
Avatar: Legend of the Blood Bender

Dying too young, Noah on accident shatter a balance he didn't know existed, and now it also forces him to fix it. Good thing he's allowed to have fun during it. This Fanfiction is based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe. Disclaimer: I don't own the story or any images yada yada. Disclaimer 2: This is my first time writing, and english isn't my first language so if any gramma or spelling is wack that's why. I also work fulltime so for now this is a hobby thing with no fixed upload schedule.

Emilowish · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

After boiling 3 fish I managed to scoop out of the water, I dissected them with some very crudely made ice tool, and made possibly the worst sashimi to ever be known. Forcing the food in me, despite my mouth's protest. Feeling half asleep from being full for the first time in this life, I slowly walk back to my future ice palace, create a hole in my giant snow hill, before making a makeshift bed of snow and ice, and crashing into it.


"First on my to do list... get a proper bed."

Those were the first word out if my mouth as I woke up, feeling even more sore then from my trip to the spiritworld. After spending about half an hour getting up, and another half hour to do various stretches. I finally get out of my hole, only to find it completely dark outside. Dark, and very cold. Only a single day and my sleeping scheduel is already out the window, I retreat to my wind isolated hole while mumbling complaints to myself.

With nothing better to do, and not feeling like going back to my horrible makeshift bed, I begin to practice my bending, more specifically heating water up. While I managed to boil the fish yesterday, not only did it take a lot of chi, but a lot of it turned to steam because of my poor control.

Feeling my chi reserves, they haven't recovered as much as I had hoped, turns out spending almost all of your chi, doesn't simple replenish in a single day, luckily it seems to be a percentage thing so I still recover a lot faster then others.

While boiling and cooling water I begin thinking of way besides just precise control needed to lower the amount of chi needed to heat it up. I experiment some different thing on my pathway, like making certain paths smaller, while making others smaller, but none of it seems to change to end result. The most significant discovery I made was that certain larger pathways in my arms, seems to drastically speed up the amount of time it takes to circulate my chi, and result in much faster bending, however that just means I have to be even faster while trying to form the end result. In the end my brain could barely react to how fast my intent realized itself in the form of bending.

I continue to practice until the sun light up my little hole, signifying the beginning of a new day.


While eating breakfast I begin contemplating my future actions, just how do I want to influence the world, should I wake the Aang early to give him more time to sozin comet, should I just finish the job myself? I'm not sure, and until I am I plan to stay óut of any major settlement like the north water tribes. I seriously can't imagine myself not picking a fight with some of the traditional assholes like Pakku, and I don't want to do that before I have the might to back up my words...

I just hope there are some minor settlement, where I can get a bed made or something.

With those thoughts I begin my training and preparation to journey across the north.

Been on a readathon so I have been a bit distracted... Anyways new chapter!

Emilowishcreators' thoughts