
V.1-C.79│I Didn't Mean To Do That III│

"So, you got an explanation as to why you have brought home a pretty girl? You plan on marrying her or something?" Tsunade asked as she was seated within the living room of this house, alongside Kushina and Mikoto, both of whom were here as well to get some information out of Obito about what is going on.

"No, I'm not going to be marrying the girl." Obito replied, before he would go on to explain himself and why they are here.

Of course, they understood they are mostly here for their injuries, but what was most important right now is on other reasons behind their stay.

Obito revealed the names properly, with Tsunade and Kushina being surprised to find that the gaunt one that was laying within Obito's room is an Uzumaki.

Kushina and Mikoto may have had some words with him afterwards, but it wasn't like they could stop him from doing what he wants to do. No, it was more accurate to say that both Kushina and Mikoto would allow him to do whatever he wanted to do.

On the other hand, Tsunade was seemingly happy that Obito, alongside Shizune was actually able to follow her guidance enough to perform the operation on that boy known as Yahiko.

Obito wanted to leave out some details, like Danzo's interference in this whole thing, knowing full well that Kushina would feel a certain way about this. However, Kushina was already told by Konan about what happened, which lead to her also exposing this to both Mikoto and Tsunade as well.

Shizune herself wasn't here and instead had been retired to her own room to rest up as she had gone through an exhaustive operation to save Yahiko's life. She was the main 'surgeon' after all, with Obito acting as her second as he wasn't that trained or advanced enough in medical techniques or knowledge as she was.

Now knowing about the Akatsuki, and their circumstances, of course Mikoto, Kushina and Tsunade would allow them to stay. Well, really it was mostly up to Mikoto and Kushina, as Tsunade could still be considered a guest of sorts.

Though, Konan, Yahiko and Nagato couldn't stay here for long, not only because of their presence here being dangerous for those that live here and those around them, but also for themselves.

If Danzo manages to discover they are hiding here, that would be a dangerous thing. At least Obito considered this to be dangerous, and that isn't to say what would happen during these times of war.

Who knows, but what Obito does know is that he needs to help set them up somewhere else. He knows that Hanzo had survived the encounter with Nagato, but Nagato wouldn't just stop here and instead would try to start a civil war against Hanzo's reign.

With Yahiko alive, maybe Nagato would not follow his same path. Being manipulated into doing what another person wants, even if Nagato would think that he is the one in control.

"I see... What are you to do with them after?" Mikoto by this point asked Obito.

"I know that they can't stay. I will take them back to Amegakure." Obito replied as Tsunade at this point would get up.

"I'm not the only fool, now am I?" Tsunade smugly said, pointing towards the fact that Obito was someone that acted in a manner that was foolish, at least from her eyes.

"I don't consider this foolish..." Obito replied as Tsunade started to walk away herself, probably to go and do something else.

"Come to me after you are finished here." Tsunade left as she said this, leaving Obito with both Kushina and Mikoto.

"She is right, Obito. You can't be doing things like this." Mikoto added after Tsunade was gone.

Kushina remained silent as she was digesting this information, only further making her see Danzo as a threat and possible reason as to why her home village was destroyed. 'No... I must hold the entirety of Konoha's leadership responsible if this is true...' Kushina thought to herself.

Laughing wryly, Obito responded. "Yes. I'm sorry." He apologized, knowing that his actions not only affect himself but also affect others.

Though, he couldn't give up on the notion of being able to try and change the way things are headed towards. He knows that just because he has Kamui and its dimension, and could potentially save everyone he loves and cares about if he wants to and they could live forever in his dimension, that didn't mean that was the right thing to do.

In the end, he was a resident of this planet, and so to would be his future children. 'Right... children...' Obito looked at Mikoto as he thought this, realizing that his dalliances with her weren't exactly protected in any nature.

"As long as you know. As long as you remain safe and alive, then that is all I ask of you." Mikoto was very clear in her meaning to Obito, which was something even Kushina could pick up on in this instance.

"I promise I wont die." Obito replied with a serious look on his face, promising the two. 'I wont die again.'

"Good." Mikoto got up before leaving herself as well, as she has plans for the day herself and she can't just put that off because of this. Specifically, she is to speak with Kurenai and help continue to train the girl, who is obviously wishing to become more powerful.

At this point, it had also been revealed to Kurenai that Kushina is a jinchuriki, a jinchuriki for the Kyuubi, and it has been revealed to Mikoto that Rin is a new jinchuriki as well.

Even Tsunade had been let in on the secret of Rin being a jinchuriki as well, since it was affected her directly when it comes to teaching or training Rin. People could do things outside of Obito's purview and permission.

Kushina and Rin decided that they want to reveal more information to Tsunade, that was fine. It was on their provocative given that Obito himself understands the nature of such a secret and the purpose of revealing it to both Mikoto and Tsunade.

Besides, these two women could be trusted, or at least that is what Obito believed to be the case.

Getting up, Obito heads towards where Konan has been given a place to sleep, and thankfully accommodations have been made so that they could accept a few more people into the house for now.

Knocking on her door, he waited before she would open to reveal that she was awake and not asleep. "Hey." Obito greeted her as Kushina was also just behind him, coming to greet Konan as well, and probably to talk more about some things.

Whatever Kushina had in mind was also important, and she wished to see if it was true. A relative, no matter how distant was still a relative.

Like Tsunade, Kushina may consider Nagato as family. "Hello...?" Konan replied back, unsure of what these two wanted right now. She had her own plans as to what they are going to do, specifically herself and her two friends, Nagato and Yahiko. "By the way, I forgot to ask about whether or not the other members a part of my organization are doing fine."

"They are. I made sure to leave a shadow clone at the time that we left so that it would tell those that arrived late about what has happened and where you guys are going towards." Obito replied. "May we enter?"

"Sure." Konan allowed the two of them to come in, as it wasn't even her actually place of residence and just temporary.

Instead of actually being put up in the main house where Obito lives and stuff, he had managed to move them all into the rebuilt house of Granny Masumi's. They were staying here for a bit, considering there were not enough rooms in the main house for them.

"You three should be able to return, if that is what you would like." Obito started. "Though, I would suggest you wait at least a day or two before you go, as Yahiko is still recovering, as I'm sure you were able to see." The damage done to Yahiko ensured that he would not be able to become a shinobi, or stay as he was.

He could do normal, everyday stuff, but he was no longer someone that could adequately protect himself anymore. His body was weak now, though he was alive. "Thank you." Konan thought herself becoming a broken record, owing this young man, that was in fact her age many favors.

"There is no need for that." Obito shook his head. "That is all I wanted to say." Obito handed over the conversation to Kushina, as she is obviously here for something.

"Konan... right?" Kushina asked, as Konan nodded her head in reply. "Nagato... he is an Uzumaki, correct?" She asked again.

"Yes." Konan replied.

"I see..." Kushina fell silent for a bit, before continuing. "I can, along with Obito, help you and your friends by giving you a place that you can call a home. Away from Amegakure, and away from Konoha here. An entire country that is deserted."

"I don't think that will be possible." Konan knew for sure that Yahiko nor Nagato would give up in Amegakure.

"It is my home country, your friends, Nagato's, home country. It would be safe there." Kushina said, knowing that it was probably the safest place for them.

"No. Nagato and Yahiko wont want that." Konan replied.

"Never mind then." Kushina finished before she got up and walked away herself, probably a little upset that she would not listen to her. Kushina may not have any deep connection or relation with Nagato, but he was someone connected to her home village.

"Don't mind her." Obito said to Konan as she almost... almost looked confused. "Then, what will you do now?" He asked.

"... I don't know..." Konan didn't. All she knew is that the Akatsuki would probably still continue, especially since Yahiko and Nagato are both still with her, and she would just continue to follow after the two of them.

"That's fine too. Although you really can't go anywhere, how about I still take you somewhere you can?" Obito posed a question to Konan, whom didn't think much of this request.

So far, he has been someone trustworthy, and dare she admit... comfortable to be around. Understanding and more than willing to listen to her complaints and story. Not even Yahiko or Nagato really seemed to care all that much about asking her of things.

They did care for her, but both seemed uninterested in her feelings, and it wasn't like she is naturally prone to expressing them as well.

"Are you sure it is safe?" Konan was inclined to go with him as well, especially since she knows next to nothing about him. In fact, from what she was able to observe, it almost seemed like he was hiding an entire world behind those eyes of his.

She figured since she told him her story, maybe she could listen to his. "Of course it is." Obito replied with a smile on his face, and this time she felt it was genuine.

For a second she just looked at him long enough to notice a slight uptick in her heartbeat. "Ok..." She kept this feeling to herself. She would think of Yahiko at this moment, yet, she failed to find him in her thoughts right now.

Again, Obito had a hypnotic gaze. Of course she also considered whether this was an illusion or not, but from what she can tell, it was not, and she had made sure to check.

To her, he was just something entirely strange and weird.

As she got up from her bed, she did manage to slip and fall right into Obito's arms, making quite a cliché scene. "Uh... You ok there?" Obito asked her, before she stabilized herself with a small blush that may be on her face.

"Y-Yeah..." This was one of the only times she has ever stuttered. 'I didn't mean to do that...'

"Cool, then let's go."


Hiraishin: Reverse has a problem, a problem which if someone managed to come across one of Obito's tagged seals, they would be able to use it if they are aware of the reversal process.

That is if Obito was stupid enough to allow such a flaw to exist, as the reversal process worked on the basis that he is aware of whom is requesting to teleport towards him.

He wanted something else, something more when it comes to the Hiraishin. It was a technique with which is only meant to be temporary, but he knows better than to just learn something yet never use it. So he needed to come up with something more.

While the Hiraishin seal was useful for a lot of things, Obito noticed that there was a distinct lack of awareness in these techniques. He is naturally a shinobi with high sensitivity to chakra, thus making him a sensor, yet he couldn't 'sense' people through the Hiraishin when going through his network.

So, he needed, wanted to create something that should be called... Hiraishin: Sensor. What this would do, or at least the concept behind this seal, is allowing Obito to sense chakra signatures through the seals, marks and tags that he has paced down.

This was all in the name for security reasons, as one of the flaws that he noticed relates to his inability to know when or if someone is on the other side of his Hiraishin seal. It would also make it easier for him to displace, summon and reverse summon people towards him, or Obito going towards others.

It wouldn't be long before Obito would say goodbye to Konan, as he transported her, Nagato and Yahiko towards their destination. Nagato had woken up, and seemed to be seeking revenge at this point, wanting to go full force in starting a rebellion against Hanzo.

Konan wanted to help him, though Obito did sense from her some sort of reluctance to leave. He dismissed this as himself just imagining things, and then there was Yahiko, the poor guy.

Sure, he may no longer be able to do most physical activities, but he can still use chakra. Much like Nagato, Yahiko has ended up in a similar state, though he would still be stuck in his coma like state.

Konan used this as a chance to ask of Obito to mark her...

Stop your dirty thoughts, for she learnt of his Hiraishin and wished to use him to check up on Yahiko from time to time. He would oblige and mark her easily.

Just in case, Konan would be able to use Hiraishin: Reverse if need be to come towards him to escape her pursuers, if any dared to go against her.

She is a strong individual.

The war was winding down, with Mikoto now no longer even going anywhere and staying in Konoha. The same could be said for Kushina, Kurenai and Rin as these three continued to practice and train hard to become stronger.

Officially he has started training under Tsunade, alongside Shizune whom has taken it upon herself to act as if she is superior to him in terms of ranking. Which she is, as she is much more experienced then him when it comes to medical techniques.

Though, Obito believed that wouldn't be for long.

He also couldn't just leave out the girl left behind all the way in Kirigakure, and he did have to once again use his Kamui. Though, once marking Mei, he and she would be able to come to and from each other easily.

Of course, he would still be the epicenter of the burden for chakra usage, but he didn't mind this.

Constantly using space-time techniques, whether that be his inherent abilities or something developed and learnt, he was growing stronger and better in using them effectively.

All of that space-time manipulation made him remember that he does have some friends in Kumogakure, in particular those three girls, Samui, Mabui and Yugito Nii.

He would have to find a chance to go towards that area, and sneak himself into the Land of Lightning after the war finishes, which it soon would be.

'But what is this innate sense of dread I'm feeling...?' Obito wondered, as if something was both right and wrong.

The peace that he feels was something that felt like it was about to be disrupted...