
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

Home life

Kwanda days were simply, he knew in the morning he would spend with Wendy learning many things, but also bonding learning things about her life like, the fact that she is a high ranking General in the countries military.

She liked her tea with honey from killerbees, not from the moonbees. She would always say a small prayer every morning for her brother, she explained to him that those who have passed live in the hearts of the living and must be remembered. Shaka also adopted the habit it was a great form of dealing with the lose of his whole village and parents. At least on the surface he slowly polishing the jaggered rocks of his heart with a clothe.

Liza would always ask him want he wants for breakfast for breakfast, as she was in charge of his overall training. The focus on the physical body is important most people in our school have not yet forgotten that. Liza further explained that people who don't have a talent for magic could use martial arts training to forcefully distill mana, it is a process that is extremely complimentary to spell casting. Most people do not wish to put in the extra effort so those with a talent in magic tend to only do the minimum requirements of being able to defend ones self.

Pure warriors are even more rare than mana users a an ancient philosopher said in order to become a pure warrior on head to be a master of back breaking hardwork. Most warriors if not all warriors will forcibly interject the blood of a monsters to give themselves a basic level of mana that then can be worked to a decent level of wizardry.

In this world no one person is one thing, we just have classes as way to explain our powers without revealing our secrets.

One morning Wendy was unusually stiff, as a young man Kwanda understood that he also had to help his family where he could, otherwise the knot in his heart might never heal and the endless polishing he had started would be for not.

He gently tired to steer the conversation they were having about the military into a personal thing. He smoothly segued the conversation into what she does for a the military. She was in full mom story mode, her face had this pleasant glow when she told stories. Kwanda cut her off sounding like his older self tell me what going on I wanna help you.

Wendy shook her head, "My boy your light is new, shine a while longer for me, then we will sea (intentional its has to do with <omitted>) the sky together, okay." She had made no sense but Kwanda could feel it came from a sincere place so for now he let it go.

Supper that day was somewhat stale, the conversation were about surface level things like how Thando managed to do her hair in an few minutes but to change clothes always took an hour. This was of because they had always prided themselves on being open at dinner anyone could raise any issue at in this place.....except today everyone spoke a lot of nothing. Kwanda would learn in later years it was the day the doctors parents had been killed in an incident, the only clue pointing to the Khans, who at the time Wendy had vouched for, it soured something that took the better part of five years to fix.