even your mother never did, that's why she left you," Norma Elspeth in the mirror said.

"Nooo...stop it" Alyssa kept saying as she held her head with her two hands with a scared expression on her face.

Berk sat on the ground at his own side of the maze whimpering like a lost child.

"Alyssa..please come and save me," Berk said looking really scared. He stood up and walked forward and stood at the front of a mirror, his reflection stood looking at him weirdly.

"Oh Berk, oh Berk," the reflection said softly, "you look so scared to tell me are you afraid of yourself," the reflection asked. Berk didn't reply he just stood still looking at his reflection with fear all over his face.

Berk's reflection started laughing mockingly and then it slowly transformed into the wolf.

The wolf in the mirror licks his mouth hungrily, panting with his tongue stuck out as spits dripped down from it. "Are you hungry? Cause I am" the reflection said and laughed wickedly, fear gripped been even more.

Darrell kept on walking until he saw the same mirror, startled at it he walked closer to it and saw his reflection.

"Look closely at yourself Darrell," Darrell's reflection said looking at Darrell the same way Darrell looked at it. "Do you think you will be able to save Monaserus...what do you think you are?...a hero?" The reflection asked Darrell and started laughing mockingly at him.

"Stop it...you are ruining my head," Darrell said loudly as he held his head with his both hands, his eyes shut tightly.

"Think again Darrell cause you are nothing," the reflection said and transforms into one of the boys that used to bully Darrell when he was in Los Angeles.

"You should kill yourself and just end it," the reflection said keeping a really serious face.

Darrell pulled out his sword like someone in a spell and looked closely at it. "I do not deserve to live am completely useless," Darrell said as he lifts up the sword with both hands and he is about to stab himself with it.

"Yes Darrell do it...we both know you are useless," the boy in the mirror said and laughed wickedly.







Oh my God! Is Darrell about to kill himself. What do you guys think about this episode please leave a comment, vote and share love you guys.