
Avenue of immortality

An ordinary rural boy, accidentally got the cornucopia, with its ability to copy, get massive resources, embark on a path of spiritual practice…………

JillDevon_nice · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Battle Seo Ho

"Let go of my daughter!


    When the woman saw that her daughter was going to be persecuted, her face became fierce. In spite of her fear, she picked up the stones on the ground and prepared to go to her death.


    The man raised his knife and struck, "You idiot woman! Die! '


    "Poof ~"


    Blood splashes.


    The man's heart was pierced by a knife, the knife in his hand hanging in the air.


    The woman who was trying desperately froze.


    The man looked back mechanically, and a young man appeared in sight.


    This teenager, he has seen before.


    Seen it on the wanted poster.


    It's the teenager who killed squadron leader Trishaw.


    "Mudd! Who are you! Dare to lay hands on the bandits of our Great King Hill!"


    A bandit with a black belt on his head roared with rage at the murder of his brother.




    Jiang Ping 'an draws out his black knife and coldly watches the bandits who scold him.


    The bandit with a black belt tied to his head saw Jiang Ping An's cold eyes, a little inexplicable fear.


    But now can not be weak momentum, plus the other party is just a child, afraid of a fart.


    "Look at your father! Fool, who dares to kill us, brothers, kill him..."


    He was about to call his brothers to start together, but found that many brothers suddenly hit a chill, risking their lives to escape.


    "What are you doing? Why are you running? He's only one child. Let's kill him!"


    The bandit in the black band could not understand why the brothers, who had boasted of their prowess before, were cowed like dogs.


    What rubbish.


    "He's the teenager who killed Trishaw, the squadron leader!


    A running bandit kindly reminded the other, his voice with a trill.


    On hearing the words, the bandit with bandages on his head looked stunned.


    Now in the whole Pingshui County, there are few people who do not know this young man.


    The other side killed the cavalry squadron leader, whether it is the common people, or bandits, are very happy, usually everyone will discuss why the boy is so powerful.


    Recently heard that the young into the eagle sigh mountains.


    How did not expect to meet him!


    The bandit's face with bandages on his head changed horribly. He swallowed hard and his face lost its previous arrogance.


    "Brother... Brother, I'll give you money..."




    "Before he could finish, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.


    Is this what it feels like to have your heart pierced?


    Jiang Ping An ignored him and drew his knife and quickly killed several bandits.


    These men were just ordinary bandits who had no ability to resist. They were hacked to death like cucumbers.


    Looking at Jiang Pingan coming over, the remaining ten or so women stood motionless, not daring to move.


    Jiang Pingan cut the rope on their bodies with a knife and gave them the money he had extracted from the bandits.


    "Let's go."


    "Thank you very much! Thank you very much!"


    Many women fell to their knees in gratitude, tears streaming down their faces.


    If Jiang Pingan had not saved them, once they were taken to the bandits' den, they would have suffered inhuman torture until they died.


    Jiang Ping An was about to help them up when he suddenly noticed something and his face changed.


    "I found him! There's the boy! Let the flare go!"


    A short distance away there was an excited roar, and a group of soldiers came into view.


    Someone lit something and it flew up into the sky and exploded in the air in all its splendor and splendour.


    Jiang Ping 'an ran away quickly.


    He was still found!


    "Chase! Don't let him get away! It's a thousand silver pieces!"


    A group of soldiers, eyes red, gave chase.


    When the group of soldiers passed, the rescued girl suddenly raised her head and looked at her mother doubtfully.


    "Mom, that brother is a good person, she saved us, why don't officers and soldiers go to catch the bandits, but to catch the brother?"


    The woman opened her mouth, wanted to say something, but did not know how to say it.


    The soldiers who were looking for Jiang Ping 'an in the Yingtan mountains saw the signal from the sky, and one by one, they gathered as if they were crazy.


    At the same time, a huge eagle four meters long appeared in the sky, and on the giant eagle, there was a man standing.


    "The cultivation method is my Xu Hao's! With this opportunity, I can definitely become a battalion leader!"


    Xu Hao, one of the company leaders in Pingshui County.


    He is different from other soldiers in that he rides an eagle instead of a horse.


    This eagle was a monster, which his father had caught for him and had taken great pains to tame.


    The name of the Eagle sighting mountains means that the eagle sighed at the sight, but this is only an exaggeration.


    With this eagle, you don't have to worry about the complicated terrain on the ground, and you can reach your target as fast as you can.


    Shortly after the signal was sent, Xu Hao rushed to the signal site and stood on the eagle's body overlooking the target, looking for the target trace.


    "Found you!"


    Xu Hao saw the speed galloping figure.


    "Rush down!"


    Xu Hao controls the giant eagle to dive down.


    Jiang Ping 'an who is running away suddenly saw the shadow on the ground, a stock can react to let him quickly roll aside.


    That is, at that moment, two sharp eagle claws fell.


    Nearby trees were pierced by the talons.


    Above the giant eagle jumped a man with long hair and flowing hair, about twenty years old.


    The man lifted the knife in his hand and cut it toward Jiang Ping 'an.


    Jiang Ping An heart crazy shock, this person can actually control such a large eagle!


    The eagle must be a demon beast!


    Jiang Ping An's world view once again filled a piece of knowledge, the original demon beast can be tamed.


    But now it is too late to think so much, the other party's attack has reached the front.


    Jiang Ping An attacked with a knife.


    "Dang Dang ~ Dang Dang ~"


    Two crisp clatter sounds.


    Xu Hao looked at his magic knife was blocked, eyes wide.


    "You can even magic knife!"


    Just now two people at the same time show magic knife, two knives in the air collision, sparks everywhere.


    Xu Hao is very clear how difficult it is to master the magic knife, in Pingshui County soldiers, can master the magic knife, are squadron leaders, or battalion leaders.


    The other side must have got the magic knife after killing Cui Xiao, but it was only a few days ago, he actually learned it!


    It took years for others to learn how to use a sword, but did the other one acquire it in less than a month?


    Xu Hao was shocked and jealous in his eyes.


    It took him six months to master the first level under the guidance of his father, who said he was a genius.


    But the other side learned it in less than a month.


    And there's no guidance, just one guy, older than