
V.1-C.81│Eternal I│

He watched.

How could he just stand there and watch, as his friend was killed right in front of him?

He watched as his friend died in front of him, not doing anything, and in some ways wishing for it to happen and taking no small amount of delight in the act that happened.

Though, he wasn't so desensitized or gratified by his friends death, and instead experienced an emotion most people feel at the death of their friends or family.

Sadness, grief, anger. All sorts of emotions he experienced, but who knew that in his moment of 'weakness,' was to be the moment of weakness that would define whether or not his friend would live.

His devotion to his village was so strong that he never fell victim to the Curse of Hatred.

However, Shisui had a darker side he was deeply ashamed of; out of envy to a friend who he believed had surpassed him in ability, Shisui withheld aid at a critical moment, leading to the other shinobi's death.

The guilt of what he had done led Shisui to consider himself a murderer, causing him to awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan.

Right now, Shisui found himself back within the village, his home village of Konohagakure and he had holed himself up within his room. First his father was injured during the war, a war of which he disliked just as much as the next person as he had to place his life on the line along with the others that he would consider his friends and family.

His father... well, he was a shinobi just like one Shisui is a shinobi, but Shisui's father could no longer work the field. He couldn't go out on missions for the village anymore, and he couldn't be a part of the Uchiha Police Force either because he was crippled.

That left Shisui to be the sole bread winner of his family, meaning any and all pressure is on himself to make sure his family has food on the table to eat. For his mother and father both would he have to do this, as his mother would have to stay home and help her sick husband with some mundane tasks.

Thankfully, Shisui's father is able to still be a relatively normal person, and could be in a way treated as a war veteran.

Not that this should be anything to be proud about. Yes, defending or fighting for ones country is an honor, or is supposed to be an honor, however... fighting in a war and killing others, whether that be defensive or in an offensive way is not something to be proud about.

Those who are in the heat of those conflicts should know, would know better than to think of themselves proud for taking away the lives of another living being.

After all, there are two sides to a conflict, and both sides would see each other as the enemy or villain, thus allowing themselves to not be beaten down by their consciousness for their actions taken against another.

Bearing stark resemblance to his ancestor Kagami Uchiha, Shisui also had short, unkempt, dark-colored hair, black eyes and a relatively broad nose and well-defined eyelashes, that were turns upwards at each end.

He wore the standard attire of the Uchiha clan which includes a high-collared, dark-colored outfit along with a tanto strapped to the right side of the back of his shoulder. He also wore what appeared to be a harness for his tanto which ran across his chest and fastened over both his shoulders.

Within his room right now, he didn't really have anything extra that he was wearing. Right now, he was recovering from the last mission he was just on, the mission that had taken the life of his friend.

Like many members of his clan, Shisui was a wielder of the Sharingan, which he awakened at a young age. His mastery of the Sharingan is highly praised for his especially high skill and sheer power in its usage.

Using it, he gains access to the dojutsu's generic abilities such as seeing chakra, predicting movements, and placing a victim under paralysis genjutsu upon eye contact. His genjutsu was especially powerful, hailed as the greatest user of the clan.

His most basic techniques could easily trap other powerful users of the Sharingan.

Then there is his Mangekyo Sharingan. Shisui was one of the few people that was able to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan. He awakened it when he watched a dear friend and rival die after withholding his aid in a moment of envy and weakness.

Once activated, its design appears as a four-point pinwheel. His Mangekyo Sharingan amplifies his ability to cast genjutsu by circumventing the need to make eye-contact to make use of its techniques.

From this, he could trap multiple individuals in his genjutsu from great distances away. Also, needing only to look at a target's eye, he can pour large amounts of chakra into them in order to increase its ability to keep them trapped.

It also gives him access to Kotoamatsukami in each eye. Regarded as a unique genjutsu of the highest caliber, it allowed him to enter the mind of any individual within his field of view by manipulating them into believing false experiences seamlessly and completely, acting upon them as if they were truly acting on their own free will.

This... this was truly a deadly, disastrous and completely broken power that if in the wrong hands could be used to bring down an entire country from the inside out.

Another benefit to awakening his Mangekyo Sharingan was manifesting his Susanoo. Though, he has never used it at this current state.

All of this, was a result of one small inaction on his behalf, and he completely hated himself for it. He don't even know if there is such a thing as justice in the shinobi world. Everyone fights believing in their own justice. His or others own justice. But if the enemy is doing the same thing, who's right?

As Shisui was within said bedroom, a being that he didn't notice had creeped up on him. A large figure that overshadowed him easily, especially since Shisui at this point is six years of age.

Shisui was starting to feel sleepy as the night went on, but he thought that he was just getting naturally tired, especially because it was night time. Which is surprising since for a few nights now he was unable to sleep due to reliving that moment where his friend died because he did nothing about it.

'Maybe I should... get some sleep.' Shisui struggled a little bit to stay awake, not knowing that he was affected by something else to go to sleep. 'I'm sorry...' Before he closed his eyes, he would think of his friend.

He had been having trouble sleeping due to the sleepless nights of remembering and reliving the moment that happened to his friend, through his inaction.

This was an unnatural sleep, not induced by Shisui's normal brain function...

One moment, Shisui was in his bedroom, and the next he was taken without any effort by the intruder, whom managed to knock him out easily through the use of a drug that had gotten into his system.


Mikoto had been doing her research now, or more like surveillance of the Uchiha members within the Uchiha that have the Mangekyo Sharingan.

She managed to identify and know of a rare few that actually have the Mangekyo Sharingan unlocked, those being Shisui Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha, Naori Uchiha, and Naka Uchiha.

Unfortunately, Naka Uchiha has gone missing in action during the war, and she was unable to find out anything more about this person.

He would've been the perfect candidate for Obito as well, given that Naka Uchiha and Naori Uchiha are both the same age as Obito.

Looking more into the three individuals that do currently have the Mangekyo Sharingan, she can say for sure that this ability is something rarely awoken. Even the normal Sharingan itself would be rarely awoken for an actual shinobi trained Uchiha, let alone the civilian population of the Uchiha.

Thankfully, her Mangekyo Sharingan kind of allows her to identity such things if she puts her mind to it. She just needs to read the minds of the people she wished to get an idea about them, though that was hard as she was framing her questions in a way that they would be unable to figure out what she is trying to find out.

The easiest of course had to do with the youngest, Shisui, and she was able to identify that he has an ability similar to her own. It was not only similar, but also way stronger as well, or at least that is what she was able to tell from the mind-reading process she went through.

'Well, not really reading their memories or anything like that, just accessing their thoughts and emotions in that moment I do so.' Mikoto thought as she compared and contrasted her own ability to Shisui's.

Truly, if she wanted a pair of eyes to swap with her own, Shisui's would be the most ideal and would suit her own innate abilities much more.

Then the next on the list was Naori Uchiha, being the second of the three that she saw as the easiest to frame and ask questions about certain things to prompt her into giving up something, anything really that pertains to her eyes.

Surprisingly enough, Naori Uchiha's Mangekyo Sharingan abilities relates to the ability to recover something which is lost. 'Benzaiten,' is the name of Naori's Mangekyo Sharingan ability, and it relates to illusions.

It made sense, since a lot of what the Sharingan can do relates to their perception of the world or the perception of the world through the eyes of another. Thus, 'Benzaiten,' is an illusionary ability much like Mikoto's or Shisui's, but is fundamentally different in what this power provides.

Her Mangekyo Sharingan, funnily enough did not affect the visual perception of someone, and instead was a technique that focused on sounds. Though, Mikoto knows that the eyes and ears are connected in certain ways, given that when she uses the Sharingan, her ears are slightly affected as well.

Benzaiten allows Naori to create completely false sounds, and make them seem real, obviously. But it does more than that, as if she uses it some more, it can eventually put someone to sleep, or put someone unconscious as soon as she uses it.

It was not only something that can 'debuff' someone, it was also an ability that could 'buff' someone as well, as she can make another person stronger through her ability in its usage, or make someone weaker.

It was something that affected the mind, yet it has actual physical effects present that make this power all the more valuable.

However, Mikoto didn't consider her to be a good match up with Obito... for more than just not wanting Obito to share eyes with another woman... 'That may be a part of the reason, but it isn't the main one...' Mikoto would think to herself, reaffirming that maybe she is a bit selfish.

Though, this was completely natural, and while she may accept him being with other girls, that didn't mean she wanted him to just run off and be with just about anyone. Girls are territorial as well, just as much as guys are at times.

Mikoto wouldn't completely discount using Naori if need be, but her best pick for wanting to give some eyes to Obito, was Fugaku Uchiha.

The man that is still, secretly, trying to gain her love or affection. He has a wife, yet he was willing to still chase after her, and she heavily started to dislike it.

No, she had disliked it right from the start, and now she was all the more disgusted by Fugaku, as while she can't say much about what his relationship is like with his wife, or whether or not he has some arrangement with her that he would be allowed to chase after other women, she couldn't stand his insistence.

This is one of the reasons she was more than willing to have Obito take his eyes, which should be a good enough exchange for all of the years he has constantly been trying to gain her affection.

He most certainly hadn't grown on her, and as she does have her Mangekyo Sharingan's ability, Amanozako, allowed her to see Fugaku's true nature and she most certainly didn't like what she saw.

Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan's ability is something that Mikoto was unable to determine fully, but going off of the things she managed to gather from him, it probably has something to do with heat.

The word she was able to decipher from Fugaku's mind was, 'Amenohoakari,' and it seemed to have to do with some sort of ability that can manipulate heat to a certain extent. A power related to the control of temperature is something not that powerful, or at least that is what Mikoto thought as she could literally take control of him through her own eyes if she wanted.

Hell, Shisui Uchiha could do the same.

However, she knows that there is something else that Fugaku was able to hide away in his mind when she was trying to frame questions to get her answers she wanted. From what she could understand, he also seemed to have some power over... light? But this was all she was able to really gather.

Out of all the candidates, yes she wanted to take Fugaku's eyes for Obito, but he was the most unknown and weakest one out of the three she had.

If Naka Uchiha was still around, she would have another opportunity to look into the boy, but that was impossible now.

Mikoto is putting herself above Obito in this sense, since she wants him to not go blind first, even though there really isn't anything that could suit him and his abilities.

True, it is said that it has to be from a relative, a close relative like a sibling, but she has also done some research into why this has to be. Mikoto is no medic-nin, and neither does she really have the talent for it either.

But, from what she understood, it will be possible to still transplant as look as stuff like blood-type lines up between donor and recipient.

Mikoto had also created a plan, a plan of which she would use to take care of the current problem she and Obito faces. 'Soon I will be able to get those eyes...' She thought to herself.

She did start to feel a little weird at this moment, before she would feel an immense need to use the bathroom. Throwing up, Mikoto would then feel better afterwards.

'Well, I guess the first thing I can do is get myself better... Strange, I don't think I have a cold...?'