
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

HappyKing · Livres et littérature
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577 Chs

Chapter 332

In ten days, in addition to the leisurely Avengers team, the second leisurely Shrek Seven Monsters.

They played against the Elephant Academy, one of the Five Element Academy!

Standing behind this academy is the Elephant Sect. Their martial arts are called Diamond Mammoths, and their defenses are particularly strong!

However, they were easily slammed by the Shrek Seven Devils. Although they used a lot of spirit abilities, these so-called powerful defenses were in the hands of Tang San and the others.

Since the second game, the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters has been completely recognized by everyone.

When some teams face Shrek Academy, they may really be unable to fight, or if they want to hide their strength, they will admit defeat anyway.

After ten days, there were only three teams in a row, Shrek Academy, Oakland Academy and Blazing Academy.

This is also due to luck. None of the three academies has touched each other, otherwise one team would be missing in this winning streak.

As for the other teams, the stronger ones lose one or two, and the weaker ones almost all lose.

At this moment, Shrek Academy and Oakland Academy basically accounted for two places, and the remaining three places should be contested by the Five Elements Academy.

Among them, the Elephant Academy was the worst. Because he didn't believe in evil before, he insisted on resisting the attacks of the Shrek Seven Devils.

The final result is also known, a fiasco!

And because of hard resistance, Dai Mubai and the others were not very easy to stop. Many of these people were seriously injured. In the following days, they encountered several other element academies and lost several games in a row.

If nothing goes wrong, they should have missed the qualifying quota.

Today is the eleventh day of the game and the day with the highest voice from the audience!

Because today, the opponent of Shrek Academy is Oakland Academy. The two teams finally met today. The epic duel has aroused everyone's expectations.

Rest area, here is Shrek Academy.

Oscar said: "The shouting outside is so fierce, everywhere is cheering with us, is it really good to admit defeat in this game?"

The main reason is that there are too many people who pay attention to this battle. They never expected that there will be so many people paying attention to a game, and there are heated discussions everywhere.

Even when they walk outside these days, they can hear someone expecting the two finals.

As a result, they were under tremendous pressure, and they were all struggling to surrender. After all, there were too many people supporting them.

Even the master hesitated a little, this Oakland Academy, should they touch it first?

If it feels too embarrassing to admit defeat directly, if they touch it, they don't need to try their best.

The master estimated that the opponent should not come up and use all their strength, after all, the finals have not yet started.

"I also don't think I should admit defeat. The Avengers didn't fight a game. We don't need to try our best. This is feasible." Dai Mubai nodded in agreement.

"That's right, let them know how good we are!" Xiao Wu said.

"Little San, what do you think?" The master asked Tang San without saying a word.

The others also looked over, wanting to see what their captain would think.

Tang San's command ability was recognized by everyone, especially in the sunset forest before.

On several occasions, if it were not for Tang San's command, at least half of them would be seriously injured!

"We give up and don't fight!" Tang San said calmly.


As soon as Oscar spoke, Tang San interrupted: "No, but surrendering is the best choice. What about the enthusiasm of the audience? Can the audience support you and you can win the championship? Don't we rely on ourselves in the end?"

"Just admit defeat and win the other 26 games. We will definitely qualify. This is also our easiest and least exposed choice!"

"Brother Feng taught us that all things should be seen through the appearance of the essence, not to be blinded by illusions. The audience is not important, and the support of the audience is not important. The most important thing is our own choice!"

After learning from Lin Feng for several years, when Tang San started speaking, it felt like Lin Feng preached to him in the hunting forest.

In the past ten days, their Shrek Academy has received too much praise and praise, even people like masters have been somewhat affected.

Dai Mubai and the others were also affected, although their vigilance was still there, but in some of their thoughts, they still lost the original intention.

Fortunately, Tang San insisted on his original idea, and was not influenced by others.

"Yeah! The third brother is right. The audience can't let us win the championship. Why should we listen to them?" Xiao Wu scratched her head.

She is a Ma Daha herself, and innocent, even if she has experienced too much, her personality is still difficult to change.

Tang San said a few words at this time, she felt reasonable, and immediately agreed.

Others started to think about it, even the master was slightly stunned.

Yes, obviously their first idea was to admit defeat, how can they change their plan because of the audience?

Almost head heated and made the wrong decision.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly said: "Xiao San is right, we will just admit defeat later!"

"It is our greatest advantage to be able to not expose without exposing it. It doesn't make much sense for us to test the Avengers."

Some of the Avengers' style of play, as well as their strength, martial arts, etc., these things were actually seen by Tang San before, and the master also specially analyzed them at that time.

As for the Shrek Seven Devils, they haven't shown much strength so far, and they have gone all out as others thought, but in fact, they have not even displayed 30% of their strength.

Both teams are hidden. If something is played in the qualifiers, it is not others who suffer, but Tang San themselves.

So admit defeat is the best choice.

"Will the audience scold us? Just like the Canghui Academy?" Ning Rongrong said with some worry.

Back then, Canghui College directly surrendered. It was also the first college to fight with Oakland College. The audience at that time was looking forward to it. When they finally gave up, many people scolded them.

It's just a group of children, no matter how much you experience, if many people scold you, they can't really ignore them all.

No matter how calm the heart is, it will be affected.

"If you scold them, let them scold them. We will still win later. They won't scold them soon!" Tang San said lightly, "When we qualify for the finals, they will all cheer for us!"

Tang San was right, as long as they could keep winning, the people who scolded them would soon disappear.

And even if they admit defeat, the people who scold them will definitely not support it, and they don't need to care about it.
