
V.2-C.10│Into Exile X│

Sakumo's group was now near enough to the meet up, and there hadn't been any complications so far. Except that they were sometimes nearly caught by some patrolling shinobi out and about, no doubt searching for those that escaped.

Sakumo also knew to be careful based on whether or not, if, they would ever encounter the ANBU Black Ops, those specifically under Lord Danzo Shimura's control.

That man was not only dangerous, but also someone whom has grand desires. Of course, not many would even know of the man, and it was only through Sakumo's own experience that he was able to formulate such an opinion.

If anything, it seemed like Danzo was also behind the negatives of Obito's trial, but it also wasn't exactly just him and a combination of factors.

That aside, they were making quick progress and soon enough they would arrive. To be honest, truthful, Sakumo doesn't know exactly what he would be doing, for he was basically going to just follow Obito and protect. The simplest, but maybe not so easiest job, since Obito himself has skill enough to fight multiples of himself.

Hell, even if Sakumo was stronger, like when he didn't retire, he would still probably lose to him and that is saying something about Obito's prowess.

The Land of Fire is a great place, landscape wise. The trees, the land and its green pastures that are extremely fertile in comparison to most other lands, alongside the other various advantages that the large nation has. Truly, within the Land of Fire's borders existed a large space with which one could truly use to their advantage.

Rarely though would those that could be considered owners of land would use these lands for the betterment of the economy.

One of the reasons that Konohagakure struggles when it comes to their economy is exactly because of the Land of Fire itself, the policies in place both domestically and in foreign affairs.

That is not to say that the Land of Fire doesn't have its upsides in the form of its land, and its people. It's population wasn't just overflowing and increasing more so after the war has finished , but so has the rest of the Land of Fire in general.

One could even say that the Hidden Villages amongst the entirety of this continent was a representation of each nations strength, in the form of their economy, their military and their people.

Because people itself, having many, is something that can be used and pitted against another.

Running, running, running, after a whole night's rest, they would make it to the meeting point.

Sakumo had made sure to send something, anything, a way for him to tell Obito that he is coming along with the others. After all, Obito at this point should know that they are coming, given that he still had some shadow clones left around Konoha, spread throughout different areas.

They would never disperse themselves as they have enough chakra to last them several days if need be.

Truly, shadow clones are one of the best tools to be used, a mechanism that allows one to experience and gather information as if they were truly there themselves, physically.

"I think we are close." Sakumo stated as he started to notice up ahead there seemed to some activity, even though it was quite muted, but this far out, and this secluded, it was safe to assume that no ninja from Konohagakure would be here by now.

None should have made it this far, which gives Sakumo all of the courage to venture forward.

"Are you sure?" Haruhi asked, having become kind of the ambassador between the group of girls and himself. They are both adults, both supposed to be stronger shinobi or kunoichi, and most of all, that places them in a position of leadership of sorts.

"I'm sure. If what Lord Orochimaru has given us is the right information..." Sakumo replied, trailing off as he was unsure if one should fully trust the snake like Sannin.

"He has." The dark, purple tinted haired girl spoke up, her name Anko, also being the former student of this person. "He... he is someone that would give the right information." 'Especially since he has some sort of end goal...' Anko thought to herself.

"If you are so sure." Sakumo replied, before coming to a stop and adding. "Before we continue, I will go ahead to check whether or not this is the actual place. While it is good and all to have trust in others, as a ninja one shouldn't blindly follow orders, instructions or anything else like that." He would know.

"Humph! Whatever..." Anko huffed quietly to herself, whereupon Haruhi would take control of the conversation again.

"Don't mind her. Understand that this is something big, huge for these children to go through." Haruhi said.

"Children, huh?" Sakumo looked at them all, Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi and Rin Nohara. "Once the three of you became kunoichi, I am sure that you know full well that you are no longer considered a child."

"Of course we know that. What are you implying, Mr. Hatake?" Kurenai, the uniquely red eyed girl said back towards Sakumo.

"I'm not implying anything. There are consequences to ones actions, and the actions taken today not only affect yourselves, but also others. If you three only wanted to run away with Obito Uchiha simply because you have a crush on him, I would say you are foolish." Sakumo is harsh in his words, but it is also a reality that what they are doing could be considered rash.

"I didn't leave just because of that..." Rin spoke, the most quiet of the three younger girls.

"Oh...?" Sakumo made a sound that was in askance.

"I am leaving for more than just some flimsy crush that may or may not be reciprocated." Rin spoke calmly, yet there was some frustration in her tone, no doubt because of Sakumo's words. "I wanted to be with Obito, especially in his time of need now. Just as I believe Kurenai and Anko wish to be with him as well."

"That is the main reason, but there are other things once I though about it, I couldn't look away from." Rin continued.

"So there is something more than what I assume..." Sakumo was waiting, interested to know what these children could possibly see in Obito other than their love for him that was obvious for him and probably for others to see.

"Of course!" Anko exclaimed as she stepped forward. "Obito has done a lot of good, so it only makes sense that he will continue to do so even if he is branded as he is. I don't mind taking on the same status." She said oh so bravely, yet it was genuine, and Sakumo could tell.

Stepping forward, it seemed like it was the oldest of the three, Kurenai Yuhi's turn to speak her mind. "My father and mother are gone now. Not in that they are dead, but moved away from Konoha and most of the main places within the Land of Fire."

"Their reasoning is valid, but most of all, I have seen things just the same as others have probably seen. The darkness of the world. The darkness of this lifestyle, and its upsetting to be totally honest." Kurenai added.

"And? What does that have anything to with Obito?" Sakumo asked in turn, his face, his expression totally neutral leaving the four opposite him to wonder what it was exactly he is thinking.

"I believe... I believe Obito has something within him, whatever it is." Rin started again. "Something that I am sure that you have seen yourself, been exposed to and have had the chance to experience, have you not, Mr. Hatake?"

"Then...? What do you think he could do with what you are talking about?" Sakumo asked.

"We don't know. I don't know. None of us knows, but there is something within him, within those eyes of his past his blood red Sharingan eyes." Kurenai went after Rin. "A fire that is warm, a heart that is loving and kind. I can't say much for anyone else, but I may not have come this far as a kunoichi if I was not inspired by him and what he tries to achieve, whatever it is."

"You see in him some sort of light? And then? What is it that any of you three you can do for him?" Sakumo asked, wanting to see more of where their intentions may lie.

"Of course. We are to be there for him, that is if he wants it, and I am sure that he will want all of us." Anko stated quite proudly as well.

"Hah! You make it sound like you are to share him or something." Sakumo laughed a bit at this but he wasn't getting any laughs at this fact. 'Wait... really?' Shaking his head, he continued. "Fine, if that is what you all think..."

"Hey!" A voice all of a sudden was heard from a distance away, and they would, whoever it is, would continue to call out before coming close enough that those that stayed here would identify this person.

"Who is it?" Haruhi asked as she was fast to signal to the other three girls to be on guard.

"I don't know, but be ready just in case." Sakumo narrowed his eyes, none of them here could exactly be called chakra sensor type shinobi or kunoichi.


"Hello!" The voice would finally come close enough, and the person would be revealed. "I never would of thought, but it is nice to see that you all made it safely."

"Obito!" Anko was the first to react fast enough that she would bolt forward uncaring of their current position and suspicion, and she would latch herself onto him.

"Woah! Calm down there." Obito would hold on to her for a bit before placing her down to the ground, before looking around. "You guys took a little bit longer than you were supposed to." He said to them all, their guards lowered at seeing that nothing bad has come about.

They also know that they haven't been placed in some sort of illusion as they checked, double checked in this situation. There was no telling what could or would happen if their guards were let down.

"Obito. Good to see you again." Sakumo came forward, holding his hand out and shaking Obito's hand.

"You two. I heard from Kakashi. I may not quite understand, but I appreciate the help." Obito replied, before looking towards Kurenai. "You too, huh?"

"Of course. I'm free to do what I want, and I want to come with you. Can I not?" Kurenai asked him with a smile.

"You can." Obito rubbed the back of his head before looking towards Rin and Haruhi. "Aunty Haruhi, why...?" He asked with some confusion.

"Don't worry about it. I'm here for Rin." Haruhi pushed Rin forward to hurry up and speak.

"A-Are you okay?" Rin asked Obito.

"Of course." Obito replied with his own smile, somewhat goofy but it almost seemed like some sort of golden ray of sunlight was behind him, illuminating his form in this moment.

"T-That's good..." Rin trailed off a bit, a little embarrassed not because of anything else other than the fact her mother was with her in this moment. It wasn't exactly the moment that Rin was expecting with this small reunion where it wasn't really a reunion of sorts.

"I think we should get going, but before that, how did you know...?" Sakumo trailed off as he asked.

"Oh... That's because I'm a sensor. I felt you guys coming once you entered my range." Obito replied.

"You sensed us from that far away...?" Sakumo was a bit amazed that Obito's sensing capabilities extended that far, for while they weren't that far off from the meeting point, that didn't mean it was some measly distance either.

"I had to get better at this stuff with the things I have been preparing." Obito replied, before adding. "Let's go then. Don't want to be caught, no?"

"Yes, you are correct." Sakumo replied whilst looking at how Obito has grown. He may be someone without a proper family, one with blood relations, but looking around and knowing there are others, Sakumo could consider Obito lucky.

'Truly, I can see what those children were talking about...' Sakumo thought to himself, also remembering the words that Kakashi had spoken to him before on the topic of Obito.

'Obito... he is kind. He is strong, and he has secrets... Most of all, there is this fire, a fire like the sun which seems to illuminate things. Obito is my friend, but I can see in him what a lot of people seem to look for. Hope.' Sakumo remembered his son's words on his friend.

'Hope, huh?' Sakumo would have to see whether or not Obito would go on to change the world.


Deep within a special space, a space that was created by a strange combination of things that happen to coincide with many things.

The rebirth of the individual known as Naruto Uzumaki as Obito Uchiha, the energy gifted onto him by his best friends, a brother of sorts, Sasuke Uchiha, and the energy gifted to him through the Sage of the Six Paths, alongside the energy of his seal that sealed away the Nine Tail's.

More in the form of the energy that came from Obito in the form of the world as it was dying and recreation of the Ten Tail's.

Kaguya Otsutsuki is now another step closer to achieving what she desires, a way to be whole again. To become a whole person, to be and gather up all of the chakra necessary so that she may break through the limits and become powerful enough to push back the Otsutsuki, members of her clan from coming after her and 'her chakra.'

Of course, at this point, while she still considers most of this planet her own 'nursery,' in which all of the charka belongs to herself, she has also made a special concession in the form of her connection to Obito Uchiha, that was otherwise once known, and would no longer be known, as Naruto Uzumaki.

Kaguya sat there, having gathered the energy types from three of the nine tailed beasts spread throughout the world. They are constructs, beings created from her, so in a way, those Tailed Beasts are her children in a sense.

Or her grandchildren, for it was also her own child, Hagoromo Otsutsuki that went ahead to split her up, to seal her and trap her away...!

'Stop that thinking...' Kaguya halted those thoughts and feelings, for she knows now to better put away her feelings and emotions in relation to such things.

The Tailed Beast chakra she has so far comes from the Eight Tails, Nine Tails and Three Tails.

Having amassed and gotten ahold of this chakra, she compiled it enough and managed to start a flow within herself. Her spiritual form, which has now lead to the moment she has been waiting for.

'It is now, a change will occur...' Kaguya opened her eyes and felt herself and Obito become closer in some capacity.

She didn't feel much difference at first, that is until Kaguya found herself now at the precipice of something, and that needed a connection to be made with Obito. He needed to be here.

'And then, we shall see just what this seal is all about...' Kaguya thought to herself with no small amount of excitement.