


I sat by Avery and I knew something was wrong. Her posture was all off and she wasn’t the bubbly girl I’d met all those years ago her spark had gone. Matt had told me everything what had happened before she had left for Athens. I couldn’t believe my ears when he told me what that jerk Noah had done to her. She was happy with Marcus. I could see how happy he made her.

Caleb was an angel he’d gone with her halfway across the world with her to help her through it all, he adored her. Anyone could see that he’d always be there for her, but now seeing her like this I was not so sure. ‘What’s wrong honey. This isn't you, this isn’t the bubble Avery I’m at all those years ago what happened to her?’

‘She grew up, that's what happened to her.’

‘I’m sure that’s not true. I've seen your instagram account you haven’t changed you’ve flourished. Tell me what’s wrong Avery this isn’t you.’

She burst into tears. ‘Oh honey what’s wrong?’ I asked her, placing my arm around her.


‘Well I gathered that much would you like to talk about it?’

She nodded.

‘What happened honey you two were always so close?’

‘We had a fight.’

‘Everyone fights honey.’

‘Not like this. He wanted me to make us more than what we were.’

‘And you couldn’t?’

‘I was too scared to. He’s my best friend, well he was before all of this. He gave me an ultimatum to make my mind up by the end of the month. I was scared to tell him how I really felt. I was scared to tell him I loved him cause I didn’t want to loose our friendship even though he said it wouldn't. Now it’s too late.’

‘It’s never too late.’

‘It is, he wants me out of his apartment.’

‘He’s just angry Avery, he'll come around.’

‘No he won’t our friendship is done, over.’

‘Don’t think like that Avery tell him how you truly feel.’

‘I can’t.’