
Average man in TDG

When given powers how long would it take for them to corrupt you would you even succumb to the power or would you remain the same person? Try to find out how our Average everyday person from Earth deals with his unmatched power in the world of Tales of Demons and Gods. -------- Feel like I have to add this as a lot of people get really turned off by the MC and his actions. The fic doesn't have a VIllain Tag for nothing some of the things you could expect in the fic. Mind Control, Slavery, Ego Death. The MC was made to be an average person, not a protagonist with Godlike willpower so when he was granted absolute power he abused it and abused it a lot. Those of you who still decide to read it, I hope you enjoy.

Booksaregreat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 12.

Thanks to those who replied to my auxiliary chapter it has given me more insight into how strong each realm should be. It has been updated to include the new strength of each realm.


Wu Yong was a Silver Ranked Fighter from a small time Aristocratic family who didn't participate in the attack on the Store. It's not that they are weak and couldn't attack it's just that their Family wasn't that affected by the Stores creation in fact the Store even helped their family.

The Wu family was located near Glory Cities wall and they their business focused on leaving Glory City daily and exterminating the weaker beasts that would come near the city.

They weren't that Strong of a Family as they only focused on hunting the beasts that surrounded the city and had no other businesses. When the Store appeared near their own Home they were ecstatic as now they don't need to go to the cities to sell their demon beast parts and could directly exchange them in the Store for Pills and Food.

Most of the juniors in their Family were able to advance to Bronze Rank thanks to the Pills.

The Wu Family was becoming more prosperous with each day and there was even a chance to become a Noble family in the future.

So, when the other families invited them to attack the All-Heaven Store they firmly declined. Later when the whole debacle was over they joined the Free Use Faction with ease.

They thought that their idle days would continue and their Strength would increase ever onwards. WU Yong himself was excited as with each day his chances of becoming a Gold Rank Fighter were increasing.

From what he was hearing in the Family meeting there were even plans to save some money and purchase a Black Gold Rank or even a Legend Rank Cultivation Technique.

Wu Yong actually had some friends from his time in the Holy Orchid Institute who had become a part of the Restrict Faction as his friend's family was a Noble Family.

He has some contact with his friend so when the situation calmed down, he contacted his friend to enquire about the situation in his family.

From what his friend told him the situation wasn't good his entire family has been restricted and cannot use anything from the Store at all, even those that didn't participate in the attack were affected as long as they were a part of the Noble Family.

Wu Yong himself couldn't possibly imagine not having access to the Store but from what his friend told him they were dealing with the situation in any way they can.

They used the money generated from the tax to buy the pills created by the Alchemy Guild and both from other Guilds when they needed something else. Sure, the prices were more expensive but they could deal with them.

From the letters he could tell that although his friend's family wasn't happy with the results they could still continue and live with the situation and that is only for the Noble Families as the Major families were completely unaffected it would seem.

But that is to be expected as the Major Families hold most of the power in the Major Cities and could completely control the situation inside them.

It has been two months since then and the situation has completely turned over on its head.

It was two months ago when suddenly the All-Heavens Store increased in size by almost 50 times. Since that point, it was a well known fact that the store would slowly increase in size, and with that size increase there would be new things to buy from the store but no one really paid any attention.

Well that all changed from that moment onward. With the increase in the size of the Store, there were many new products and services.

This didn't mean that the prices decreased it just meant that the things that you could buy increased massively.

But that wasn't what shocked the entire Glory City, no that achievement would be given to the new Cultivation Techniques that became available inside the Store.

Until then it was a well known fact that the peak of cultivation was the Legend Rank. But with the new Cultivation Techniques that all came crashing down.

There were techniques that could allow you to surpass the Legend Rank freely available to be bought.

Sure, he could think of no family that could afford the techniques aside from maybe the Major families. But the Major families couldn't buy anything from the Store and even if they send someone else to buy them, they themselves couldn't be able to use them.

After that event, the entire situation in Glory City changed drastically and whereas before the letter from his friend was still normal for them, they became more and more frantic until one day his friend sent him a marriage request to one of his cousins to marry Wu Yong and join the Wu Family.

Wu Yong was never the smartest person but even he could tell that the previous high and mighty Noble families could no longer support themselves and were now looking for a way to escape their situation.

Even if that meant marrying into another family.

He could already tell that his friend's family was doomed to fall.

Over the last month, many of the citizens of the places where the Store was banned or restricted were simply moving to other places. Even his own Wu families house outpost was receiving more and more people willing to live there and it is thought by the elders that in time it will develop into a proper town.

This didn't only affect the Towns of the Noble Families it also affected the Major Cities that were owned by the Major families.

It was after thousands of people left the cities that the Major Families declared Martial Law and didn't allow anybody to leave the cities from then on.

The Major families still acted like they have everything under control but just by looking at the city's citizens you could tell that they weren't satisfied.

Some of them tried to escape the city using alternative means most of them were caught and then publicly executed as a show of force by the major families.

Over time the once benevolent Major families became tyrants that ruled over the city with an iron fist. Its citizens became desperate and hateful and all their previous respect turned into hatred.

That hatred, in turn, was returned by the Major Families, especially by the Sacred Family even the City Lords' family became tyrants sure less rapidly than the Sacred Family but it still happened.

It wasn't a surprise to see people getting beaten by the Family members of one of the families. It was even rumored that some of the more beautiful girls disappeared from their hoses with the entire family massacred.

This was all Wu Yong heard from the people that were able to escape the cities and come to their region.

After hearing this the Wu family decided to not allow their children to return to the Holy Orchid Institute for the new school year as the Institute was located in the City in the first place.

As this was going on his family has been received more and more marriage proposals. His friend even sent him a letter to allow him to marry multiple wives even his own sister.

Wu Yong had no idea what was happening to Glory City but with each day that goes by he thinks that although the Store was a blessing for Glory City it was also a calamity.