
Avatar: The Fire Demon

A man cursed and exiled from his village while still a child. His father, slaughtered before his very eyes, his mother and sister raped before meeting the same fate. He walks the road to the capital of the Fire Nation, and when he is on the brink of collapse is rescued by another. Now he must get vengeance on the village that killed his family and exiled him from his home, before rising up through the world and reaching the apex, even above the Avatar. “Old man, last night I had a very odd dream.” -I did not create the cover. -This is my second fanfic, and the uploads will probably be inconsistent until I finish my first one, check that one out if you want to. -I intend to have good grammar and story telling. -It has been years since I watched ATLA, so cut me some slack if I get some facts wrong. -Enjoy! :p

Sin_O_Sloth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Meeting Another Father

"So you are the boy that my daughter has been speaking to me about?" Asked Arnook, the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe.

After Yue had led Xiao out of the Spirit Oasis, he had found out many things. For one, Yue was the princess of the Northern Water Tribe. Also, her father was extremely over protective of her.

So when she had shown up, holding Xiao's hand to the palace, Arnook must have drawn a multitude of conclusions.

And so, Xiao had been locked up for the past week in a freezing prison cell eating equally frozen seal jerky, which tasted like shit by the way.

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" Xiao responded.

He was currently being held in a pair of icy shackles, and was surrounded by pikemen and water benders.

"Although, may I ask, what's up with all the guards?" Xiao added, glancing around at the multitude of people standing around him, seemingly ready to make him look like human pin cushion if he so much as moved a muscle.

"I must apologize for this, but we don't know what your intentions are, you being from the Fire Nation doesn't help." Said an old looking man who stood to the right of the tribe chief.

"Master Pakku is correct." Arnook nodded.

"Well, I'm on vacation. I've been traveling for around a year and a half, most that time spent in the earth kingdom, to learn the different styles of bending to improve my own." Xiao said.

Why lie about why he was here? All that would do is is needlessly complicate things.

"Well, I guess that explains your intentions, and since my daughter seems to like you, I will give you a chance. However, you will be constantly monitored by at least three water benders at all times." Arnook stated firmly.

Xiao smiled. "Thanks." He said.

Arnook waved his hand. "Release him. Just remember Xiao of the Fire Nation, if you attempt anything we will immediately execute you." Arnook said as the ice shackles binding Xiao's wrists melted and fell into a puddle on the floor.

Xiao rubbed his wrists and smirked. "Is Master Pakku good at water bending?" He asked.

'I wanted to test my abilities against a master.' He thought internally as Pakku raised an eyebrow.

"You want to duel me?" He asked incredulously.

Xiao nodded excitedly.

"Fine. Meet me tomorrow and we will spar. I'm curious as to what you have to offer.

After all, maybe I will glean something from our battle that will help me understand why Tui and La communed with you." Pakku said as he walked away, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Xiao! Let's go! I'll show you around the palace and the city!" Yue said as she ran up and tugged on Xiao's hand.

"Sure!" He said, smiling and letting himself be dragged along.

Arnook's whole body twitched and he gripped the icy throne he sat on so hard that both arm rests shattered.

The guards looked at him fearfully.

"Do you think my little Yue-Yue would be mad if I killed her new friend?" He asked a nearby councilor.

The man nodded fervently and Arnook sighed. "What about in a few months?" He asked suddenly. The same councilor once again shook his head.

"I see…" Arnook muttered, trailing off.

Meanwhile, Xiao was hanging out with Yue in the city, walking along paths and visiting different food stalls.

"Your food stinks here." Xiao commented as he tried another native dish of the Northern water Tribe, Penguin Otter stew.

"Really? I always felt that our food was quite tasty, although father usually bans me from eating foreign cuisine so I would not know." Yue admitted as she put a hand on her chin and looked up, thoughtful.

"I'll make you something from the Fire Nation if you want." Xiao said as they continued walked.

"Really?" Yue yelled excitedly before quickly covering her mouth and looking around. People were giving the pair off looks.

She leaned in close to Xiao's ear and brought a hand up to make sure no one could hear. "Really?" She whispered.

"Sure. Although I have to ask, why does your father not just get it for you? He seems like he is the type of guy to give you anything you ever wanted." Xiao asked, looking curiously at Yue.

"Something about tradition of something. What about your parents?" Yue asked.

Xiao sighed. "Don't have any." He admitted, looking off into empty space.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Yue said, panicked.

"It's fine. I still grew up with people to call family, they just weren't actually related to me." Xiao said, thinking of Zuko and Iroh.

Why not the other members of the royal family? Because they're all Royal assholes that's why.

"That's good." Yue said, smiling.

She had never really had any friends before. Ever since her mother died her father became overprotective of her.

Because of this, he kept her mostly locked away in the palace and surrounded by guards, not really allowing her to play with any other kids her own age.

Even now, she spotted at least twenty guards shadowing her and Xiao as they walked through the streets.

Because of this isolation, Yue was truly enjoying her time with Xiao, even though she had known him for less than two weeks, she felt that they were friends.

"It sure is… Welp it's getting dark now. I have to wake up before sunrise too so I should go and get some rest." Xiao said as he slowly started to walk away.

"Alright! Want to do this again soon?" Yue asked.

"Sure!" Xiao said with a smile. Yue smiled back, lighting up the whole street by doing so.


Sleepy-sleepy night-night time.

I sleep a lot in case you couldn't tell.

Smell you later.