
The New Avatar

"Ready for the jump?" yelled Lunatok while looking at the blue water.

"I don't know. I hope we remain safe and would be able to reach the Island," said Aaron and held hands with Lunatok.

They both looked at each other, their eyes showing a tinct of nervousness. Both of them stood on the railing of the ship and closing their eyes shut, both jumped off the ship and with the sound of splashing water went into the water. Both of them swam to the surface and gazed at the ship that moved forward cutting the waters.

"How do you feel?" asked Aaron.

"Fine. This water is so cold," replied Lunatok as he shivered.

"Let's swim to the falls that is just a few yards away," suggested Aaron.

"Yeah, Master Meng told that we must swim till we see the Waterfalls and then let the flow of the waters guide us to our destination." agreed Lunatok.

They both held hands tightly while swimming in the cold water. They heard the sound of falling water ahead of them which was veiled into a dense fog. They saw a downstream as they both entered into the dense fog. The water was falling downwards and in the middle of the waterfall stood a huge flat piece of stone that held its position even though the strong currents from water struck the stone very hard.

"We must flow down the waterfall from one side or we would be separated," warned Aaron as he observed the waterfall.

"Yes, You are right. We must hold together." agreed Lunatok.

They both swam forward until they were struck in the strong currents of water which drove them to the end of the waterfall with much force. Soon, they both were going downwards yelling. But, still, they held their hands firmly. Both of them became unconscious in the process.

Aaron opened his eyes and found himself laying on a carpet. He stood up and looked at his surroundings. He was in a building that had walls made up of layered rocks and the ground beneath him was made up of flattened soil and stone. His gaze fell on Lunatok who was lying down just below him.

"Lunatok, Hey Lunatok." called out Aaron and slapped him across his face.

"What! What happened, Where are we?" asked Lunatok as he opened his eyes and grabbed Aaron's shoulders and sat up.

"I don't know, This looks like some sort of cave or temple." guessed Aaron.

"You are right, Aaron. I think so too but, This place is kind of strange and creepy." agreed Lunatok.

"So, you both are awakened. Nice to see you both unhurt" said someone in a soft masculine voice from behind them.

Aaron and Lunatok both turned back to find a young man in his thirties standing at a distance. His hair was wavy and black in color. He wore the ancient traditional dress worn by sages and had a long staff in his right hand which came all the way up to his neck.

"Who are you?" questioned Aaron.

"My name is Henlo and I am one of the four Sages," answered Henlo.

"So, you are one of the four sages, Where are the other three?" asked Lunatok.

"The other three Sages are held captives by the Fire Nation, Water tribe and the Metal Clan," informed Henlo.

"Why is it so? I mean what is the reason to capture the sages?" questioned Aaron.

"The reason to capture the sages is simple, The corrupt leaders of other nations want to stop the Avatar from learning and mastering all the four elements. They want to wage war and dominate the Spirit World as well as Physical World," explained Henlo.

"But, that would disrupt the balance and natural order of the universe," argued Aaron.

"Actually, It all began with the demise of Fire Lord Iroh. His son, Azure was assassinated by some military officers and then the throne was taken from him. After that military officer of Ba Sing Se and the United Republic worked together and overthrow the Leaders hence, Seizing control over the lands."

"But, we didn't even know about that," Lunatok exclaimed with surprise.

"This Island was established by Avatar Korra and the four sages are masters of each element who could guide the next generation of Avatars and help them Master the four Elements but since these things happened three of the Four Sages abandoned the Island to save their families. At last, They resulted in being captured by the forces."

"This much happened and we both didn't know a fact that the world was now torn apart and chaos surrounded the entire humanity as well as spirits," said Lunatok.

"Where is your Avatar?" asked Aaron angrily.

"We don't know yet. The last time we received a message was from Master Meng that the Avatar is safe within the city of Omashu. He's training with the members of Pink Lotus and is an Earthbender." replied Henlo.

"We were at Omashu too but, we didn't saw anyone who could be said that he or she is the Avatar," said Lunatok.

"Oh, You both are from Omashu?" asked Henlo.

"Yeah, we are from Omashu and we both are Earthbenders also, we know Master Meng very closely," replied Lunatok.

"Wait, You both know Master Meng. That's great news. Maybe one of you can be the Avatar." guessed Henlo while scratching his chin with his fingers.

"It's not possible besides we were just used to be the pupils of Master Dei," assured Lunatok.

"No Lunatok. I certainly get a feeling that Sage Henlo is right. One of us might be the Avatar. If is it so then, How may we know?"

"It is possible to know which of you is the Avatar," said Henlo.

"How? Tell us., said Lunatok.

" Come with me both of you. Let's test something which might be able to figure out who is the Avatar," said Henlo signaling both of them to follow him.

The three of them walked further inside the building. They reached near a wall made up of a huge boulder. Henlo pressed the wall at some points and immediately the boulder started to shift. When the boulder subsided, it revealed a narrow pathway. With a Swirl of Henlo's left hand, He lit a small amount of flame in his palms. Aaron observed it carefully and saw the flames dancing around Henlo's palm like it was alive.

"Stay behind and closely follow me. This path is a bit narrow but, would do fine," ordered Henlo.

The two of them followed Henlo closely until they reached a large wooden gate. It had inscriptions on it. There were four holes in the wooden gate above them were the symbols of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.

"I can only open the Fire side of the gate but, if any two people tried to open the gate with one of the four sage then it would open," informed Henlo.

"What would you do after opening the gate?" asked Lunatok.

"We would find the Avatar. Inside the gates, there are statues of every single Avatar including Korra. The statues could find out the Avatar as they would start glowing when touched by the Avatar." explained Henlo.

"What if we both aren't the Avatar?" asked Lunatok.

"Then, the statues won't glow," replied Henlo.

"Let's get started then," said Aaron.

Both Aaron and Lunatok stood in front of the wooden gate where the symbol of Earth was inscribed and Henlo was standing in front of the wood gate where the symbol of Fire was inscribed. They all stretched their arms and legs.

"Are you both ready to open the gate?" asked Henlo.

"We are ready Sage Henlo." replied both.

Then on the count down of three, They all started their job. The flame went into the hole and the rocks went into the Earth hole. At last, they opened the gate but it took nearly half an hour to do so. Both Aaron and Lunatok stood frozen looking at the statues that stood in front of them in a never-ending circle.

"Come inside both of you. We would start the thing," ordered Henlo.

Both, Aaron and Lunatok went inside the great hall where statues were lined in a circle. Aaron went near one of the statues and carefully observed it.

"See this Aaron, This is the statue of Avatar Aang," exclaimed Lunatok with excitement.

"You come here and see this statue, It's of Avatar Kyoshi. The longest living human and Avatar."

"Now, one by one touch the statues both of you," ordered Henlo.

Both of them touched the statues one by one and stayed at that position for a minute but nothing happened. They both sat down on the ground with disappointed. Sage Henlo looked at both of them and started walking back and forth.

"So, it's clear. Both of you are not Avatar," said Henlo.

"Yeah, we are not the Avatar. It's such a relief." sighed Lunatok.

"Wait, Lunatok, I was thinking that the connection of Avatar Korra with her past lives was broken," said Aaron.

"So what you want to do about it?" asked Lunatok.

"I was thinking that if I touched the statue of Avatar Korra, What would happen?" said Aaron to himself.

Aaron walked up to the place where the statue of Avatar Korra stood. Looking directly into her eyes, Aaron placed his palm on the stone statue and immediately it began to glow. The whole hall was covered in a blue streak of light and slowly it faded away.

Both Lunatok and Henlo stared at Aaron with a glint of surprise in their eyes. A little smile appeared on the face of Aaron as he looked at the dropped down faces of Sage Henlo and his best friend, Lunatok.

"You are the Avatar!" cried Lunatok after recovering from the shock.

"I guess so," said Aaron smiling.

"Avatar Aaron, You are welcomed by Henlo, The Sage of Fire on the Island of Four Sages." addressed Henlo as he bowed down to Aaron.

"Young Avatar, The World awaits your arrival," said Henlo after getting up.

Henlo placed his arm on the shoulders of Aaron and dragged him out of the place. While Lunatok gazed at the disappearing figure of the New Avatar. A smile appeared on his face.

"So, The Avatar is finally revealed himself."

Greetings, Everyone.

The Next Chapter will be published within some hours. I hope you all are liking the series so far.

Also, these are the originally published chapters written and published an year ago, so the quality of writing will be a bit off in the beginning but would improve from the new chapter onwards.

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