
V.1-C.95│Calm Before the Storm V│

Rin Nohara.

She has grown, and for some reason, she feels as if that she shouldn't be alive.

Not in a sense that she wanted to die, or anything close to, or similar to something like that. No, it was more like a sense, or feeling that she shouldn't be alive, as if her existence was against the grain of reality in some fashion.

Though, this feeling was minimal and over time it started to dissipate.

She didn't have this feeling anymore, and it wasn't like this mattered anyway, so what was the point in lingering or dwelling on this point.

Rin has noticed a increase her prowess overall in many subjects. Though, most of all she has had to struggle to regain control of her chakra, so that she uses less of it, but it would be controlled enough that she can start using medical techniques once again.

Training under the Legendary Tsunade Senju was surely a powerful thing, though Rin has been told that it is unlikely, no, next to impossible for her to get enough control for her to learn Tsunade's more advanced techniques.

Rin's chakra reserves are just increasing that much, so she had to figure out a new way to fight, a new way to protect herself and others.

The Three Tailed Beast sealed within her was giving her a steady supply of chakra, though unwillingly. Learning from Kushina, Rin understood that the Tailed Beasts are destructive in nature and should be animalistic.

Rin can't speak much for Kushina's opinion, but what she has observed, Kushina seemed to dislike the Tailed Beasts herself. Rin on the other hand couldn't really feel one way or the other on the matter.

She can't blame the Tailed Beast for being sealed within her.

"Hey, Rin." Rin was awoken from her thoughts, from her wondering and pondering, to Obito's voice.

She was within a training grounds, specifically working on her control some more as she needed to control her chakra much more than others. Kushina had made a point of saying that chakra control, or constant chakra control practice was important to make sure that her chakra doesn't go out of her control.

"Obito...?" Rin said back with a questioning tone, as she was not expecting to see Obito here and now. After all, it wasn't like she or he needed to spend time with each other every second of the day.

Alone time is a thing, despite being a social species and all.

"I wanted to come and do some things... related to the Tailed Beast within you." Obito told her and got straight to the point.

"What? Is it ok to talk about that out in the open?" Rin worried, for they have been keeping her current status as a jinchuriki secret from the village at large.

"It's fine. I would know when someone else is around." There wasn't anyone else around to hear what they are to talk about, not that Rin thinks that there is anything that shouldn't be heard... other than the whole jinchuriki and Tailed Beast aspects of the conversation so far.

"Ok then." Rin replied, waiting for what Obito wanted to do next. So far, Obito has been a helpful component on her task to overcome her new 'flaw,' that others may not necessarily see as a flaw.

"Sorry, I didn't really ask about how your day was going or anything like that." Obito seemed to realize that maybe there was some sociality norms that one should use.

"No-no. It's ok. You don't have to ask me anything like that..." Rin couldn't lie to herself though, as she felt that it would be nice to have a normal conversation sometimes.

Of course, the life of a shinobi really limited ones free time, in that a civilian would be able to do things on their free time more so than a shinobi. Simply because they do not have to keep up with some sort of training regimen, or their free time is not taken up by other duties one has.

Really, the life of a shinobi is difficult, much more than a regular civilian lifestyle. To fight and sacrifice ones own life for their country, their home is a great thing.

Rin herself holds a strong love for the village, though this love was something that was instilled into her since a young age, especially by her parental figures. Specifically her mother, whom is a retired normal shinobi that did some basic things here and there.

Rin never knew her father... Supposedly her mother had met him sometime during a mission, her mother got pregnant, and now here Rin is.

"At least let me ask... How are you adjusting... To, you know, your 'condition.'" Obito asked her.

"I'm fine. It has been tough though with all of this chakra..." Rin replied before she looked back at Obito. "And you?"

"Uh... Yeah, I'm good. Just some... stuff has been brought to my attention and it has been a little stressful." Obito awkwardly laughed a little as he said this.

"Oh? And what is it? Maybe I can help?" Rin wanted to help.

"No. This problem is not exactly something anyone else but myself can help with." Obito shook his head in reply, and this made Rin wonder just what problem he was facing.

Though, it shouldn't be anything he couldn't handle, as Obito has proven time and time again that he could handle most things thrown his way. 'I mean, if Obito wasn't so calm about it, I don't think I myself could handle becoming a jinchuriki. If anything, I would've probably freaked out about whether or not Kirigakure would be using me to launch some type of attack on Konoha...' Rin thought to herself.

"Ok then. Well, are you going to do what you wanted to do?" Rin asked him, in reference to why he first came here.

"Of course." Obito replied, his red Sharingan eyes looking directly into her rather plain and boring brown eyes. Or at least she would say that her looks and appearance couldn't really be compared to the other girls around Obito, in the form of Mei or Kurenai, with their own beautiful appearances.

"Ready..." As Obito said this, Rin's world started to swirl as she looked into his eyes, and the next moment she would find herself within another space.

Another space that happened to kind of look strange, what with things all around appearing kind of like a river of sorts, with its flow going all around the place in different directions.

Looking around this space, Rin was fairly certain that this was most definitely not within Konoha. "Rin." Obito said from behind her, startling her a bit as she placed a hand to her heart.

"Obito! Please... don't do that." Rin breathed out a sigh of relief as it was Obito, though she did have questions. "Where are we?"

"We are within the 'seal,' though it is a little bit more than just the seal keeping the Three Tail's at bay." Obito answered her question, making her panic a bit as she jumped towards him.

"Wh-Where is it!?" She practically clung to him, afraid to face the beast.

"What are you scared of? The Three Tail's cannot harm you here, not unless you allow it or are stupid." Obito replied as she would then awkwardly disengage from her fearful embrace of Obito.

Clearing her throat, Rin spoke with her eyes closed. "R-Right..." She peaked and looked towards another area that Obito was walking towards.

A space that seemed to be keeping something out, or was it a space keeping something in? For this room had two sides, the one behind the large bars that reach from the rooftop of this space to the watery ground, and the other where herself and Obito seemed to have come from.

Something shifted on the other side, something humongous.

There was some silence, before emerging from the darkness behind the bars, a large turtle, but with a crab-like shell, spikes all over its body, and three shrimp-like tails behind it emerged from the shadows. Its right eye is constantly closed.

"Rin, this is the Three Tails." Obito spoke to her, waking her up from her stillness. She got behind him, not knowing what is to happen.

"Hello..." Timidly, the Three Tail's begun to speak to the two of them, and it was a bit surprising to Rin, for she thought the beast whom be... well, beastly at least. "You are an Uchiha..." The Three Tail's didn't know what to think right now.

One moment it was being left alone to its own devices, and hadn't even been placed within a person to be sealed. The next moment, it finds itself sealed once again. "Yes, I am an Uchiha, and the person beside me is your... landlord." Obito replied.

"I see... How strange..." The Three Tail's didn't seem mad or angry or any other emotion right now.

Not that Rin could tell.

"I came here... No, we came here to see if you can help Rin here out." Obito was acting the negotiator between her and the Three Tail's. "First though, I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Obito Uchiha." Obito nudged her to at least introduce herself.

She didn't come out from behind him though, and instead stayed behind him while exposing her face around him towards the beast. "H-Hello... My name is R-Rin Nohara..." She thought that would be adequate enough, and it didn't seem like the Three Tail's was all that caring for this.

Again, not like she could tell. "Hmm... If I remember correctly, shouldn't the Uchiha clan be a clan from Konohagakure?" The Three Tail's asked first.

"Yes." Obito replied.

"I wonder..." The beast seemed to think to itself for a bit, before it continued. "My name is Isobu." Rin was a little surprised that the Tailed Beast has a proper name, though it was really Kushina whom was getting to her on this.

Kushina felt some type of way about being a jinchuriki, which is understandable, though some of her dislike towards the Kyuubi is misplaced. "Does that mean the Kyuubi has a name as well?" Rin asked wanting to know, and having gained some more confidence over time while also being with Obito.

"All of my siblings do." The now identified Isobu answered.

"Siblings..." Rin whispered to herself, filing away this information for possibly another time, whether that would be important or not.

"You wish for my help?" Isobu posed the question to the two of them.

"Yes. I'm sure you are aware of how jinchuriki's work." Obito responded.

"I do." Isobu replied.

"I wont demand you to do anything, I can't really." Obito wouldn't control the Tailed Beast with his Sharingan, as he saw this as an act of taking away their free will.

How could he not care? "No demands... Though, from what I understand, the little one behind you is my, as you put it, landlord, correct?" Isobu asked.

"Yes." Obito replied.

"Then let me speak with her." Isobu said, wanting not to speak with Obito anymore and instead with Rin.

"Rin..." Obito took her aside for a bit. "You will be completely fine. If you want to become more powerful, more in control, then I suggest you form a good relationship with Isobu here. That is why I brought you here."

"I don't know..." Rin had her doubts, but... "But if you think I can do it, I will do it."

"Don't worry. Isobu is one of the least aggressive amongst the Tailed Beasts." Rin didn't even question how Obito knew that.

Stepping forward, Rin would then begin, though in the background, Obito was doing something out of the perception of the two others here. Specifically, he was absorbing just enough of Isobu's chakra into himself, straight towards Kaguya as requested.

"Uh... Isobu, right?" Rin said unsurely.

"That is I." Isobu replied.

"Want to be friends...?" She asked again, thinking that this is the easiest way to go about it, without the whole theatrics of forming a friendly relationship.

"Friends...? You are a kind girl... I don't mind being friends with you." Isobu replied. "Though, if you want to be able to access more of my power, I would suggest that you train a little bit better..."

"It was that easy?" Rin asked.

"I rather not waste my time on grudges or hate or anything like that. I'm an immortal being, what did you expect?" Isobu asked.

"Exactly what you said..." Rin replied, a little exasperated, though she now has a clearer idea of her 'tenants' personality. "I hope we can get along then."

"I hope so too..."


"Kakashi..." The voice of Minato Namikaze spoke, as Kakashi was now alone with his mentor and what could also be considered a friend. "I have a mission for you, a very important mission." Minato spoke in a serious tone, allowing Kakashi to know that this was important.

Having joined the ANBU, Kakashi is much more subject to what Minato wants and needs, and the missions he has been given up until now have been in an effort to better integrate Kakashi into the ranks of the ANBU.

Minato wanted, needed someone trusted within the ANBU, as while Minato is the Hokage now, it wasn't like there wouldn't be those that would wish to keep tabs on him. "What is it, Lord Hokage?" Kakashi asked respectfully, as he noticed that it was just the two of them.

Minato had either sent away the ANBU protecting him, or had done something else to get the two of them alone. Smiling, Minato replied. "I need you to watch over someone, a friend of yours."

"A spying mission?" Kakashi was a bit put off by the fact that he would have to spy on a friend, yet that is what his job entails.

"Yes. A close friend of yours even. I just wanted to know, whether or not you are ready to handle something like this." In certain ways, Minato was like an older brother for Kakashi, so he felt a connection to him and would do things for him.

"Of course I am." Kakashi replied, certain that he should be able to handle it. Though, he was unsure of what would be said next.

"You're to spy on Obito Uchiha..." Minato finally revealed onto him.

"Obito? Has he done something wrong...?" Kakashi asked, a little surprised that Minato would want to spy on Obito.

From what he understood, Obito was a talented, hard-working shinobi. Sure, he may be a bit silly sometimes, but that didn't negate that he has made some contributions to the village overall.

"Not exactly. That is why I need someone to watch him, to discover what he is doing. Some reports suggest that he is a traitor to the village." Minato revealed.

"Lord Hokage, there is no way that Obito is a traitor." Kakashi responded respectfully, unsure of where this was coming from.

"Look. You have just said you are ready to do this, yet now you hesitate?" Minato asked Kakashi, leaving him to fall silent.

It is his job, a direct order from the Hokage, Minato is an older brother like figure, and he looks up to Minato in some ways.

"Well...?" Minato seemed to have some expectations for him.

"I... I will do as you ask." Kakashi didn't like it, but he would do it, if only to prove that Obito is innocent.

"Good, I knew that I could count on you." Minato replied as he patted Kakashi's shoulder.