

" I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. he always first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. just wow..

Pink_Parmar · Sports, voyage et activités
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94 Chs

It is My Business

Taking good nap.. I ready to myself for party..

After angi message eat my lunch and sleep again..



But I don't want to go anywhere..

Just me and my bad..

I sleep and take good nap..

It's really feel relax.. refreshing..

I am in good mood..

Now I have to go to party..

And get drunk myself..

It's our party right..

To why not enjoy my time..

Fuck the problem..

Fuck all gangs..

Just be myself.. and I will enjoy my night..

Why can't I enjoy myself.. enjoy my freedom.. one day I have to die... so everyone right..

Than why can what I have that I enjoy that..

And fuck all them off..

Thinking about this..

I take out my closet to very sexy dress... it's dark blue color.. and it's sexy but also cute..

Wearing that dress.. I look myself.. I feel beautiful.. And sexy.. than after that.. about make-up.. I think about it.. did I do make-up or just be like this.. like this I also look good..

After thinking.. I just did Little bit make-up.. eyeliner and lipstick and it's light one.. After looking at myself.. I satisfied.. I am not look like sult.. that is good think..

After that I wear my favorite hells.. now I am completely read to go to enjoy myself..

Same time my door bell ring.. I walk to the door and open it.. it's angii. She standing there with wearing very sexy dress..

" you look hot.." I said to her.. she giggled..

" so do you.. now lets go girl's are waiting for.. " she said..

" wait sec.. let me grab my purse and my cell phone.. After than..." I said and walk to my bed and grab my things..

" now I am ready.. let's go.." I said her with cheering voice..

" seems like you are in good mod today.." she said to me.. looking at me with smiling face..

" why not bab after all it's about party..  Right" I said to her.. she laughed and nodded..

" how's Ammy.. did she coming to.." I asked her.. I almost forgot about her..

" she not wanted to but I forced her.. than she agreed.. "she said me..

" doc said to her rest.. if she dont wanted to than why you forced her.." I said her..

" I know but it's our party right.. I don't want her to miss that.. she will site there. At least be there.. what if she can't dance.. but she still enjoy there. Drinking laughing also we have to plan about Scarlett she wants to there right" she explained me.. yea.. that's cool..

" well you're right.. " I said to her. And both reached the ground to and see there all girls standing looking beautiful.. and also carry Ammy.. to not to fall..

She had fracture in her lag.. I feel really sorry for her.. I hug all of them.. and than I help Ammy to walk.. told them that I will be with her..

" you don't have to.. I will walk by this stick you know.." she said to me.. and pointed to this stick.. I rolled my eyes..

" but I want to do this.. I know maybe you don't like all give you sympathy.. but I am not given it.. I am going it because you're my friend.. and why friends for huhh " I said to her with wink..

" thanks Ava.. by the way you look hot as hell" she compliments me..

" so do you Ammy.. beautiful as always.." I said to her. She giggled..

We enter party hall.. there is already people whos enjoy party.. music busting loud.. Drinking dancing people... enjoy there self..

Tonight I also going that.. enjoy myself.. dance drinking.. or what.. enjoy my night...

All my dance team also here. Dancing with boys. And having fun.. I smile looking at them..

" you know where is Janna.." Ammy said and broke my thoughts..

" I didn't see her all day.. she also didn't come to dorm.. last night when I saw her. She with her boyfriend.." I said to her..

" didn't she tell you anything.." Ammy said.. I look at her. And think about it.. whenever she go she always tell me where she doing.. this time first time she didn't tell me..

" no.. " I said to her.. but now I am worried. I don't trust Dan..

I look wherever.. if she here.. but no where she here... I have to talk with Max.. where is he.. where is dan.. if he here means janna also here...

" what happened to you.." we spot empty table.. and site there.. the sofa is smooth and comfortable..

" nothing just thinking about Janna.." I said to her..

" call her than.." she suggests.. I nodded and dial her number.. and call her..

But her call go straight to the voicemail.. now this is freaking me out.. where is she..

" what happened.. didn't pick up ." She said to me.. looking worry eyes..

" not It's go to straight in voicemail.." fuck where are you Janna..

" don't worry maybe she phone have doesn't charge.." she said.. I smile at her. And nodded. But I am worry..  something is fishy..

We both sitting there. All girls are in dance floor and dancing.. I didn't join them.. I give company Ammy. She also said to go but I didn't go.. plus thinking about Janna. I don't want to anywhere..

We both drink shorts.. I drink five or maybe six shorts.. when I am in stress I did three thing.. workout.. Dance.. or drink..

For not I am doing this.. drinking..

" what are you doing girl.. it's your eight one.." amma said and try to stopping me..

" nahh.. I am getting myself to drunk.. It's celebration right.. " I said to her with cheering..

I am happy that.. drinking all of short. I will in myself.

" yeaa.. but not to much.. for now.. its enough.. go and dance.. " she suggests me.. and stop me to drink.. I didn't want to but than I give up.. and go to the dance floor...

And dancing.. my good lunch its shape of you song busing.. if it's not I already turned around and site besides Ammy..

I dance in this song.. and we all are join all girls. And we dance.. in this song.. for some time I forgot about Janna. And than having fun with girls..

" look who's finally show.." anggi said to me.. looking at my backside.. I turned around.. see that..

Max making out with Scarlett.. and Janna making out with Dan.. well I am happy to see janna. She's fine..

Looking at Scarlett and Max.. they are like eating each other face.. and Scarlett all top of him.. setting his lap.. and Max's hand is in her thin are they are enjoying that make out..

It's disgusting.. I feel like vomiting.. I hate it.. seeing them.. after that.. they both broke the kiss. And they saw that stering at them. Max smirk. And Scarlett she hug Max and give me look at he's mine..

Well you can have it.. I Don't want him.. I rolled my eyes.. and turned around..

" jealous.." anggi said me.. looking at me.. worrt eye's..

" actually I am not.. I already told you.. lets ignored them and enjoy.." I said to her. And close the topic..

Danni and he's friend Nick join us.. we all are dance together.. jade and Clara Naomi... we all are dancing laughing.. and drinking..

Nick some closer to and we both do sexy dance.. I know I am drunk.. its not good. But I am enjoying it.. so dose he.. and this is our fun night.. why not I will do like old time..

He pull me close to him.. my back is touching he's private part.. I know it's turn him on.. I feel it.. but I ignored it..

He's touching me everywhere.. after that I feel little uncomfortable.. so I make distance with him. I know we both are drunk.. but I don't give him any wrong intentions..

" hyy what happened.. did I do something wrong" he yelled in my ear.. I looked at him.. maybe he also feel this.. how I told him now..

" no it's just.. ummm.. let's have drink.." I said to him.. and ignored all this feeling..

" you wait here.. I will go quick and brought it for both of us.." he said to me with smile.. I nodded.. and he left..

After that I again join girls.. and than dance with them..

We talk with DJ and we made big circle.. and think why not dance in one by one.. and than girls and boys come one by one.. and we all started to cheer them up.. and they dance..

I saw some guys are really good at that.. but we girls are super as always... some people are making videos.. and we all having fun.. after that all tell me to go to dance.. so I also go in middle.. and dancing..

I show them my big short.. and dance freely.. enjoying myself.. it's feels happy... they told me to dance in song 7rings. What I dance last night.. I don't mind to do it.. again.. all are cheering me up.. and calling my name.. Ava.. Ava.. Ava..

And than I dance in that song.. and angi also join me this time.. and than after I called all of them... and we all dance in this song.. it's fun..

I see Ammy is talking with someone.. but it doesn't like she is interested in him.. so I walk there.. and site besides her..

I didn't know who's hee.. but when I see who's guy.. its him.. my eyes wilde looking at him..

He also look me.. when I site beside Ammy.. looking at me he's scared little bit.. I smirk..

What know what he thinking about.. he thinking about what I did this afternoon in cafeteria..

" I think I have to go.." he said to amma.. and look me..

" you better.." I said to him..

" I am talking to her.. " oohh man.. boys never change dose they.. I throw the glass in ground. It break..

" she's my friend.. who's you talking to.. now fuck there out from here.. or I will give you my special treatment.." I got up and stand where he sitting there.. he stand up.. and this time he's not scared off me I think..

" really.. you are girl.. that doesn't mean that you punch me and I will do nothing.. I didn't do that time.. because I thought you are Max girl.." when he told that.. I cut him of..

" who the hell is told you that.. and who the hell is Max.. I don't know who you talking about.. and about this... I like to see what you do.. show me..  what you have ." I challenge him..

" yours really are bit..." he trying to said. But someone stop him..

" don't complete this or you will regret this front of all people.." this time its Dan who said this.. I didn't turn and still star at him.. waiting for him to say something..

" what he talks about it.. explain.." Max come forward And stand besides me.. I am little bit drunk.. but I am feel like I am sober..

" I asked something" he yelled and demand.. I didn't said anything just stood there.. why I will said.. he's not my boyfriend.. but why he involved this..

" it's nothing to do anything with you.. so don't involved" I said him finally without looking at him.. I still glaring to that boy..

" when he mention my name.. I indirectly involved in this chat.. so tell me now.. what he talking about.." he said.. and looking at me.. I did face him. Still standing there.

" damn you have to see this.. " someone come and show Max.. I don't know what..

" Ava.. what is this.." he said and show me that video.. and that video I clearly see that.. I was throwing punch in this poor guy.. ohh my god who record this.. it's make me mad..

" what the hell is that.. who did this.. whos this fucker record it.. " I shouted angrily.. what if someone show this..

What if James so this.. or Justin.. ohh no. Its not good idea..

" you know.. this is first and last time.. I warning you.. stop punching around.. or I will not hesitate to suspend you.. " he said me with angrily.. what the hell how dare he talk me like that.. how dare he threatened me..

" you know what... screw you.." I said to him.. looking at him..

" if you wanted to suspend me.. do it now.. because I don't care.. I am always like this.. and now one order me what to do what to not.. never ever try to order me.. you understand.." I said to him.. push him hard. And left the party..

Who dare he.. I hate him so much.. I hate him... so damn much... uhggggg..