
V.2-C.8│Into Exile VIII│

'Finally...' Obito thought to himself as he had managed to identify the chakra signatures that he was looking for.

It was a simple looking building, and it was quite far away from Konohagakure, and having gone out of his way to cover their tracks, Obito knows that they should be safe... for now. There was no telling what those within Konoha would do once finding Kushina has escaped in particular.

Sure, losing Mikoto would be a loss for them, and Tsunade running off was not something that Konoha hasn't experienced before.

But, the most important person to have run away is Kushina Uzumaki, as she is the jinchuriki for the Kyuubi. 'And now that I think about it, I wonder just what those in Konoha would've done if it was I that tried to run away instead of Sasuke in my past life...'

It was truly something to think about, for there is a major possibility that they would probably be even more desperate to get him back more so than Sasuke. Not because Sasuke was not well liked or anything like that.

Because in his last life, Obito was not as well liked as he may have wanted. No, he was in fact not liked at all, all because of the Kyuubi, or at least the results of the Kyuubi doing things to Konoha and having Kurama sealed within him at that time.

A time that would no longer come to pass.

Approaching the small place, Obito would soon see Kushina rush out and come towards him, which of course alerted the others of his presence.

"Obito! Your here... and safe." Kushina exclaimed before she threw herself onto him.

"I am. Though, it wasn't without some interruptions." Obito thought back to Minato and his neutral expression. Never would he have believed that the man would try to kill him, but Obito isn't so stupid as to not understand that there is a certain level of professionalism that Minato must uphold as the Hokage.

That's not even taking into account that Obito isn't even related to Minato in this life as well. They are strangers, which only became more evident with the passage of time.

'I wonder if maybe I messed up by getting involved with Kushina... in the way that I have...' Obito thought to himself as he looked into Kushina's violet eyes.

"What is it? Are you hurt? Your not hurt are you?" Kushina questioned him, with clear worry and concern, genuine concern for him and his health.

"I'm fine. I am not hurt." Obito replied. 'No. It doesn't matter. This is just another part of what is different, and I don't mind being a little bit selfish. Or can this even be called selfish?'

"That's good. Though, we should get Lady Tsunade to check you just in case." Kushina said as she started to drag him back into the house that seemed to be in order, where Obito saw the others.

"Hello, Shizune, Mikoto." Obito greeted those two before also greeting Tsunade as well. "Lady Tsunade."

"Such a brat, aren't you? I much rather you hurry up and call me your master." Tsunade spoke, and this term was much more appropriate for the current relation between Tsunade and Obito as he is still learning from her medical ninjutsu.

Surprisingly, he had some talent, but at the same time this wasn't his main area of expertise. He may have inherited some intelligence through various means, also developing his intelligence by using his brain because it is a muscle like all others, but that didn't mean this was his own real area.

"I don't think I will be calling you that..." Obito most certainly disliked the idea, even if the term master or even mistress could apply.

"Please, show some respect to Lady Tsunade." Shizune berated Obito a bit, though not without having her own concern be shown. "Are you hurt?" Shizune asked just the same as Kushina did.

"No. I'm good. I made sure to escape and not get hurt. Though, I have questions as to why you are here with us, Tsunade." Obito stated.

"Don't worry about it. I just thought that it would be interesting, that's all. I didn't want to stay in that place anyway." Tsunade was referring to Konoha more so than the home she shared with the others.

"Right..." Obito didn't know whether to care about what Tsunade's thoughts are at this moment.

Mikoto on the side only gave Obito a relieved look and didn't say anything else. There wasn't anything else of importance right now to talk about other than to decide where they would be going now.

'Which reminds me... Kakashi said that his father wanted to come with, but I didn't see him anywhere or really sense him anywhere...' Obito thought to himself.

"So, where are we going to go now?" Kushina asked, as they couldn't just very well stay within the Land of Fire. At this point they are now criminals.

Or at least Kushina, Obito and Mikoto are criminal as this point, and have probably been placed within the Bingo Books as new listings. Of course, there was no way that Konoha, her people or those in the higher up positions would dare place Tsunade nor her assistant Shizune within such a status.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Obito himself had a small amount of time to think on this before he ultimately left as he had.

"No." Kushina herself didn't have any in this instance.

Neither did Mikoto as she kept quiet, and while one might or should worry about the situation happening, with Obito properly around now, through his Kamui they would all be able to escape safely.

No matter, since there was no way for anyone to enter his dimension, as it is completely cut off from others unless given entry through Obito. Or at the very least gain entry through the usage of his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes.

"How about... how about that place." Mikoto spoke up, allowing everyone to turn their eyes towards her.

"What place?" Tsunade asked, curious as to see what Mikoto has in mind.

"It is outside of Konohagakure, outside of the Land of Fire and no other nation or village really has any claim to this land..." Mikoto started. "It is a place that Kushina and Lady Tsunade should have a connection to through blood."

What was brought to mind between these two is their shared heritage and link to the Uzumaki.

"You couldn't mean..." Kushina had an idea. Well, really everyone here should be able to connect to dots through Mikoto's words.

"The Land of Whirlpools?" Shizune asked. "Isn't that... isn't that place kind of off limits?"

"It is." Tsunade replied whilst looking towards Mikoto for more information.

However, it was not Mikoto that would give a logical answer and instead Kushina would do so. "Going there would not only be the safest, not only because of being an Uzumaki and having access to the seals there, but also because of me."

"What do you mean?" Tsunade asked.

"I mean, the survivors that stayed on that land kind of... consider me somewhat of a royal like person. If anything, they would see me as some sort of leader. No doubt they would welcome us with open arms." Kushina explained.

"Ah... Now I remember, those rumors going around but no one really cared about. I though it was interesting, especially since it seemed to indicate that you already have a consort in a young man that has red eyes." Tsunade cheekily said, allowing everyone to understand whom she is talking about.

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything, right Kushina?" Obito wasn't exactly ready to be thrown under the bus like that.

But from what he understands, anyone whom does enter a rather... intimate and close relationship at that level with him should also have an understanding that he was less than ideal when it comes to wanting him to be not give his heart out so easily, if at all once he has one partner.

"That aside... this is a good chance to take advantage of the momentum." Mikoto stated after this small bit of silence.

"What could you mean? Take advantage of the momentum...? I'm pretty sure that we are pretty much just on the run now. Your idea is good, but going and setting up on the Land of Whirlpools is something that could get us in more trouble." Kushina stated as she tried to think on what Mikoto could possibly want.

"I mean, you, we give the people there what they want. Give them you, not in the sense we are selling you off, but in the sense that we are to rebuild the Land of Whirlpools anew." Mikoto stated a rather ambitious goal.

"I don't know about that..." Kushina replied.

"That..." Tsunade started drawing eyes onto her. "That is a great idea! Of course, dangerous as that could mean you are starting a brand new government and all the politics that comes with something like that, but to rebuild your ancestors, my ancestors home would surely be something good."

"Lady Tsunade, what you are suggesting..." Shizune trailed off.

"I know. Dangerous, but it is plausible. At least from what information I have heard, the people that still live in the Land of Whirlpools seem to think and believe Kushina to be the last of the 'pure' Uzumaki, meaning she is now their last in line to lead them." Tsunade smirked, as if she was cooking up a not so good gamble.

"I also don't know whether this is a good idea..." Obito stated, as while it was perfect, it almost seemed to perfect.

If Obito didn't know any better, he would think that it was Madara behind this small plot in helping the Land of Whirlpools come under his control. Sure, Obito may be his grandson, but Obito doubts any feelings he has will stop Madara from trying to complete his plans, his goals and desires.

"What? You don't want to be known as 'Lady' Kushina's consort?" Tsunade smirked cheekily.

"That's not what I mean..." Obito replied with a dour look towards Tsunade, while Kushina was thinking that maybe she should do this.

'Then again, Obito doesn't only have myself but also Mikoto and whoever else he decides to bring along with him. Like Mei...' Kushina wasn't jealous about this, though at one point she was. Right now, Kushina had not completely gotten rid of such feelings, but she has allowed Obito, just as Mikoto has, a certain degree of... leeway?

Though, at the same time, Kushina hasn't had any problems, right now at least, with spending quality time with him. Nor did she miss out on quantity either.

'It probably helps that he has Kamui and the Hiraishin...' Certainly, it cuts down on time constraints.

"Anyway, are we decided then?" Tsunade asked, given that this was really their only option right now.

Obito himself thought of the Akatsuki right now, but that too would be too dangerous. No, the Land of Whirlpools may be their best option, but what Obito worries a bit about is whether or not his own new heritage he has found out from Madara could come into light.

'How is everything going to go down...?'


Sakumo was watching, waiting and prowling as much as he could so that he may escape when the time was right.

Most of all, Sakumo knew that while he wasn't out of shape, his skills has been rather lacking due to his absence from the field. He also was afraid of leaving Kakashi behind, but his son had told him that he has some business to complete here.

Whatever that meant, Sakumo could only believe that Kakashi would do right.

Sakumo's skillset was actually a bit similar to Kakashi, just that he was, is older and is still somewhat within the prime of his age. He wasn't so old that he should retire, but he kind of did anyway.

'Though, I do wonder just what or where I am going to go...' Wanting to follow Obito mostly coincides with how Obito kind of changed the way Sakumo views himself and his life.

In many ways, Sakumo kind of feels indebted to Obito because his life was not only saved, but also because of the wisdom imparted onto him, where Kakashi wouldn't have to suffer as much as he could have.

Death is not a nice thing, and killing oneself, taking oneself out doesn't only affect yourself and results in your death, but also affects those around you.

Those that you would love, those that would love you or do love you. Everyone has two things in common, life and death, and Sakumo realizes more than ever that death should not be the way out for him.

Not while his son is still well, healthy and alive. Not while Kakashi seems to still have his path to walk and would need his support, or at least would want his support in helping him.

It was really through Sakumo's decision that Kakashi was able to make his own decision in staying rather than leaving, all because Kakashi is someone that has his own ideas and Sakumo has raised him enough in a good way.

Though, Sakumo also couldn't say he didn't have his own flaws that may have affected Kakashi.

Still, it is better that Sakumo stays alive, if not for himself, than for Kakashi.

Jumping through the village of Konoha, his home that had turned against him, Sakumo knew that he couldn't exactly just blame these people for his actions. However, that didn't mean the feelings would just disappear.

Soon enough, Sakumo would make his way outside of the village, before he would, from a distance, notice that a battle was happening, which would soon end within a few minutes.

'I guess I am way ahead the ninja from the village...' Sakumo wondered what was happening there, but before he would go anywhere, he would be disturbed by the fact that there are some others nearby.

"Who's there!" He called out, and sure enough, a few people would reveal themselves.

"Mr. Hatake?"

'This voice...?' Sakumo saw through the underbrush a few people, specifically three teenage girls, alongside an older woman. "Is that you, Haruhi?" It was Haruhi Nohara, the mother of Rin Nohara, and a retired kunoichi much like himself.

Though, she was actually just someone that retired for entirely different reasons. "Mr. Hatake, why are you...?" Haruhi questioned, though she was a bit cautious.

"I see..." Sakumo figured something out after identifying the people here, Rin Nohara, Anko Mitarashi and Kurenai Yuhi. Three girls that Sakumo has already figured out are... attached to Obito Uchiha.

"What...?" Haruhi had a look of confusion seeing that Sakumo is not hostile, but was out here for some weird reason.

"Never mind that. I assume the four of you wish to go to Obito, correct?" Sakumo asked calmly.

"Yes! Do you know where he is? Did you see where he went?" Anko of course couldn't close her mouth and asked rudely.

"You don't have to worry. I want to join Obito as well." Sakumo revealed, before adding. "I wonder, do you guys know where he is going?"

"How can we trust you?" Haruhi couldn't exactly just trust him straight away.

"Because I'm a father." Sakumo replied seriously, looking straight into Haruhi's eyes, and he did think she looked rather cute with her serious face. 'Wait, where did that though come from...?'
