
Avatar: The Myriad God

In the mystical continent of Altair, where one's talent determines their fate, discrimination runs rampant, especially among the noble elite. In this world, Arthur, born into a prestigious Noble family, is burdened with the stigma of his seemingly worthless talent known as the Avatar. Unlike the revered talents of his peers, Arthur's Avatar ability is mocked and dismissed by society. Despite facing ridicule and prejudice, Arthur embarks on a journey to prove that his talent holds hidden power and significance. Along the way, he encounters allies and adversaries, each with their own unique talents and motivations. Through perseverance and determination, Arthur uncovers the true potential of his Avatar ability, discovering its profound connection to the fate of Altair itself. As Arthur delves deeper into the mysteries of his talent, he confronts the systemic injustices of his society and challenges the rigid hierarchy that dictates one's worth based on talent alone. With courage and resilience, Arthur rises above the constraints of his birthright, forging his own destiny and reshaping the future of Altair. *** Hello there. Author here, i tried to make my first long story. I had this idea for a quite long time but, can only managed to write it now. English is not my firat language and i got help from Chat gpt and grammarly in hope for lessen the mistake. the first ten chapter might be too much of infodump. I thought a lot about this, but, i can't write it better with it right now. Maybe i'll edit it later if i got a better idea(i'm not promise it though) Hope you guys enjoy reading the story.

HeavenlyWindBoy · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Hundred-Saint Academy pt1

Hundred-Saint Academy was built by the Eisenbern Empire a long time ago. Many legendary figures have emerged from this Academy.

One of them is Marcus von Eisenbern, the current emperor of the Eisenbern Empire. Marcus, or as some older generations called him, the Sword God Marcus, was a legendary figure who graduated from the Hundred-Saint Academy. With his talent in swordsmanship, he was considered unbeatable at a young age.

There was a time when people doubted the Academy because it hadn't produced a great figure for a few decades, but Marcus proved them wrong. With the teachings from the Academy and all the resources at their disposal, they nurtured Marcus into a nearly unbeatable figure on the entire continent.

In his second year at the Academy, Marcus began his journey to become the strongest. He challenged the geniuses within the Academy first before eventually challenging geniuses from all over the continent. With his iconic silver hair and red eyes, he faced opponents older than him. With the Red Heaven Sword Art in his hands, he slew countless adversaries.

His fame reached even greater heights during the battle for the throne. Those who lived through that war can still remember a handsome face, blood-stained body and face, and red eyes gazing down upon them like a god surveying his subjects. His silver hair floated in the wind, giving him a divine appearance.

They know even before the fight for the throne ended, the throne can only belong to this figure.

True to their predictions, Marcus ascended to the throne. Since then, the Hundred-Saint Academy has become more popular than ever.

The Academy only admits nobles as students, not because they look down on commoners, but because most commoners likely can't afford the tuition. Even if a wealthy merchant's descendant wishes to enroll, they will be denied, as many are only interested in the Academy's fame without a genuine desire to study. The Academy made this decision after careful consideration and learning from past mistakes.

However, if the Academy identifies a commoner with exceptional talent and genuine ambition to study, they may grant them noble status.

In the past decade, several princes of the Eisenbern Empire have joined the Academy. The most famous among them is the first prince, Kritus von Eisenbern.

Kritus possesses the talent of the Sword Saint, second only to his father's Sword God talent. He shares his father's silver hair but inherits his mother, Issabel de Veirnlorn's, blue eyes.

This year, another prince joined the Academy: the seventh prince, Flynn von Eisenbern, also known as the Crimson-Night Mage due to his recent reputation. Flynn was already quite famous in the Tower of Mages, having joined at the age of 11.

But a few months ago, he got a misson to help exterminating some demon in the south border. On the opposite of this border is an area ruled by the demon. Some skirmish or some monster wave wasn't weird in this border. It got so used that if there aren't any attack one day, they might think that the demon might plan to attack them with a huge force.

Flynn come to this border because of the overwhelm attack of the demon and also the Tower want Flynn to have some experience fighting a war. Flynn became famous in a few days he came to the border.

On one night where the moon was the sole light piercing through the deep-dark forest filled with monster, a man emerged. He held the staff in one hand and dragging something behind him leaving a crimson trail on the ground. It was as if the moon itself sought to spotlight his figure, shining upon him for all to see. His clothes were pristine, yet his hands bore the stain of blood, matching the crimson red of his hair and ruby-like glint in his eyes looking at the soldier who guard the gate of the border.

The soldier who guard the gate almost screaming as he saw the figure, until he saw the figure was the seventh prince. He quickly open the gate with an awe on his eyes as he look the Flynn figure.

From then on Flynn become famous in the south border.


Arthur now inside a carriage heading towards the Academy. Arthur want to take Sebas with him, but it seems that the Academy forbid student to bring their servant with them in exchange the Academy will provide the sevant.

This is to make sure that the servant won't be too powerful and intervering with the study environment. It's not uncommon for some Noble to order their servant to attack someone.

The Academy is a place to study not a place for flunting their Noble status and oppress the weaker status.

Arthur agree with this, but still doubt if it's actually work. He knew how much those Noble really take a pride on their status and if there is a chance for them to flaunt their status, a place like the Academy would be a good choice for them. Not only they can satisfied their pride, but also making some relation here and there.

Well, Arthur wouldn't care either way. As long as he can read the book and achieve his purpose, then those Noble can do whatever they want.

The Hundred-Saint Academy Is at the east side of the capital. It will take half a day to arrive there, Arthur going there two days early hoping to understand the area of the Academy early. He also wants to prepare as he heard from Sebas that there will be an exam there.

Arthur doesn't know what kind of exam it is. He asked Sebas about the exam, but even Sebas doesn't know it. He said that the exam will be different everytime they start enrolling student. So, even Sebas was in the dark about this.

That also why Arthur came early, to see if he can get some information about the exam.

Time passed by quickly, soon, Arthur will arrived at the Academy. Along the journey, Arthur fell asleep without knowing when.

The journey felt boring as Arthur doesn't have someone to talk to. The driver focus on his job even when Arthur tried to talk to him, he only answer with 'yes' or 'no' killing the conversation.

When Arthur first arrived at the Academy, Arthur was surprised with what he saw. Rather to call this Academy, I's better to call it a city.

The area that the Hundred-Saint Academy occupy is so large that it can compared to a first class city.

There are shops, inn, and even branch of Adventure guild here.you can say tat this is a normal popular city if someone just come here without knowing anything.

The carriage go through the whole city and arrived at the gate of Hundred-Saint Academy.

An imposing gate made of stone and some unknown metal making it look like unbreakable. The word 'Hundred-Saint Academy' above the gate carved by something like sword make anyone who saw that felt insignificant below those words.

Arthur who saw that in awe the moment he saw the gate.

"As expected from the Academy that produce a lot of legendary figure."

"Young man, are you a new student who about to enroll to the Academy?"

A sound of a man wakes Arthur as he look towards the source of the sound. Arthur saw a guard wearing an armor with a spear on his hands.

"Yes, is it that easy to guess. Ah, I'm sorry if it's a bit rude to ask."

"Hahaha… it's fine, anyone who first come here and look at the gate do the same thing as you did. So, it's easy for us the guard to know this."

"Ah, I see."

Arthur can understand it, after all, the gate is so majestic that anyone who saw that for the first time would feel the same way as him.

"You still can't enter the Academy as you are still not a student yet. You can come back here two days later to join the exam."

"Thank you sir! I'll go out for now."

"Oh, you can try the Light Boar Inn, just say that guard Gioar introduce you."

Arthur who was just about to walks out, after he heard the guard saying something he turned back and listening to what the guard was saying.

"Ah, once again thank you sir."

"No problem. It's rare to see a polite young Noble like you."

After Arthur give the guard a small bow, he then proceed to the place whre the guards point out.

After walking around a little bit, Arthur finally saw an inn with a symbol of boar that shine and have the word Light Boar.

He enter the building and saw that there are quite a lot people inside the first floor. This building has 2 floor and it looks like they used the first floor as a dining area. Arthur then walk to the counter and there is a middle-aged woman standing there with a brown long hair tied in a ponytail. With an apron above her dress, she is an attractive mature lady if Arthur may say.

"Hello, welcome to the Light Boar. Do you want to dining or a place for accommodation customer?"

"Yes, I was introduce by the guard in the Academy. Hie said his name was Gioar if I'm not mistaken. "

"It's Gioar. He is my husband, A place for accommodation then?"

The lady said as she saw a suitcase behind Arthur.

" Yes, for two days and iis it possible to have dining here first? I'm a bit starving now."

"Hehehe… Sure customer, here is the key to your room. You can come back here after putting your bag. We will prepare the food. Everything would be 5 silver customer."

"Ah, here is. Thank you."

"Yes, your room would be in the end of the hallway on the second floor."

Arthur nodded his head as he walks towards his room where the lady pointed out.

As Arthur enter the room, he quickly put his bag down as sit on the side of the bed.