
Avatar: The Myriad God

In the mystical continent of Altair, where one's talent determines their fate, discrimination runs rampant, especially among the noble elite. In this world, Arthur, born into a prestigious Noble family, is burdened with the stigma of his seemingly worthless talent known as the Avatar. Unlike the revered talents of his peers, Arthur's Avatar ability is mocked and dismissed by society. Despite facing ridicule and prejudice, Arthur embarks on a journey to prove that his talent holds hidden power and significance. Along the way, he encounters allies and adversaries, each with their own unique talents and motivations. Through perseverance and determination, Arthur uncovers the true potential of his Avatar ability, discovering its profound connection to the fate of Altair itself. As Arthur delves deeper into the mysteries of his talent, he confronts the systemic injustices of his society and challenges the rigid hierarchy that dictates one's worth based on talent alone. With courage and resilience, Arthur rises above the constraints of his birthright, forging his own destiny and reshaping the future of Altair. *** Hello there. Author here, i tried to make my first long story. I had this idea for a quite long time but, can only managed to write it now. English is not my firat language and i got help from Chat gpt and grammarly in hope for lessen the mistake. the first ten chapter might be too much of infodump. I thought a lot about this, but, i can't write it better with it right now. Maybe i'll edit it later if i got a better idea(i'm not promise it though) Hope you guys enjoy reading the story.

HeavenlyWindBoy · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Journey Towards the Future

It took Arthur about an hour to wrap up his affairs at the Malcolm household. While the tasks were simple—grabbing some gold from the finance department and collecting his belongings—the time-consuming part was erasing his presence from the household records.

Although Arthur himself doesn't need to do anything, he needs to stay put in his room to not make things more complicated.

The one who did everything else is the butler. 

Arthur is now in his room thinking about what will he do in the future.

First, he needs to get out of this place. That is for his safety and then he hasn't planned what would he do in the future.

Arthur still fully understands the extent of his talent. Although the description is simple, it also doesn't explain anything.

Like will it even disappear like a clone did?

Can his avatar create another avatar?

Will his avatar have a talent?

There are a lot of things that he still needs to explore. He needs time, a lot of time to explore it.

While Arthur still thinking, there is a knock on the door.

Arthur then stopped and walked to the door as he opened the door he saw the butler standing outside.

"Wait a minute."

Arthur then walks back as he take a bag that has already been prepared. It is filled with everything that Arthur has, which is not a lot.

"Let's go."

Both of them then start walking out of the house and as both of them arrive at the gate, Arthur looks at the butler without saying anything.

The butler then gives Arthur a pouch filled with coins. Arthur takes the pouch and sees how much money it has.

It has 5 platinum coin, 5 gold coins, 5 silver coins, and 500 copper coins.

It is a lot for normal people to have this much money, they can have enough food for more than 10 years if they live a simple life.

Arthur knows that it wasn't much for a duke family to give this much money to him, but, to give someone who might stain their noble reputation, it is a lot.

Arthur then looked at the butler before he said.

"Thanks for everything."

Arthur then gives the butler a grateful bow as he knows that if the butler wants to do something bad to him, he can just give him a few silver instead of this much money. Also, Arthur has a good impression of this butler as he never looks down on him.

"It's nothing, I'm only doing my job. Then farewell, I hope you can get a good life."

The butler then walks back to the house leaving Arthur alone at the gate. Arthur then starts to walk out from the mansion area towards the city.

Right now is around 11 am and the city is crowded with people walking around.

The city is quite huge, after all, it is a duke territory it is safe and also it is only a few days on the carriage from the capital. It can be said a lot of people who want to go to the capital stay here to rest or buy some supplies here.

Arthur has an intention to go to the capital to look for an opportunity and might also stay there for some time to see if he can work out his plan.

Arthur had a dream when he got his talent. Well, it's a prank you can say if it works out the way he envisions it.

Arthur wants to have a city that fills only him and his avatar.

Imagine that if someone new or a stranger came to the city, first he came, it is a normal city and when he fell asleep and woke up, what he saw is his face on every person he met.

From the waitresses to a child who walks around the street. Even a cat and dog have their faces. The people would still be doing what they always did but with his face and voice.

That would be funny to see the stranger's reaction.

To do that, Arthur needs a lot of money and also creates a lot of avatars. Not only that, he needs an avatar that can do everything from being a waitress to a blacksmith or even a mage and warrior.

He doesn't even know whether his talent can do that or not, heck he doesn't even have a single avatar now.

So, Arthur wants to go to the capital first to see if he can make money there or not.

So, Arthur's first destination would be the adventure guild. Adventure guild can be said as an organization that would take a request for money and then pay their member to do the job.

Arthur went there to see if there was someone who wanted to go to the capital and he would join them. Of course, he needs to pay some money for the protection and also the fee for the carriage.

After Arthur enters the adventure guild, he just walks towards the receptionist and asks if there is a carriage that goes towards the capital and luckily there is one that will go soon.

The receptionist then told him where the carriage was and he gave him some paper that would prove that he already paid the fee and didn't need to pay more.

Arthur paid the fee of about 2 silver coins which he doesn't know if it's expensive or not as he is still new to all of this.

After Arthur finishes all of that and takes the paper, he walks towards the place where the receptionist told him.

It is close to the main gate of the city. There is one carriage and a few people there talking with each other.

He walks there and said

"Is this the carriage that goes to the capital?"

Arthur asks someone who looks like the driver of the carriage.

" Yes, it is. Do you want to go there, boy?"

Ask the driver as he takes the paper from Arthur.

"Yes, are we moving soon, or are we waiting for more people?"

Arthur asked as he looked at the people around him.

"We'll be moving soon. We just need to prepare the horses."

The driver then walks out from the carriage towards the horse as he prepares to move.

The carriage is not that big. It can fit 6 people at most, not counting the driver without other things.

There are 9 people here besides Arthur counting the driver. From the looks of the people here, only 4 people are the customer while the other 4 are the adventurer who will guard the carriage.

One of the adventurers wearing armor with a quite large shield behind him and a sword on his waist.

Two of them look wearing leather armor with one of them having a sword on his waist while the other has a quiver with arrows in it on his back while holding a bow in his hands.

The last one is a man wearing a robe with a medium-sized staff in his hands.

One tank, one warrior, one archer, and one mage. A common setup of an adventurer party.

The customer all looks like a merchant. Why? Well, all 4 of them wearing a backpack which is probably a space-enchanted backpack.

It's also quite common for a merchant to have one. After all, no one wants to bring a large backpack everywhere they go.

Although it's quite expensive as far as he knows, it is also a necessary investment for them. After all, not only it can fit a lot of things depending on how much it costs, but, it also makes things a lot more convenient.

Arthur and the other 4 customers took a sit inside the carriage with a mage from the adventurer party also got inside.

It is common sense for a mage to have weak stamina and also the need to be ready if things suddenly go south. So, the other people don't mind it even though the space inside the carriage is already so small.

"Boy, do you want to try your luck by going to the capital?"

Ask one of the merchants.

"Yes, although I don't have a quite good talent, but at least I can try my luck first. If it's not worked out, I can just do some odd job there."

Arthur answers the question while taking a loot again on the 4 merchant.

Among the four, only one of them is looking old. The other three look like they are around 20-something on the age.

The one who asks Arthur is the old one.

"Well, you're not wrong. You're still young and taking a chance won't be that bad. If it's not work out then you can start over. After all, you still have a long time to live.

Just be careful that in the capital, there are a lot of bad guys that look like kind people. So, be careful who you trust to. That's even more true if the money is involved."

When Arthur heard what the old merchant said, he was not surprised. After all, he learned even when he was younger that you can't just trust anyone easily.

"Thanks, I'll remember that."

The old merchant laughed when he heard that.

After that, Arthur starts to ask the old man about the capital. About the rumor, the news, the common, anything that Arthur doesn't know he asks them.

After all, it is quite rare for someone willing enough to teach without anything in return.

Maybe the old merchant thought that it would be boring to just sit there in silence. He just wanted to liven up the situation and thanks for that, the atmosphere inside the carriage wasn't that boring.

Arthur doesn't take whatever the old merchant says without thinking. He keeps notes on something that might be harmful to him and things that are too good.

After all, he believes that everything has a price and the most expensive things are free things.

Also just like what the old merchant said be careful who you trust.

Maybe Arthur thinking it too much, but, to him, nothing is too much if it's about his own life.

And so the journey towards the capital wasn't that boring