
Avatar: Abstract Entity

This is part of a trilogy of fanfic books that I am writing. While you don't necessarily need to read the main book for you to understand this one, some things would go above your head without reading it. The MC is the same as my other book which is called Marvel: abstract entity. It happens when he gets erased by Thanos using the infinity gauntlet. Synopsis: Kar-el thought that he would be having some alone time with lady death but ×÷+- has other plans for him. He got reincarnated into the world of an avatar with a mission of finding his true self, to embark on a spiritual journey so he could understand what he truly is.

Kitshaar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Chapter: waterbending at it’s finest

Author's note: A bit on the small side but from the next chapter there will be a major time skip so I chose to keep it small. Also, don't worry the stories are continuing.


To bend an element, you must first understand it. Funnily enough, everyone has a different understanding of the element they can wield. And in the case of Avatar, every incarnation has a different understanding of all four elements.


It is because of this that when the current avatar enters his avatar state, he or she has a combined understanding of all the previous avatars and gets a boost while bending the elements.



There are two ways to bend any element: raw strength or precision bending. At first, everyone learns to bend with raw strength, but raw strength varies from person to person and is an innate limit.


You can understand it as a physical limitation that cannot be surpassed via normal means. The amount of weight different species of ants can carry differs. It is the same for bending.



For example, someone gifted could create and control large chaotic waves on the sea but fails to even heal a small cut, while someone else might be capable of healing serious injuries but fails to control even water more than their own weight.



This is where the second kind of bending comes in handy. Precision bending is nothing but honing your skills at bending to the absolute so that you completely utilize your innate talent.


It takes more time to master this type of bending than the first, as you have to constantly practice and refine your skills for years to come.



Generally speaking, none of the masters in the northern water tribe use raw strength, because when you can do your intended work at a lower cost, then why use more force.

They also encouraged their disciples to follow their steps and not let themselves be defeated just because they became overconfident in their raw power. Practice is the key to success, no matter how powerful you initially are.


***three months later


In the end, things worked out well. At first, Grandpa could not believe the reality of the situation, but funnily enough, the spirits indirectly helped me resolve this problem too.


He assumed by himself that the spirits had graced me as they did the newborn princess. The only reason why the hair is not the same as hers is that in my case, the gift is much smaller.


According to Grandpa's theory, the gift of bending is not as great as the gift of giving someone a new life. However, I am sure there are many people in this world that would disagree with him.


Especially in times of war, where every bender can theoretically change the result of a battle. A single factor could change the result if used properly.



He did not delay my training at all. The very next day, I was ordered to show up at his training grounds where he trains the rest of his students. I was a rookie in the art of bending. I know enough to accept the gift when it is presented to me.


I have experience in warfare and supernatural abilities, but bending is something new, although basic. The concept behind it is simple but profound, and when one of the greatest water bending masters of present times is giving me the opportunity to study under him, why should I refuse him?


 From that day, I was to practice the art of warfare with benders rather than the non-benders that I had been doing from early on.






"Today a new student will be joining us. I expect all of you to treat him like everyone else." My grandfather introduced me to 12 students of different ages, from 5 to 17. There was a familiar face in them. I knew that Enyo studied under my grandfather, and he had high hopes for him.



"Now you all can start with your usual training regime while I focus on the new student for sometime. Remember that I will be keeping an eye on you lot, so do not waste time fooling around or there will be consequences that you do not want to face." He warned, and I think I heard someone gulping before he turned to me, "Follow me."


We distanced ourselves a few meters away from the rest of the students before he stopped walking.


"Now let me be frank, since, in my opinion, you are much smarter than the brats of your age. We will not be practicing water bending from the start because it would be malpractice. A bad form of bending is as bad as using a sword without form or skill."


He sternly reminded me before continuing, " An actual foundation is very important if you want to become an average bender. We will begin with ingraining the bending katas and theoretical framework in your brain before we begin any bending. Is that clear?"


"Yes understood sir ", I replied with similar vigor that was taught to me during my military sessions.


"Good, now let's see how long you can keep it up. Remember, no bending until I say you can. " He smirked before getting into kata form.


I followed him as we performed the whole kata sequence.


"Our understanding defines how we will be using the element, which is why at first we must not be biased towards a particular set of theories. You can diversify into a particular path once you have reached advanced levels, but at the start, you must be a jack of all trades but a master of none." He started his lecture as we went through repetitions.



"Tell me what you understand by the term 'water'?" he asked.



"Ummm.. water is many things. It is the source of life, as all material life originated from water. It is also a force of destruction, as even if the ocean surface looks calm and peaceful, there is always a storm brewing at the bottom that can devour everything at once."


"It is the universal dissolver and could space itself in any vessel while also being able to cut entire mountains with enough strength or volume. Water is highly adaptable both in shape and form, from solid to liquid to gas. On a spiritual note, it is known for its healing properties."



"Good. Your explanation is not biased towards any particular expectation. The hundred year war had much more effect than just material and physical restrictions. It has also restricted our mental capabilities. Now the majority of the benders never dwell deeper into the arts and its uses because they are forced to learn only martial capabilities before they are sent to help in the war.". He sighed.



"We must remember that water is much more than a tool to keep the fire nation at bay." He advised in a louder voice so that other students could hear him too.


"Now follow and memorize these katas while contemplating the nature of water." He ordered before leaving and moving to instruct other students on their shortcomings one by one.






"So you can bend now too, huh?" Asahi asked once the class was over.

"Yeah". I replied, collecting my stationary instruments.


"I guess you are 'that' lucky." She sighed.


"What do you mean?" I asked back as Enyo arrived beside us too.


"You have Pakku as your grandfather. In the hierarchy of privilege, you are quite high on the ladder.", she explained, and Enyo nodded.



"Oh please. You do not know my grandfather enough. He is extra tough on me because of the rumors that he must treat me differently than the rest of his students. I have to be extra creative and hardworking just to not get punished. It is no privilege."



How did they get the idea that Pakku would treat someone kindly? The fire emperor would give up this war before that happen



"So are we going or not?" Enyo urged interrupting our discussion.


"Going where?" I asked back.


"Did you forget? We planned to visit the sheeprabbits farm since this is the breeding season and lots of baby sheeprabbits are born." Asahi shook her head.


"Right, let's go then. I do not want to be late." We exited the school and walked towards the hearing farms where many different animals were raised. 

Edited by AzuraD