
Chapter 100

It took Chesire two weeks to take us to the water tribe, reluctantly might I add, he was unsure the spirits I had brought were going to keep their word, but in the end accepted knowing Vaatu would support me if they stepped out of place.

"Hi, Yue," I waved at the water princess who seemed to be angry at me, as she walked… or rather stomped her way at me from the gates of the city to my ride, Chesire, "Is there something I should know or?" I was met with a slap.

"Oh, that gotta hurt," Agni chuckled, "Is she your mate? If so good, I also like them feisty," he added with a suggestive move of his eyebrows.

"What were you thinking?!" Yue hissed, "You went and attacked the Firelord… didn't kill him, and revealed your real identity with your connection to us... and to top that you told him you killed his daughter, the one you dated, do you have any idea what my father will do to you!?"

His what? Ozai had a daughter, and I dated her? "I…I remember attacking him… but I don't remember telling him from where I was…and what was that about me dating his what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, I…" Yue stopped for a second, looking at my face, her expression turning from angry to concerned, "Azula? The Fire princess…"

"I… have no idea who you are talking about," I shrugged, was she trying to troll me… me dating? I haven't dated anyone in the avatar universe.

"Hmmm," Agni approached me, narrowing his eyes at me into a thin line, "I smell amnesia, or quesadillas… one of the two…. Probably quesadillas,"

"Did you hit your head or something?" Yue inquired, with concern.

"What's that all about him hitting his head?" Sakura inquired, walking towards me.

"He doesn't remember Azula or dating her… or killing her," Yue answered for me… Azula this… Azula that… who the fuck was Azula…

"Talk about getting over a breakup quickly," Sakura mused with a worried look, "But it is worrying…"

"We will have to deal with this in another location…" Yue sighed, "Remember dad wants to arrest Akira for questioning," Sakura nodded at that.

—I.. I think I.. why can't I remember where I heard that name?!— Vaatu growled.

"Halt! You are under arrest! On the grounds of treason!" A soldier shouted, running out of the gates of the city towards me, with a squadron behind him.

But… I simply couldn't move… that name, that kindled nothing within me had me on a trance… feeling a sense of dejavú… that made no sense, "Azula…" I was so out of focus that I failed to notice Yue, was trying to drag me away from the soldiers.

"Alright, it seems the boss is having a crisis," Agni chuckled jumping in front of me, "Now, if anyone here wants to touch boss, they will have to go through me,"

"I said halt!" A soldier shouted, throwing an icicle at me, one that melted before it even arrived at its target, courtesy of Agni.

"I think you overglorified goldfish didn't understand me… if anyone moves… even an inch to touch the boss… I will…" by this point Fire was raging around him, in massive quantities, "Kill you all, no hard feelings… but it's my job."

"No killing!" Yue shouted.

"Sorry doll, but you ain't my boss," Agni chuckled, "But feel free to try and stop me, I won't bite ya,"

"Agni… don't kill them.." I managed to articulate… wondering who the fuck was Azula… to have such a strong impact in me.


[Azula POV]

The mother of faces had been very cryptic about what Life had planned for Akira, except for the fact Chaos and Order would soon reunite.

Now, going off that, I could only assume two things, based on my very recent knowledge about the fact there are two avatars in the world, and that their elemental powers come from spirits, I had but one guess. If Akira represented chaos, then Aang represented order, meaning Life wanted them together somehow to restore the "balance of things,"

The mother of faces said, she wants to bring the spiritual order back to how it was… whatever that is, and Aang and Akira are essential for that to happen.

"Not on my watch," I inwardly chuckled, wondering how bad would Life feel after her plans were utterly destroyed by a human, is not often a human fucks with life, like Akira would say.

But to "fuck" with Life, I had to find Akira first, and help him remember me, which once again according to the mother of faces would set on a chain effect freeing him of her control.

Knowing Akira, he would probably go right back to the northern water tribe, his reasons? Various but unimportant, "This gives a whole new meaning of Life is hard," I chuckled, wondering what was next after freeing Akira of her grasp… was within our power to kill or hurt a primordial, if not… then what?

I suppose one problem at a time.


[Zuko POV]

Azula was dead… and I had to admit I was confused, a part of me was angry and demanded that I tracked Akira down, to deliver justice. But another part of me, couldn't help but consider Akira a very possible fact , what if he killed her in an act of self defense… Azula was not easy to handle when mad.

It mattered not, not now at least… with Azula dead, my uncle gone, and father wounded, I… was unsure what to do. Stay here and fight for my father… or go out, help the avatar and fight for my nation.

Was me staying here… a wise choice, was obeying my father honorable…

"I think I finally understand what you wanted to show me uncle…" I sighed, all this bloodshed, all for a throne, one that drove Azula madness, and it did with my father, "I was such a fool…"

"You generally are," Mai snorted, as she entered my room, "So… why are you a fool, at this specific moment?"

"I…" I was unsure if telling her I was planning or thinking on leaving was the best…

"You are leaving…" Mai stated, with a cold expression, how did she get that so fast?! With just a look, "I can see it in your eyes… and tell me, did you planned on telling me?"

"I haven't decided anything yet," I answered, "I don't know if I should leave, or stay… the answer is simple, I know it, but is hard to accept it,"

"That's usually the thing with life changing choices," Mai shrugged.