
Await for none


Derniene_dera · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

The nights were cold and the roads were empty. Most of the shops had closed down by that time. 

It would've been a better idea to take the next alley or never even go out at such a late and ominous hour but there was no choice left. 

She carried on like a determined spy, "I have to hurry" she thought.

Finally she found what she found what she was searching for… 

"YES, YESSSSSSS, Hello ma'am, could I have five of these desserts please?" 

"Yes, of course, would you like me to pack it for you?" 

"Yes please."

She couldn't stop smiling. These are the desserts that she took such a risk for, and more than that, something she had waited for so long.

These desserts are something that can only be found once a year and are very hard to obtain at any other time of the year. 

The nobles mostly order them and they are delivered to their doors so it's somewhere not a lot of people go to, they just order instead. 

Walking down the road, she takes the dessert out of its fancy packaging and takes a bite. It's so darn sweet. 

It does not taste just like a lump of sugar. There's a mixture of flavors there. Not sure about the ingredients but it tastes… just miraculous. 

There's a soft and creamy texture on top of the hard chocolate. There's a hint of caramel and peanuts too. You can also find the light and airly flavor of vanilla along with more cream.

There's also a surprise inside, a soft ball of some sort of nutty cream that tastes like an extremely high quality cottony chocolate. A taste that's to die for. 

But it's a given that she cannot get lost in this delicacy, she just had to take a bite and taste it because she couldn't hold herself back no more. 

She puts the dessert back in the fancy packaging and stuffs it in her bag. Then she prepares and hides a small blade under her sleeve. 

Nobody knows what could happen. 

Since her dress's sleeves are upto her elbows, she carries a smaller blade between her index & middle finger. It'll be easier to handle people this way. 

Suddenly she hears a groan. She stiffens up and starts walking faster. 

'Things are gonna go down for sure' 

She turns around the corner to just find a young child. A little girl to be exact. 

The Child is bleeding from her knees. It seems like she fell down. 

"Hey child! Are you okay? What are you doing here?" 

She rummages through her bag, searching for the bandage and medicine she kept. 

She quickly applies it onto the child's knees and finally puts of a bandage. 

"Lady…" The child looks at her.

"Hello little lady, where are your parents, what are you doing here?" she asks, concerned. 

"Lady… I… I got lost, can you help me..?" the child bursts out crying. 

"Hey hey little one, don't cry" she picks her up and rubs her back. 

"I'll help you find them but how long has it been since you've last seen your parents and where? And are you hungry?" 

"I… hic.. saw them.. one.. three…four..five..five nights ago!" says the little girls while counting with her tiny fingers. 

"I see.. I'll help you find them! Are you hungry?" 

"Ye.. Yes.. I'm really hungry!" 

She takes out and hands the child the dessert she bought even though the desserts were expensive and it took quite an effort to get them. 

"Here, have these.. Is it tasty? Try it." 

"It's delicious… Thank you very much, lady.."

"You can call me sister Flo if you want to! Finish up first! Ahh take it slow" 

The little girl finishes eating it very quickly. "Ah…" The child finds Flo staring at her and her cheeks turns red out of embarrassment. 

Who knows what's going in a child's mind.

"My name is Eleanor Frazenieth, thank you for your generosity." 

'Sh*t. How is a child more mature than me-' Flo is dumbfounded at the little girl's coolness. 

Flo then asks her, "Do you want to have another one?" 

"Uhm yes please! Thank you" 

'The child is too adorable… I can't-"

After a while, the girl tells her the details she knows about her parents and family and very very amazingly answers all the questions. 

"Frazenieth hah?" 

Flo decided to go to the police station however she finds the Frazenieths in no less than an hour. 

"Eleanor, look, this is your mother and papa's house, right?" asks Flo while pointing to a picture in the newspaper. 

"Yes, it is!" 

The Frazenieths had bought a mansion just a while ago. The information was leaked and published on the newspapers just two days ago so the newspaper could still be found.

Flo could still remember since she associated Frazenieths with Frozen Nieths. Nieth being a fairytale monster. 

She quickly heads to the police station that is the nearest to the mansion and hands the little child. 

Truth be told, she had spent all her money to go there. 

It didn't take that long for Eleanor's parents to come and they were so relieved to finally find their child. 

The officer introduced Flo to the Frazenieth couple and they were really grateful to her and handed her a pale blue blank cheque to thank her. Telling her to take whatever amount she wants upto 500,000 Gold notes. 

Flo of course refuses but the couple insists. 

Flo waves the little child goodbye and leaves the station. 

It was such a SCARY day. 

Talking to the officers were no easy task. Flo almost got arrested but they finally believed her, although she believes that they are still suspicious of her. 

Alone again. 

Now with no money in her bag and a blank cheque, Flo somehow makes it back home. 

She leaves the rest of the three desserts, one of them having 1/4 of it being eaten and goes to sleep. 

In the morning, she goes out to "steal" a newspaper from any counter where people leave their newspapers after reading them. 

She expects to see at least one article about the Child being found but she finds none. 

It could be because it's something that the Frazenieths want to hide? 

Second page of the newspaper, she finds an article about someone's death. The death of the Frazenieth couple and their child, Eleanor. 

They were assassinated in their own home. At around 4 am. 

Flo's heart stops while reading the article. She… She couldn't accept it. They were perfectly fine when she waved them goodbye. 

They were shedding tears of joy. They were… okay.

She wants to confirm their death but what would she find? Just their bloody bodies. Flo doesn't have the courage to see that child again. Dead now.