
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

Road to graduation

Kwanda had a long two months ahead, unlike most of his class, which now included Richard, Samantha, Anfisa, Priya, Giovanni, Jesse, Nkosi and Lucky. Who had some how convinced half the class that Kwanda was leading them to ruin.

On the other side, Kwanda, Rose, Dani, Diana, Daniel, Cho, Ruth and Greta. The two factions in the class quickly becoming rivals. When he spoke to Liza about it she was ecstatic went on to say to him "Its about time you had a rival, make me proud."

Leading to graduation many little things had been happening. The country has started talks with High Elves of Almaruin, The Aziza of the marshlands, The Merfolk of central ocean to name a few. The central ocean linked every land in the Nibiru. All the lands except the those beyond Witches Touch a cursed mountain range.

No one who had ever gone their had come back sane. The mountains are said to be cursed by the White Witch over ten thousand years ago. They transformed into huge frozen towers that nothing could pass over.

Wendy had prepared dossiers on all the kingdoms and it's people for the kids to read. She also told them little tid bits about the tension between the Merfolk and everyone else.

As the sovereign ruler of the central ocean they had long since had enough of how the kingdoms did not respect that authority. These talks were central to keeping the trade routes open especially between Avalon and Augustine.

The doctor had also started to give Kwanda some book to read on basic medical practices.

Kwanda had asked the doctor as the Witchhunters Guide To Survival also needed a strong medical knowledge beyond the introduction, methods of spell casting, crafting needed a panacea of knowledge to even begin understanding.

He had yet to even master the first technique called confluence it would allow him to use all elements at once he acquired them. It was different from multicast. The way Confluence worked it would always be active once mastered and would not require him to think about like multicasting.

It was the only technique that Liza was actively helping him in achieving that was from his book, She had set the graduation as the day he must have mastered it to the first level.

They worked on it everyday on top of everything else. She even maximized the training regime they did, the effects of the glow worm on Kwanda's mana was pretty clear. Wendy was preparing to take them a trip were all the kids could gain more abilities. Liza was main target however the journey had a little something for everyone.

Lucky for Kwanda, Liza had told him that he might not need to find anything with an elemental in it as he already possessed a skill that had multiple fundamental forces if he could learn to master each of them he could get his hands on a time power, a skill that died out in the second era also known to have created the.....