
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

A friendship that will never exist.

"What do you intend to do?" the counselor asked as tears streamed down her face. At that moment, Gale had ordered those who were against them to kneel in a row, their feet bound.

Ignoring the counselor's lamentations, Gale touched her forehead. "You know, I promised Wan Shi Tong that I wouldn't use what I learned in his library to hurt others, but I really don't mind lying for a greater good."

By touching the counselor's forehead, using his bloodbending ability, he immediately located the chi connection that linked to the waterbending. In an instant, the counselor who was kneeling before was now writhing on the ground in pain.

"No, no. You didn't do that, it's impossible," the counselor continued to say while attempting to use waterbending. Soon, tears appeared on her face, followed by expressions of anger, and finally, acceptance.

Gale, observing, approached the counselor's ear. "It's not over yet." As he lifted the now compliant counselor from the ground, he initiated a new technique he had developed.

"I call this technique 'The Devil's Touch,'" Gale said as he placed his hands on the location of the counselor's heart. By releasing his spiritual aura and simultaneously using bloodbending, Gale could imprint a slave seal on the person's soul and heart.

However, it wasn't easy. Facing the soul of someone stronger would result in disaster, at the very least being deadly, as the spell would backfire. While Gale suppressed the counselor's soul, fatigue overwhelmed him. Even if the person on the other side was completely invulnerable, their soul would fight bravely until the end.

Then, the counselor fell to the ground again, eyes rolled back as if lifeless, but her beating heart told a different story.

After enslaving the counselor, Gale looked around, everything blurry. Leaning on a nearby table, he sighed in relief. "I urgently need to refine this technique. I didn't think using it on a human would be this difficult," Gale said, observing the other counselors with expressions of fear.

After recovering, Gale returned to the center of the room. "Let's continue. Bring the others," he ordered, and the four by his side promptly acted, bringing another person.

After an hour, Gale had finally subdued the four counselors, who now lay unconscious on the floor.

As he looked at the spared counselors, Gale offered a gentle smile. "Don't worry, I won't do this to you. In fact, why would I? We're on the same side. The South shouldn't surrender to Unalaq's tyranny," Gale asserted.

Upon hearing that they were spared, the counselors sighed in relief, but a shadow hung over their hearts, aware that not being enslaved was also a form of control.

"What do you intend to do now, master?" Lysa asked, bowing, followed by the other three.

"Please, everyone," Gale intervened with an uneasy laugh, "Don't call me master. You can call me Gale. I'm still your brother."

Faced with the young leader's words, they did not retreat, remaining bowed. "If you insist, then so be it," consented Gale, gesturing for them to sit.

Everyone settled, awaiting Gale's next words.

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for following me. I'm glad there are others who think like me, who want to see our tribe prosper as before," Gale said, traversing the room and capturing the attention of his subordinates.

"It is necessary to send a letter to the United Republic informing them that the Southern representative will be replaced. If questioned about the reason for this change, make something up. I really don't care," Gale instructed, his voice conveying palpable urgency.

"Furthermore, I want to say that you will all be rewarded for this. Your loyalty not only ensured your lives but will also bring benefits. You will have access to all the knowledge in Wan Shi Tong's Library about waterbending techniques, and I will do whatever is in my power for you," Gale concluded, his face displaying anticipation for any potential doubts from his new subordinates.

A heavy silence dominated the room, but it was soon broken by the emergence of questions.

"What do we do with the body of the dead counselor?" Hakoda, one of the counselors still hesitating to follow Gale, inquired.

Gale cast a casual glance at the body of the dead counselor before nonchalantly responding, "Him? Don't worry. When they examine the cause of death, they will diagnose it as a heart attack."

Noticing the lingering tension among everyone, Gale went on to explain some details, such as the meeting grove in the spirit world for those capable of accessing it and the means by which they could stay in contact.

After concluding the explanations, he left the palace and found Unalaq still waiting outside. Gale respectfully bowed.

"Master Unalaq, everyone is enslaved, without exception. You are the leader of the Southern tribe now," Gale announced, his voice conveying respect for his master's achievement.

Unalaq laughed proudly. "Thank you, Gale. This wouldn't have been possible without you. Now, let's see my brother's family. I'll introduce you to Avatar Korra," Unalaq expressed with an enthusiasm that surprised Gale.

Walking for a few hours, they finally reached the secluded area where the Avatar resided. As they approached, they were intercepted by members of the White Lotus.

"Stop right there," said one of the guards, a waterbender, before being interrupted by a feminine voice opening the gates.

"Uncle, you came! I missed you so much," exclaimed Korra, running towards Unalaq's arms as if she were still a child.

Unalaq embraced his niece with a smile on his face. "Korra, it's so good to see you again. Look how you've grown," he commented.

"Of course, uncle. I turned fifteen this month," Korra replied, laughing, while her gaze fixated on the blue-haired youth.

"Who's this?" Korra asked.

Gale, taking the lead, seized the opportunity to introduce himself. "My name is Gale. Nice to meet you, Avatar Korra. You are the blessing of the Southern tribe, as beautiful as the stories say," he said, bowing with a smile.

Korra blushed upon hearing the boy's words. "Nice to meet you, Gale. Thanks for the compliment," she said, punching Gale's shoulder.

Unalaq coughed, interrupting the conversation between the two young ones. "He just forgot that he's also my apprentice. In fact, maybe he has surpassed me," Unalaq said, forcing a proud expression while Gale internally laughed.

"Wow, you're Uncle Unalaq's apprentice? That's amazing, Gale," exclaimed Korra, displaying enthusiasm in her face. "But come inside the fortress. My parents are waiting for you. You too, Gale. I assume we're all going to the festival together afterward," she concluded, clearing the way and dismissing the guards so that the two guests could enter.

After the meeting with Unalaq's family, Gale made sure to leave a good impression.

Amidst friendly conversation and an awkward atmosphere between Unalaq and his brother, they headed together to the festival.

The festival was in full swing when Korra, Unalaq, and Gale arrived. The streets were filled with vibrant colors, with dancing lights and laughter echoing throughout the area. The trio blended into the crowd, absorbing the contagious energy of the event.

On the other hand, Unalaq mingled with the crowd, maintaining a certain distance from his niece.

Korra, always full of vitality, pulled Gale into various activities. They sampled local foods, watched skilled firebenders' performances, and even ventured into some traditional games. Their laughter blended with the sound of music and the excitement of the festival.

Tonraq and his wife watched affectionately as their daughter enjoyed herself, and soon afterward decided to give her some time alone with Gale.

Gale and Korra engaged in an impromptu dance, where Gale's awkward movements and laughter brought smiles to Korra's face. Even known for his reserve, Gale couldn't contain his own smile in the face of the carefree scene, but his heart harbored a dark truth.

Later, as they rested in a quieter area of the festival, Korra expressed her gratitude to Gale. "Thanks for taking me out of the palace for a bit and giving me some fun, Gale. Sometimes, I forget how important these simple moments are."

Gale smiled, recognizing the sincerity in the Avatar's words. "I'm glad I could provide some relief, Korra. Life can be intense, and moments like these are precious."

The two quickly made their way to the designated spot for the fireworks, settling among other eager spectators for the upcoming display. Observing the excitement around her, Korra sighed deeply.

"It's amazing to be able to have fun like this. The White Lotus always suffocates me. It feels like I never have a moment just for myself. It's like I'm only the Avatar and not Korra at the same time," she confided, her eyes scanning the crowd until they met Gale's. "Do you understand?"

Korra's internal reflections brought a smile to Gale's face.

"I understand, Korra. My father imposed his wishes on me, forgetting that I was also his son. I was Gale," he shared, diverting his gaze to the horizon. "These days, I understand some of the petty things he used to say. Even though I despise him, there's truth in his words."

At that moment, Korra noticed Gale's focus on a distant point in the ocean.

"Just as you are Korra, and I am Gale. We are destined to fulfill the expectations of others. Now, it's just a matter of you accepting your role in the machinery that moves the world," Gale said, shifting his gaze toward the ocean, leaving Korra perplexed.

"Sorry, Korra. I didn't mean to imply that you haven't accepted being the Avatar. I just mean that..." Gale began to explain, but was interrupted by Korra.

"Don't worry. I get what you're saying, Gale. I just need to digest it," Korra said, returning her attention to the fireworks illuminating the sky.

Gale followed her gaze, appreciating the beauty of the fireworks and reminiscing about the last day he attended the festival with his family.

A nostalgic smile appeared on his face as he reminisced.

"Maybe today is the last day we can act as friends," Gale thought, directing his gaze to Korra, who was entranced by the beauty of the fireworks.

A voice came from behind him.

"Sir, the counselors have awakened. What should we do?" Lysa asked, bowing towards Gale.

Korra was intrigued but chose not to intervene, assuming it was Gale's personal matter.

"Thank you, Lysa. I'm coming," Gale said, gesturing for Lysa to step back.

As he stood up, Gale cast a final glance at Korra.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Korra. We'll meet again," Gale said, offering a gentle smile.

Korra returned the smile. "Thanks for the time you spent with me. I promise that, after my training, I'll visit the Northern Tribe to see you."

As Gale walked away, a calm expression took over his face again.

"We'll meet on the day of the Harmonic Convergence, Korra," Gale thought to himself, blending into the crowd.