

Avery and Caleb got ready for their night out, if he admitted it to himself he wasn’t looking forward to this night at all but her was doing for Avery. He knew Noah all to well and he knew he’d do anything to get Avery alone so she could change her mind into sinking into his arms once again and that wasn’t going to happen not in his watch, he’d been with Avery for the past two years and fell in love with her all over again. He was not taking her away from him, not this time. He’d paired his ripped jeans with a sexy black short sleeved shirt leaving the two top buttons done, showing off his six pack his muscles didn’t do too well at bidding themselves in the shirt though it was baggier than his usual store it still made him look damn sexy.

Avery had paired a lilac dress to her knees with a pair of black stilettos. She hoped she didn’t trip and break her neck last time she wore them Caleb had to grab her before she hit the floor. She’d braided her hair and tied it back so it cascaded down her back. He smiled at her as she walked into the the lounge, her eyes were smokey with mascara and eyeliner, her lips had a hint of lip gloss. ‘God Avery you look damn sexy.’

‘You don’t scrub up to bad yourself bad boy.’ She smiled.

‘No teasing Avery or we won’t leave this god damn apartment and I’ll tie you to the bed.’

‘Mmh kinky.’


She laughed. She enjoyed teasing him and riling him up god help her if he ever recipucated.

‘You’re a minx Avery Collins.’

‘Tell me something I don’t already know.’

He slipped his arm around her pulling her into him. ‘I’m going to tie you to the fucking bed and fuck you until you scream my fucking name and beg me to stop.’ He purred.

Shivers went down her spine. ‘Is that a threat or a promise.’

‘Oh it’s a promise babe.’ He said kissing her neck.

‘Quit it Caleb we have to go.’

‘You’re no fun.’

‘Tell me that tomorrow after the hangover.’

He chuckled. ‘Let’s go babe or they’ll all be wondering where we are.’

He took his arms from around her taking her hand in his, leading her out of the apartment, closing and locking the door before they got into the cab.

They arrived at the club a little after ten Avery had taken the piss to shower and find a decent dress to wear whereas Caleb had showers and shaved after he’d placed his clothes on his bed he knew she’d take the longest. So he headed into the bathroom first and he was right. Two fucking hours he’d waited for her to complete all of the womanly tasks before she finally met him in the lounge and god damn it was worth the wait. She never failed to impress, he just hoped Noah and the other guys would keep their eyes and filthy hands off her or he’d end up punching the fuck out of them, before getting kicked our like so many times before. He found it hard to control his temper around her when it came to other guys flirting around her when they were obviously after one thing and he was there to make sure they didn’t get it.

She slipped her arm through his. ‘It’s going to be okay babe I’m here you know I’ll take care of you and I’ll never let anyone else touch you.’

‘I know.’

‘Come on let’s do this.’

She nodded and they walked over to the club getting frisked before they walked in Eviline waved them over to the bar smiling. Avery waved back smiling telling Caleb to head to the bar.

They hugged. ‘I didn’t think you were coming.’

‘I told you I was.’

‘Avery crisis.’ Caleb added.

She nodded and hugged Caleb. ‘Glad you could come.’

‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world.’

‘Grab yourselves a drink we’re all over there the drinks are on the house.’

‘What’s the occasion?’

‘Oh my brother has got a new contract really big so they’re celebrating.’


The both got a cocktail heading over to the table. ‘Guys I’d like you to meet my friends Avery Collins and Caleb Carter. Avery, Caleb this is Dean my brother.’

He stood up his dark hair fell over his face and his face held stubble his dark eyes scanned them. ‘Nice to meet you Avery. Eviline has told me all about you.’

‘Nice to meet you too.’

He shook her hand and kissed her cheek.

‘Caleb long time no see how's it going?’

‘God bro.’

‘You too know each other?’

‘We do. We supply Dean’s firm with the latest software he’s one of our main suppliers.’


‘Sure is.’

‘Oh Caleb I’d like you to meet Harvey he’s the head of the board of directors.’

They shook hands.

‘And this is Noah he’s my wingman.’



‘You two know each other?’

‘We all do don’t we Avery?’

‘We do.’

‘Good then there’s no need for any more introductions please sit the drinks will be brought over to the table.

They all sat down Noah looking daggers at Caleb. ‘So how’s the work front Caleb? it’s been almost a year since we last spoke. I must say I was somewhat disappointed when they sent an armature.’

‘I was out of town on a business trip. I've had a pretty busy schedule this past year.’

’I understand, but next time I’d prefer doing business with you instead of an armature.’

‘I’ll let the boss know’

‘You do that.’ He looked at Avery. ‘So darlin how long have you known Caleb for?’

‘A long time.’

‘Define long.’

‘Since I was fifteen.’

‘That is a long time. So are you two?’

‘Working on it.’

Noah cut his eyes.

‘I see. Eviline said you live together.’

‘We do.’

‘Isn’t that a little difficult.’

‘Not really we hardly see each other and when we do we’ve got loads to talk about.’

He nodded.

‘She likes to tease.’

Avery sprayed her drink. ‘So do you.’

He laughed placing his arm around her. ‘You got it babe, she’s a flirt and a big fucking tease. We have a lot of fun don’t we Avery babe.’

‘I guess we do.’

They all laughed but Noah who scowled, he’d have to get Caleb out the picture he couldn’t believe she’d brought him along well played princess.

The table was filled with drinks as the conversation grew with laughter and teasing. Noah smiled he’d never seen Avery tease this much it was usual just banter between them when she was growing up and boy could she give as good as she got.

They all got dragged onto the dance floor Avery and Caleb dancing sexually like no one but them were there. She excused herself after a few songs going to the ladies.

She stepped out of the ladies to be met with Noah’s stare. ‘Well played princess.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘Really you knew I’d be here so you brought him . You bought fucking Caleb.’

He said angrily.

‘Eviline invited him.’

‘Didn’t mean you had to bring him.’ He closed the distance between them.

‘Why not?’

He got closer caging her. ‘You only brought him so I wouldn’t go anywhere near you. Well guess what princess it didn’t work and here I am.’

‘I have to go Noah cal..’

He shook his head. ‘We have it out now princess. Why have you been avoiding me like the plague for the past two years?’

‘It wasn’t just you Noah.’

‘I know Jenson told me you and Marcus rarely speak to one another. I know I messed up, but I want you to give me another chance Avery.’

‘I can’t.’


‘I don’t trust you.’

‘Yet you trust a guy that messed this all up for us. Are you fucking him Avery?’


‘Good cause from now on you’ll be fucking me!’ He said angrilly presssing his lips on hers kissing her agresively.

‘What the fuck.’

Noah pulled away and smirked Caleb’s fist connected with his face. ‘Stay the fuck away form my girl.’ He snapped grabbing Avery’s hand pulling her to him. ‘Stay he fuck away Noah she’s mine.’

‘Not for long I’ll get her back and you’ll be out of the fucking picture for good this time.’

‘No I fucking won’t, she doesn’t want you get that into that fucking thick skull of yours. Come on Avery let’s go.’

He pulled her away. She looked at Eviline. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘It’s fine. Avery has one of her headaches coming on.’

‘Okay I’ll see you Monday.’

‘Okay thanks for inviting us.’


They both walked out of the club. ‘Do you still love him Avery.’


‘Do you still love him?’


‘Then tell him so you can move on.’

He pulled her into the taxi and it drove away.

They got out of the taxi and headed into the apartment.

She sat down throwing her stilettos off, got her feet ached so did her head she couldn’t believe what Noah had said, how dare he!

Caleb sat next to her placing the bottle down. ‘Here.’

‘I have a headache Caleb.’

‘You’ll have a bigger one in the morning. Come on babe I want to finish the bottle before we head to bed.’

‘Whatever.’ She said taking the drink off him they clinked glasses downing it pouring another.

‘I’m sorry for tonight Caleb.’

‘Why? It’s not your fault it’s his. He knew exactly how to get to you and how to get up my fucking nose. He placed his hand on her face looking into her eyes. ‘All you’ve got to do is tell him the truth, tell him you're not interested.’

’I will.’

‘I love you Avery Collins.’ He said pressing his lips on hers kissing her passionately. Butterflies erupted inside of her. He moved away taking her hand in his pulling her into her feet leading her out of the lounge into his room.

Avery slowly opened her eyes fuck they stung her head pounding. His naked body lay over her, his tattooed arm hugging her closely to him.

Fuck not again.

He smiled, kissing her naked flesh. ‘What’s wrong babe are you okay?’

‘We can’t keep doing this Caleb.’

‘Why not? I love you and I’m damned sure you feel the same.’

‘Were friends and I don’t want to ruin that.’

‘You could never do that.’ He leaned forward. ‘All I'm asking is for one chance babe can you at least give me that?’

‘I can’t.’

‘Can't or won’t.’

She looked at him.

‘I thought so.’ He said angrily.

‘Don’t be angry with me Caleb.’

‘Why not Avery your nothing but a fucking tease and I let you in every fucking time. I fucking love you Avery. Why can’t you just love me fucking back?!’ He said angrily,

Tears glistened in her eyes if only he knew if only she could tell him how she felt but she didn’t want to ruin anything.

He pulled away sliding out of bed dressing. ‘Where are you going?’


He pulled himself up walking away. ‘He looked at her. ‘I want you out by the end of the week.’

‘But I’ve paid up until the end of the month.’

‘Well you’ve got till then to find somewhere.’

‘Don’t do this Caleb we can sort through this.’

‘No we can’t not until you realise your own feelings, I can’t do this anymore Avery it’s been two fucking years and were no closer than we were then. I want you gone end of.’

He slammed the door storming out of the apartment slamming the front door she lay crying why couldn’t she just tell him she’d fallen in love with him again instead of being the head strong woman she is.